New submission from Martin :
Currently when running Python on a non-OSX posix environment under either the C
locale, or with an invalid or missing locale, it's not possible to operate
using unicode filenames outside the ascii range. Using bytes works, as does
reading expecting unicode,
Martin added the comment:
> I'm not sure why having a locale set to C or something invalid should be
> considered a Python bug. You have to handle un-decodable filenames no
> matter what you do, since things aren't always encoded in utf-8 on non-OSX
> unix even when tha
Martin added the comment:
> It was already discussed: using a different encoding for filenames and for
> other things is really not a good idea. The main problem is the interaction
> with other programs.
Yes, for many programs, a change like this will mean they create the file, but
Martin added the comment:
> During 1 month, we had PYTHONFSENCODING environment variable. It was not a
> good idea.
I strongly agree. There is no sense in having a separate configurable value,
anyone who would think about using a PYTHONFSENCODING should just change their
locale i
Martin added the comment:
> Nope. The locale encoding is chosen using LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG
> variable: use the first non-empty variable. LC_MESSAGES doesn't affect
> the encoding. Example:
That's good to know, thanks. Only leaves the case where setlocale is called
Martin added the comment:
I built random-2.patch on my windows xp box (updating the project and fixing
some compile errors in random.c required), and initialising crypto has a
noticeable impact on startup time. The numbers vary a fair bit naturally, two
representative runs are as follows
Martin added the comment:
Does Victor Stinner have a psychic link with Armin Rigo? :)
# My theory is that they are not widely used on CPython either, because
# I found t
Martin added the comment:
New cjk_encreset.patch looks good to me.
As with issue 12100 this likely wasn't reported before because decoders are
robust against escape sequence oddities.
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
The fix for issue 10326 landing on Python 2.7 trunk has interfered with a hack
I wrote in Bazaar to break the reference cycles the private
`unittest.TestCase._type_equality_funcs` member creates.
As the change to make pickling work is nearly enough to avoid the
Changes by Martin :
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Michael: See attached patch, that should merge up to Python 3 without too much
pain as well.
Python tracker
Changes by Martin :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
...typo in the first patch, this one should be okay. But... already landed
without the testcase?
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
The change in response to bug 9324 breaks bzr on windows as we use
signal.SIGBREAK to listen for a ctrl+break keyboard press.
Although SIGBREAK is not documented as valid on:
It does in fact work and correspo
Martin added the comment:
Also, the test seems to set signal handlers and never unset them, which I've
also corrected.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Thanks for the quick resolution Brian, head now works as expected.
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
My build got broken by the change for issue 9981 in revision 86137. The problem
is it adds $(IntDir) to various places in the vcproj file, including the
command line arguments to make_buildinfo, and my svn checkout is under a dir
with a space in.
Ideally it could
Martin added the comment:
Thanks. Don't actually need to quote the whole path, but what you've landed
works for me.
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
The build changes in r87093 broke me, as my py3k branch is under a dir with a
space in the name, and the OutDir path needs escaping in the makefiles. Various
extra quoting seems to be sufficient, though inelegant.
components: Build, Windows
Martin added the comment:
Oh, and after building with this, I get:
$ svn st
? PC/python3dll.obj
So either that wants moving or svn:ignore needs updating.
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Removing the quotes rebreaks the case where tmppath contains a space.
Instead, either:
* Call subwcrev.exe directly without going through COMSPEC: switch 'system' to
* More quotes! Change `"A" .. "B"` to
Martin added the comment:
This bug only hits people who:
1) Have TortoiseSVN installed (buildbots won't, I don't)
2) ...on a path that needs quoting.
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
My build is still affected by this, can you find some time to look at the
attached patch please?
Relevant bit of log is:
Performing Makefile project actions
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.21022.08
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All
Martin added the comment:
Eli, was just answering your question about why this didn't fail for other
Try the attached patch to see if it fixes the problem for you.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Martin added the comment:
...and this apparently came up on the mailinglist as well with Prasun providing
nearly exactly the same patch:
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
Prior to being split up into a package, unittest had an extensible method of
trimming uninteresting, testing-framework related parts from tracebacks. As an
unintended side effect, this is no longer the case, only modules actually named
"unittest" ar
New submission from Martin :
When the following is run:
s='the Los Angeles Symphony';
it displays 'The los angeles symphony'
instead of 'The Los Angeles Symphony'
the str.capitalize() should only deal with the first letter, not lower-case the
Martin added the comment:
This patch has been reviewed by both Andrew and myself, it would be nice if
someone made the time to land it. The test change is unlikely to break
anything, and hey, that's what buildbots are for.
