New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
This page:
Is the first result on google for "python sdist", but does not mention that all
but tar.gz and zip are supported by PyPI.
assignee: docs@python
components: Doc
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28269
stage: -> patch review
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +brett.cannon
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +28392
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +pablogsal
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Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Yep, this also break IPython command completions when users press tab in some
places in multiline code.
88f4ec88e282bf861f0af2d237e9fe28fbc8deac is the first offending commit for me
in the 3.9 branch:
[3.9] bpo-45494: Fix parser crash when
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Note that with the following example, exec and CommandCompiler return a
different error:
from codeop import CommandCompiler
# identical errors
#exec('1,\\#\n2') SystemError
#CommandCompiler()('1,\\#\n2', symbol
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> I will be able to take a look later in the weekend
Please take some time for yourself, I added you as you were the original author
of the patch to make you aware. I believe most projects can workaround that for
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Works for me as well. Thanks.
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Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> were you interested in continuing with Brett's (and your) suggestion for the
> API by making the first argument positional-only and the others optional?
Yes, but I currently do not have the time; if someone else want to take over;
or if
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
Hi, Not sure if this a bug, or an intended feature.
I got surprise by the following behavior.
from asyncio import run, sleep, get_event_loop
print(get_event_loop()) # return the current eventloop
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Thanks Andrew;
I'd still would love to have a way to get the current eventloop outside of
async code that is consistent.
I guess throwing an error with `get_event_loop()` is ok, it's just that
`RuntimeError` feel like a weird thin
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
better error/exception name for re.compile error.
Currently the error raise by re.compile when it fails to compile is `error`
defined in
class error(Exception):
"""Exception raised for invalid regu
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Most of the module specific classes are `Error`, not `error`, at least with an
uppercase E you know it's a class.
if a novice sees :
> error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 0
It will be relatively tough or them to figure
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Thanks for the advice I've done that !
Have a good day.
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Thanks Serhiy,
Here is a rough idea of how many places would be touched by renaming in the
`re` module:
(50 additions and 42 deletions.).
I haven't found any p
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16979
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> RECompileError, REParseError, RESyntaxError, REError, CompileError,
> ParseError, SyntaxError or Error,
> Many modules [...] have an exception named just Error
RECompileError, REParseError, RESyntaxError, REError, CompileError, ParseError
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
compile_command used to produce syntax error in exec mode:
$ python -c "import codeop; codeop.compile_command('raise = 2', symbol='exec')"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Thanks Pablo for replying to my tweet, a couple of other non-failing case in that I filled concurrently to your message.
(also using this occasion to thanks all of you for your work on the new parser)
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
See the `compile()` documentation for the difference between eval/single/exec:
`exec` is meant for multiline program, for example you would "exec" the string
read from a file to get a m
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Seem to not be in the new parser but simply in codeop in particular `def
The logic seem weird (but weird logic usually have a reason), it try to compile
thrice by appending many `\n`.
1) Why do that and not return the first successful
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
In python 3.8:
>>> class A(object):
... """standard docstring"""
... pass
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getdoc(A())
'standard docstring'
In 3.9:
$ python
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
components: +Interpreter Core
versions: +Python 3.9
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
That will break a lot o the interactive usage for the scientific ecossytem
For example anyone that get a Pandas Dataframe and try to get help on it either
via help(df), or `df?` in IPython/Jupyter.
Might be purposeful (
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
This is going to potentially break a lot of interactive usage in the Scientific
A a lot of people are going to do:
df = load('my.csv')
To ask for help and will get nothing.
Even for subclass, I want to argue that a
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> can you clarify your example? What's load()? And what does df?? do?
It was vague on purpose,
`load()` would be for example `load_csv()` from `pandas` that return a
`pandas.DataFrame`. The point being that users typically won't really k
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Can you all please decide which issue to use?
We can stay here, I opened the other issue before figuring out this was the
> If IPython wants to output the help on the instance, it should change the
> implementation of `?` and `??`. It
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I've sent a request for comments on python-dev
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Looks like the revert is solving the issue?
It appears to do so as far as I can tell, and most test pass on nightly, the
rest seem to be unrelated to changes in current 3.9.
Many thanks to Serhiy for all the work on making documentation better,
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I should have been more careful in my explanation in the upstream issue to have
a complete report in here.
I think that patching logging.disable to raise a type error immediately would
be welcome; as the effect of storing a wrong type make any asyncio
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22643
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +19599
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment: is a first step toward this.
See comments in there, I would love some reviews. If that gets im I'll be happy
to send further refactor to make the compression step also respect
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Compared to the vanilla REPL, this doesn’t include readline setup for tab
> completion and history file. Was it on purpose?
Not particularly, it was mostly to show it is possible. I'm guessing any
improvement to make it more consiste
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
$ python
Python 3.8.2 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Apr 24 2020, 07:56:27)
[Clang 9.0.1 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from multiprocessing
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
That's an annoying side effect of having spawn by default on macOS then.
Could it be possible in `` to detect that some of the objects are
from main and would fail and then raise an error message in the parent process
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
As far as I can tell sometime in 3.8.x (likely 3.8.3) the following snippet
changed result:
import ast
import inspect
cell = '[x for x in l]'
code = compile(cell, "<>", "exec",
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
This make non-await list comprehension coroutine-code-objects as well:
import ast
import inspect
cell = '[x for x in l]'
code = compile(cell, "<>",
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment: seem to have triggered that.
