Change by Michal :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13618
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Michal :
components: Library (Lib)
nosy: bezoka, pablogsal, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add RWF_APPEND flag
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8
Python tracker
Michal added the comment:
I would like to fix this problem if nobody is against that. I stumbled upon the
very same thing recently and I think it would be a nice opportunity to
nosy: +mic4ael
Python tracker
New submission from Michal Božoň:
It's impossible to call methods of int literals directly e.g.
1.__str__() (the same for oct literals).
Even through it works for float, hex, literals, etc..
>>> 0x1.__str__()
>>> 1e0.__str__()
Michal Božoň added the comment:
.. OK, now I see than (1).__str__() works..
however, could be the parser fixed to 1.__str__() work too ?
Michal Božoň added the comment:
I don't understand why 1.j is 1j .. because there's no int.j .. why then
1.L is not 1L ?
Michal Božoň added the comment:
.. however, fixing this is not necessary - because no one would probably
use it, it's just a syntax inconsistency
Michal Božoň added the comment:
(finally now I get it.. I have forgotten that complex numbers can be
float.. :) sorry )
Michal Božoň added the comment:
I don't know it's in docs, it came into my mind, maybe logically (but
later) to put 1 into parentheses
Michal Božoň added the comment:
.. I remember.. it came onto my mind when I tried also -1.__str__() and
found out that the dot has higher priority than unary minus :)
Michal Božoň added the comment:
interesting. I'm not sure I've read anywhere that it is allowed to place
a whitespace between object and attributes. Thanks
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
Improved the patch:
- moved code example up, just below S_* functions list
Added file:
Python tracker
Michal Molhanec added the comment:
I've got the same problem with 2.7.1 (both 32bit and 64bit versions) under W7
SP1 64bit. Under WXP SP3 32bit it works OK. What's worse the output file is
3.2 (tested 64bit version) behaves even worse -- it does not print the error
like 2
Michal Molhanec added the comment:
Running it without redirecting output, like
works OK
Python tracker
Michal Molhanec added the comment:
Thanks, the fix looks working.
The questions are:
a) can this situation be detected at runtime to provide better error message?
b) can it be detected during the installation so that the installation program
can offer to the user to set the flag (or it could
New submission from Michal Molhanec :
input() returns string including trailing '\r'. IMHO the problem is not
directly in the input() function which just expects that the input string was
read in text mode so all of the platform specific newlines were normalized into
New submission from Michal Pomorski :
When using the argument file option, i.e @file_with_arguments the following
problems arise:
1. argparse crashes when the file contains an empty line (even if it is the
last line) - arg_string[0] is done when arg_string is empty.
This is caused by
Changes by Michal Pomorski :
type: -> crash
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Michal Vyskocil :
Write to /dev/full in python3 don't raise IOError. Python2 works as expected,
the close call causes an IOError exception with no space left on device message.
$ python
Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Aug 07 2010, 16:54:59) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help&qu
New submission from Michal Čihař :
Currently if /dev/urandom does not provide any data, unradom() call is just
stuck infinitely waiting for data.
I actually faced this issue when /dev/urandom was empty regular file (due to
bug in pbuilder, but I don't think it matters how it did happen
Michal Čihař added the comment:
Well in this particular case (/dev/urandom is regular file), it might make
sense to simply raise NotImplementedError
Python tracker
Michal Čihař added the comment:
Yes, it was blocking, but deep in some program (which was actually called by
dpkg postinst script), so it took some time to figure out.
I don't think it's that fragile to figure out whether it is regular file using
Indeed it wa
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
The patch v2:
- in description of os.stat function added information about following symlinks,
- made list of returned attributes by os.stat function more readable,
- fixed links to os.stat function in whole document.
Added file: http
Changes by Michal Nowikowski :
nosy: +godfryd
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
I have prepared a patch that:
- documents flags for os.chflags function in stat module
- adds links for these flags os module to stat module.
components: +None
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
Is this patch ok?