nosy: +gz
New submission from Martin :
With `capture_locals=True`, `StackSummary.format` prints the local variables
for every frame:
This will fail, however, if string conversion fails
Martin added the comment:
I have to correct myself: The conversion to string already happens during
construction, in `FrameSummary.__init__`:
The issue remains as severe and the fix remains
Change by Martin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23812
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Yes, it is repr in FrameSummary.__init__.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Martin added the comment:
I didn't know repr is supposed to always succeed. Does the documentation
mention this?
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
I can't find any mention of this in the documentation:
I think this should be mentioned some
Martin added the comment:
> As is true for most special methods, it is a bug for __repr__ methods to
> raise.
Is this codified anywhere? I only learned about that in this bug report.
nosy: +moi90
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
> Even correctly raised code can raise exceptions such as MemoryError,
> RecursionError and KeybordInterrupt.
For me, this is an argument in favor of the change (although KeybordInterrupt
and probably a couple more should not be caught).
traceback is u
Martin added the comment:
pdb uses vanilla repr as well:
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Thanks for the explanations. I think this issue can be closed then.
title: StackSummary.format fails if str(value) fails -> StackSummary.format
fails if repr(value) fails
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Yes, I think it should at least be documented.
But then it practically says: "Do not use print in your library because it
might be used in a threading context" This sounds unacceptable to me.
It would be great to "just make it work".
> I
Martin added the comment:
Thanks for the pointer, @pitrou!
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Martin added the comment:
Thanks, Joe, this is a very good summary of all the problems.
Another idea to fix this could be an additional parameter "repr=repr" to
StackSummary.extract. This way, the default behavior is not changed, but the
user is allowed to supply their own repr
Martin added the comment:
> Can we determine if they came from an initialized object or from object in
> the middle of initialization?
That would be very nice because inside __init__ is the only place where we have
to deal with partly initialized objects. But I think Python does not p
Martin added the comment:
Irit, I'm unsure about the wording. Something like ":meth:`__repr__` should
always succeed, even if errors prevent a full description of the object."? "...
even if the object is only partly initialized."?
Andrei, I think you can not simpl
Martin added the comment:
Once again a very good summary, thanks Joe!
> it would be quite useful if this function parameter was given not just the
> local variable values, but also the name of the local variable and maybe also
> the stack frame it is in
So this would be somet
Change by Martin :
pull_requests: +27563
stage: resolved -> patch review
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
In this pull request[1] I introduced a `format_locals` which can be provided to
customize the serialization of the local variables of each frame. This could be
used to filter out variables with certain names, for example. In this context,
you could use a certain
Martin added the comment:
Could the participants of this issue please have a look at my pull request:
What do you like, what don't you like? Does it work for your use case?
Python tr
Change by Martin :
nosy: +davin, pitrou
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Martin added the comment:
Could someone have a look at my pull request? I have trouble with the tests.
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
I submitted a pull request for the related issue43656:
It introduces a format_locals parameter that enables the customized formatting
of a FrameSummary.
This way, a user of traceback could provide a function that
Martin added the comment:
I see two scenarious discussed here:
Scenario 1 (Offline / Batch-Mode):
A system runs user-supplied jobs that may fail. In the case of an error, the
system shouldn't crash but rather store a maximally helpful message and carry
on with the next job. Most likely
Martin added the comment:
Just to avoid misunderstandings: My pull request is not at all about silencing
exceptions. It is about customizing the output of the traceback module. (Just
like the introduction of capture_locals previously: #22936)
(-X capture_locals, on the other hand, is a
Martin added the comment:
I improved the example in traceback.rst to illustrate how format_locals works.
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
Thanks Joe!
> 1. The changes are sufficient to let the user make things work the way it is
> requested that they work and anyone who does not start using the new
> format_locals parameter will get the old behavior.
That was my goal :)
> 2. A side com
Martin added the comment:
Irit, would you be able to take a look at the patch?
I found another application scenario for the patch: In Numpy and Pandas, the
assert_* functions in testing have a __tracebackhide__ local that advises
pytest to hide the frame. With the patch in place, we
Martin added the comment:
Thanks for your definitive answer, this is what I was waiting for.