Python tracker
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +20503
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Pablo, I see you reopened and marked as blocker,
As the changes here has been released maybe you want to reclose and marked as blocker it should also be fixed by
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
$ cat
import warnings
from codeop import compile_command
warnings.simplefilter('error', SyntaxWarning)
res = compile_command('1 is 1\n', symbol='exec')
print('Res', res)
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
seem to affect 3.8.4 as well.
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Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Potentially due to
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I think that might have introduce where now
`warnings.simplefilter('error', SyntaxWarning)` is silently ignored...
nosy: +mbussonn
Python track
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.9
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Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Thanks Matthias Bussonnier for the fix.
Thank *YOU* for the fix, and the bug report is initially from tcaswell.
At least on 3.8 branch this is fixed for me.
Just for completeness, this was discovered as in IPython we try to guess
whether &qu
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
Followup from Python Idea:
Goal would be to allow layering on virtualenv to speedup creation and use less
disk space in the case of many large
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22393
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
Can likely thus be removed now.
See also that was tracking better
deprecation warnings.
If not removed documentation should bump removal to 3.9
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 342769
nosy: mbussonn
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13310
stage: -> patch review
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Should it still raise an informative error message with ImportError:
> ImportError: cannot import name 'XXX' from 'collections', please import it
> from ''.
or just the "cannot import name
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13320
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13356
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: -13320
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
mbussonn: Your new PR looks like it's related to #36953 ("Remove collections
ABCs?"), not this issue specifically. Can you withdraw/reissue attached to the
correct issue?
Apologies, I've rebased and updated the issue numbers, no
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I've tried a bit PR 13455, I find this way nicer than textwrap.dedent(...),
though I wonder if f-string readability (and expected behavior?) might suffer a
tiny bit with the order of formatting the f-string vs dedenting.
In the following it is
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Oh, please, please, please PLEASE let's not over-sell this!
Sorry didn't wanted to give you a heart attack. The optimisation has been
mentioned, and you never know what people get excited on.
> Such constant-folding ...
Well, in h
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Would that be anyway closed by pep 594
( which suggest the removal
nntp ?
nosy: +mbussonn
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
bufsize has now been removed.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13382
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13383
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13384
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New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
All in title, f"{x=}" implemented in
are not liked by unparse:,
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 343105
nosy: mbussonn
priority: normal
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13387
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I'm not quite sure I completely understand how this is implemented and all the
possibilities; – so I would appreciate reviews on the issue (and patch) to
handle this in ast-unparse.
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Any idea why PR 13148 has been linked to unrelated issues?
Could it be due to rebasing and force-pushing ? Cause I did force-push on this
branch a couple of times...
Python trac
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Yes, Elvis and I will take care of that later.
And I'm guessing you will collect what's in NEWS.d ? Otherwise I'm happy to
contribute some text. let me know the best way.
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> Maybe you used "git merge" and your PR "contained" changes from other issues?
I quasi-nerver merge, either `rebase interactive` or `reset --hard HEAD`... I
even proscribed "git pull" from my CLI.. but you know ever
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Just for clarification for future readers;
I landed a PR that used f"{x=}" in some new functionalities, and that broke the
buildbots, the buildbots do test that many of the `Lib/` files can be
round-tripped ast->unparse->ast, and as ast
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13396
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> section to document the new flag inside "Improved Modules" category
Done in
Python tracker
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
The other thing to think about is `ensure_future` and `create_task`, they may
not move forward until a foreground task is running.
You can keep a loop running between lines or code-chunks, but then doctest
cannot contain ``.
I'm le
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I thought it was comparing the AST of the file to the AST of the unparsed
So it's actually checking if parse(unparse(x)) is indempotent and not
wether parse(unparse(x)) is indempotent.
So x={x!r} should be fine.
On Wed, May 22, 2019, 09:22
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
As a reference, PR from Yuri for an asyncREPL `python -m asyncio` which I
believe he want in 3.8:
I'm also likely to align IPython behavior on whatever core python de
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Some discussion in
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13484
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13485
stage: -> patch review
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: -13484
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New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
On a local branch with some modified docs
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 284, in build_main,
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Oh yeah, I do... and you are right this is duplicate.
Python tracker
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
resolution: -> duplicate
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
Or more precisely I suggest to emit a SyntaxWarning for JoinedStr where no
f-string members has an expression.
There seem to be a couple of case where f-strings without expressions may
that the programmer may have made a mistake; though
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
I believe all is fine now. Thanks !
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
pull_requests: +13526
Python tracker
New submission from Matthias Bussonnier :
Do the following at a Python prompt:
>>> help()
Welcome to Python 3.8's help utility!
help> symbols
Here is a list of the punctuation symbols which Python assigns special meaning
to. Enter any symbol
Change by Matthias Bussonnier :
nosy: +mbussonn
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
Victor recently implemented CodeType.replace(); which I believe will cover many
of the usecase.
Should I also send a PR that update the DocStrings of (some of) ? these
objects? many people don't go and read the html
Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:
> I don't believe we put version changed notes in docstrings,
Oh no I was thinking a note in the docstring "constructor signature may change
between Python versions".
Whether to put changed/addition info in docstrings is another subj
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