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Michal Božoň added the comment:
i confirm..
in my case, the bug manifestated when calling HEAD method on a different server
with chunked transfer encoding (
my workaround is to call always, except from cases when method
== 'HEAD' and resp
New submission from Michal Božoň :
now() - now() from datetime.datetime produces not-nearly-zero timedelta:
>>> import datetime
>>> ( -
(i can't in the moment figure out why this is happening, sice the datet
Changes by Michal Božoň :
title: incorrect timedelta yielded by two on-the-fly nows -> incorrect
timedelta yielded by two on-the-fly nows subtraction
Python tracker
Michal Božoň added the comment:
ok, my fault, i should have tried
>>> (abs( -
sorry :)
Python tracker
New submission from Michal D. :
While attempting to run an application with was working before I had updated
Python to the version 3.9, I had recieved following error message:
Fatal Python error: init_import_size: Failed to import the site module
Python runtime state: initialized
New submission from Michal Laboš :
The current warning filter seems to filter out the compile time
DeprecationWarnings that get triggered on invalid escape sequences:
import warnings
compile("'\d'", "", "eval")
New submission from Michal Arbet :
I'm not sure if this is really python bug, but I hope that you can check the
Issue is that from time to time i'm getting exception from python when sending
request to server which has http keepalive option turned on.
Requests send a r
Michal Arbet added the comment:
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 with dist apache2 and default settings :
michalarbet@pixla:~/work$ dpkg -l | grep apache
ii apache22.4.41-4ubuntu3
amd64Apache HTTP Server
ii apache
Michal Arbet added the comment:
Thank you very much for help, I created pull request for urllib3 ->
Can u just confirm that this could be fixed in urllib3 as it is in pull
request ? Have I fixed it by good way ?
Michal Arbet
( ke
New submission from Michal Čihař :
The onerror callback is called with os.lstat when the actual failing function
To reproduce create directory that can not be listed:
import os
import shutil
def onerror(func, path, exc_info):
New submission from Michal Sladek :
I am not a programmer so I appologize if I just don't understand the docs
properly. I need to wirte a function which sends emails with utf-8 encoded
subject and body. I tried something like this:
def sendMail (fromAddr, toAddr, subject,
Michal Sladek added the comment:
Hello Eric!
I believe that there is a bug which prevents adding UTF-8 encoded
suject to multipart message properly. But because I am not a
programmer, I admin I might be wrong. So if you are a programmer and
you don't see any obvious mistake in my example
Michal Sladek added the comment:
I guess you don't understand me.
My script works properly. I don't need any help with it. OK? I have
found a workaround and I am happy with it for now. But I think, there
is a problem in current version of Python language.
Now, what should I do to
New submission from Michal Sladek :
I think there is a problem when adding UTF-8 subject to email message. I wrote
following function (its code is based on examples I found in offical docs)
which should send an email with UTF-8 subject, UTF-8 plain text body and
attached file when all
Michal Sladek added the comment:
Hello Martin!
Thanks for your kind words and for giving me hints how to fill the bug
report properly. I hope this time it will be accepted (ID 14062).
Best regards
Dne 19. února 2012 19:59 Martin v. Löwis napsal(a):
> Martin v. Löwis add
Michal Sladek added the comment:
I tested the code again. Using Gmail SMTP server produces correct results,
using server leads to a problem (I should mention here, that
Seznam is the largest free mail provider in the Czech Republic). Here are the
differences on receiving side
Michal Sladek added the comment:
Changing code to:
encodedSubject = '=?utf-8?b?{0}?='.format(base64Subject)
still works properly with server
Python tracker
New submission from Michal Sekletar:
Documentation of subprocess module claims that exceptions raised in child
process will be re-raised in the parent process and will have child_traceback
attribute set [1]. At least on Fedora Rawhide with python-3.6.2 this is not the
New submission from Michal Kononenko :
The link below defines __len__
However, I was reading in the StackOverflow thread below that CPython does some
validation to check that the return value of __len__
New submission from Michal Gregorczyk :
I am cross-compiling Python3.6 for Android and noticed that the final result is
quite large (12mb of python3 binary + over 130mb of files under lib/python3.6).
Do you have any suggestions how to reduce that size so that the result is more
Michal Gregorczyk added the comment:
Thank you. I'm closing and will ask on python-list as suggested
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Michal Niklas :
I have strange error with source encoding header. I usually use it from
template which looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
This works well on Linux machines with Python 2.x and 3.x, but on Windows
machines it works well only with
New submission from Michal Plichta :
my code:
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stdout)
and mypy-0.550 complains about fmt vs
Michal Plichta added the comment:
see at typeshed:
def setLevel(self, lvl: Union[int, str]) -> None: ...
def setFormatter(self, form: 'Formatter') -> None: ...
this match pyth
Michal Plichta added the comment:
Nice, btw maybe other parameters in logging's docs needs to be corrected.
Python tracker
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
What is the progress of this issue?
I'm also interested in this feature.
I expected that these functions will behave as built-in min and max.