I understand and I totally agree that subclassing is the way to go to make
traceback more flexible.
Would you mind linking the other issues concerning the general improvement of
New submission from Martin :
I experience a problem with multiprocessing and print.
I tried to make a minimal working example, please see the attached file.
WITHOUT the offending print statement in the queue filler thread, everything
- pytest experiments/
- pytest
Martin added the comment:
python experiments/ also fails for:
- 3.8.3, 3.8.2, 3.8.1, 3.8.0
- 3.7.7
- 3.6.10
Python tracker
New submission from Martin :
Although multiprocessing.Process has a `daemon` parameter,
multiprocessing.dummy.Process doesn't.
As multiprocessing.dummy is meant to replicate the API of multiprocessing and
the daemon parameter is readily available in threading.Thread, it should als
Change by Martin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +20993
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
While I appreciate your suggestion, it does not help me much.
The problem that people usually have is that the output is scrambled. That is
not the problem I'm dealing with.
I'm experiencing a deadlock caused by the print statement which seems like a
Martin added the comment:
> Has anyone had a chance to try this patch on Windows? Martin? I'm
> hoping that it doesn't impose a startup cost in the default
> no-randomization cost, and that any startup cost in the -R case is
> acceptable.
Just tested as requested. Is
Martin added the comment:
Our production system hit this issue using Python 3.6.7 once a few days ago, so
presumably the race is still possible with the applied patch, just less likely?
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
at _decompose (/usr/lib/python3.6/
New submission from Martin :
difflib.SequenceMatcher fails to make a proper alignment between 2 sequences
with only 3 single letter changes. Its performance is completely off with a
similarity ratio of 0.16, in stead of the more accurate 0.99.
Here is a snippet to replicate the failure
New submission from Martin :
>>> x = {"x":123}.update({"abc":123})
>>> type(x)
messages: 306977
nosy: thedemz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Dict creation with update will result to NoneTy
New submission from Martin :
When I try to run a really simple script like:
def fun(a):
print a
I get this error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\", line 1541, in __call__
return self.
Martin added the comment:
I used Python on other machines, I know how it's supposed to work. I'm using
Windows 7 and this problem happened with 2.7.14, 2.7.13 and 2.7.9. I didn't
bother trying all other versions because it looked like it didn't matter what
version it wa
Martin added the comment:
Yes, this is still reproducible. For instance, by:
> hg clone -b default 3.3 "feature branch"
> cd "feature branch/PCbuild"
> call build_env.bat
> call build.bat
It seems python33.dll now does get created so it's less severe, b
New submission from Martin:
The fix from issue 14398 for >4GB inputs regressed the behaviour when
compressing an empty string. Going by issue 853061 the expectation is this
should work.
The problem was noticed when using the updated Python 2.7 package in Ubuntu
Raring caused test failures
Martin added the comment:
On trunk, both the compressor and the standalone function (which uses the
compressor) are affected. The easiest fix is rearranging the logic in function
shared between BZ2Compressor.compress and BZ2Compressor.flush so the exit on no
remaining input for the former
Martin added the comment:
On 2.7 only the compress() function is affected, and the fix is much simpler.
Just using BZ_FINISH when the input is less then 4GB is sufficient.
Added file:
New submission from Martin:
Hello! My name is Martin, a member of Free Software in Comahue National
University of Neuquén, Argentina. We have detected an error in the compiler
for Python 2.7 using Ubuntu 12.04: I write the code, without realizing I
leave a comment with syntax error in that line
New submission from Martin:
Hello! My name is Martin, a member of Free Software in Comahue National
University of Neuquén, Argentina. We have detected an error in the compiler for
Python 2.7 using Ubuntu 12.04: I write the code, without realizing I leave a
comment with syntax error in that
Martin added the comment:
I have three shell windows open because everytime i run the code corrected, it
opens a new shell, I try to close them but there is one that keeps open, unless
I kill it by terminal (kill) I attach a photo of compiling the line of code,
closing leftover shell ... What
Martin added the comment:
Thank you very much for your help.
Specification of error :
In python 2.7.3 for Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit
It creates a program with the following line of code :
Python is a programming language That lets you work more quickly and integrate
your systems more effectively
Martin added the comment:
Looks like python needs eof() or something for file objects, just like
any other languages.