They have key argument, see here:
nosy: +go
New submission from Michal Vyskocil:
pprint._safe_repr for type str uses much slower codepath by default, which does
not makes a sense in Python3 context. Instead of simply using repr, it check
the existence of 'locale' in sys.modules and if found, it goes one-by-one-char
call s
Michal Vyskocil added the comment:
This is simple code checks if .isalnum is or is not locale sensitive and a
small measurement of how much is the repr faster, compared to old codepath.
BTW: python3 on patched version have succeeded
OK (expected failures=1
Changes by Michal Vyskocil :
Added file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Michal Vyskocil added the comment:
The fast scalars approach looks great!
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Changes by Michal Petrucha :
nosy: +konk
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Michal Petrucha added the comment:
As for the gdb example, you need to add --eval-command="set
_Py_HashSecret_Initialized=1", otherwise _Py_HashSecret will get overwritten
immediately after it is set by gdb, either to 0 if run without the -R switch,
or to a random value.
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
Attached a patch that adds description of get_header and header_items methods
in Doc/library/urllib.request.rst.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +godfryd
Added file:
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
It looks that it is already documented by 76228:2040842626ba changeset.
The bug can be closed.
nosy: +godfryd
Python tracker
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
The changes looks ok.
nosy: +godfryd
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
In json module there are dump/dumps methods which internally instantiate
encoder class JSONEncoder (or some other user-defined encoder clas).
They look as follows:
json.dump(obj, fp,
Michal Nowikowski added the comment:
Attached a patch.
To preserve current order of arguments in dumps/dump functions sort_keys
argument has been added to the end of arguments just before **kw.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Michal Zimen added the comment:
I can confirm similar behaviour in RHEL 6.3 with python 2.6.6.
This exception with the same https request has random behaviour.
nosy: +Michal.Zimen
Python tracker
Michal Božoň added the comment:
this is still unfixed in Python 2.x
nosy: +mykhal
versions: +Python 2.6, Python 2.7
Python tracker
Michal Petrucha added the comment:
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 08:06:32PM +, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> René, a balanced tree requires rebalancing on every (or almost
> every) item for some special (sorted) data sequences.
That's perfectly true and it holds for most unsorted sequen
New submission from Michal Vyskocil :
The compounded expressions with lambda functions are evaluated
incorrectly. The simple expressions, or a named functions are evaluated
good. The problem is only in the evaluation of compounded expressions.
It seems that after evaluate of the first lambda
Michal Hordecki added the comment:
It is because FieldStorage requires str, whereas wsgi.input gives bytes.
You can always wrap environ['wsgi.input'] in TextIOWrapper.
nosy: +MHordecki
Python tracker
New submission from Michal Liddle :
The following snippet demonstrates the problem:
class Test(object):
def get(self):
print "get"
def set(self, v):
print "set"
test = property(get, set)
t = Test
Michal Liddle added the comment:
Right you are. Looks like its actually an IPython specific behaviour
here (didn't think to check that in the first place, sorry).
Python tracker
Michal Božoň added the comment:
why would we throw the thread function result out of the window?
because there is a another way, to do it? there are always many ways,
how to do it, so why would we want to do it very difficult way?
i think that not having the result stored somewhere is a bug
Michal Božoň added the comment:
i still do not agree, it will always feel somehow incomplete, being able
to easily "threadize" the function:
>>> t = threading.Thread(target=func)
and then not being able to get the target func
Changes by Michal Ostrowski :
components: +Library (Lib)
type: -> behavior
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.4
Python tracker
New submission from Michal Ostrowski:
Three examples below. I believe the second is wrong, because it reorders
the "echo" and "," tokens.
>>> list(shlex.shlex('echo b="a",echo bar', posix=True))
['echo', 'b', '=',
New submission from Michal Cyprian:
1. python3 build --executable="/usr/bin/binary"
2. python3 install -O1 --skip-build
These two commands are typically used to build and install Python packages from
sources. Let's assume there is a script of package
Michal Cyprian added the comment:
Yes, both references in my previous message point to the patch for setuptools,
sorry for that. Here [3] is the patch that I prepared for distutils. I marked
all the versions, because this functionality is missing in all of them. In my
opinion it will be
New submission from Michal Niklas:
I have application that import emails from client IMAP4 mailboxes on (I
think it is popular provider in Poland). It worked very well up to Python 2.7.9
but with version 2.7.10 it hangs on read() in imaplib.IMAP4_SSL().
On my Fedora 23 I have Python
Michal Niklas added the comment:
Of course I'm not sure if it is related with RC4 removal, but I have found it
in changelog for Python 2.7.10:
Issue #23481: Remove RC4 from the SSL module's default c
78 matches
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