Since read() is using the system call, that's the right behavior: read()
blocks until EOF, and returns whatever was buffered. EOF character is
consumed, but since it'
New submission from Martin :
With the logging change to using weakrefs for handler cleanup done by the
follow-on patch in issue 6615 exceptions may now be thrown during module
There are two distinct problem cases:
1) The new `_removeHandlerRef` function may run during teardown (when
Martin added the comment:
This could be fixed in a similar way to was done for the shutdown function in
r51206 (which incidentally seems both unnecessary and incomplete - the function
runs atexit which precedes module teardown, but also uses the raiseExceptions
module global which is not
Martin added the comment:
For the second case, just reverting the change to Handler.close may be best, I
don't see why the module should be keeping responsibility for flushing and
closing handlers it no longer has a strong reference to.
Added file:
Martin added the comment:
spiv wrote a script to repo the issue in the downstream ubuntu bug:
nosy: +gz
Python tracker
Martin added the comment:
This looks like a downstream issue in a patch Debian is applying:
Martin Gfeller Martin Gfeller added
the comment:
Martin, we're running with this for years and with many extensions modules,
without an issue. What is 64-bit safe should be 32-bit safe, not only 31-bit
safe. But you're right, this is not a proof, and we hav
Martin Gfeller Martin Gfeller added
the comment:
Lukas, I'm afraid to admit you're right :-;.
Assuming that the Python code called under the "not release the GIL"
regime would not do anything that could be potentially blocking is
probably danger
Martin Reboredo added the comment:
A new python-ideas mail thread was created for this, you can check it out at
nosy: +YakoYakoYokuYoku
New submission from Martin Whitehead :
The problem: In both the IDLE shell and the editor, 'File > Save As' seems not
to allow creation of a new folder.
My system:
IDLE v3.8.10 (64 bit)
Python 3.8.10 Tk version 8.6.10
Linus Mint 20.2 Uma (64 bit), which is based on Ubu
Martin Reboredo added the comment:
> Not officially, no. But I'm personally not going to bring it forward right
> now. If someone else wants to formulate a complete proposal for the SC on
> this then they are definitely welcome to! You will need to address where the
> co
Martin Panter added the comment:
Perhaps this is a duplicate of Issue 12756?
nosy: +martin.panter
superseder: -> datetime.datetime.utcnow should return a UTC timestamp
Python tracker
Change by Jacob Martin :
components: Installation
files: Arlo camera setup.jpg
nosy: jacobmartin717
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Steps To Do Arlo Setup
type: security
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: camera setup.jpg
New submission from Marcel Martin :
It would be great to be able to use peek() on BytesIO objects.
I have a function that gets passed a file-like object and uses peek() on it.
This works for nearly all types of files relevant in my library, except BytesIO
instances (which I use during
Change by Marcel Martin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28996
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Marcel Martin added the comment:
I opened a PR, but I now wonder whether the missing peek() is by design.
First, I noticed that instead of using BytesIO directly, I can wrap the
instance in an io.BufferedReader, which does have peek(). (It’s just a bit
The second thing is
Martin Panter added the comment:
The linked code is for urllib.parse.urlencode, looking something like
if len(query) and not isinstance(query[0], tuple):
raise TypeError
except TypeError:
ty, va, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise TypeError("not a valid non-string seq
New submission from Martin Forster :
pyth10n 3.10.1, windows x64 install of yodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
pos: 74196
pos: 74226
pos: -3
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError.
Traceback (most recent call last):
Martin Forster added the comment:
it tried one built on my own,
and the one from
Python tracker
Martin Forster added the comment:
i opened a issue at pyodbc as well,
Python tracker
Martin Forster added the comment:
The wheel file was corrupt, due to git taking care of "CRLF/LF" conversion.
Sorry for the fuss
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Martin Kirchgessner :
While using `telnetlib` I sometimes received unusually "large" messages (around
1Mb) from another process on the same machine, and was surprised `read_until`
took more than a second. After instrumenting I discovered such messages were
Change by Martin Panter :
superseder: -> Generate HTML 5 with SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.list_directory
Python tracker
Martin Panter added the comment:
Maybe the same as Issue 42766?
nosy: +martin.panter
Python tracker
Change by Martin Kirchgessner :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29577
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
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