Mark Williams added the comment:
As a user of Python who maintains at least one large code base, I rely on
coverage to limit the damage my changes can inflict. Some of the code I
maintain uses __debug__; I would not expect moving to 3.8 to be the cause of
reduced line coverage in that
New submission from Mark Williams :
The 3.8 docs claim that os.posix_spawn was introduced in 3.7, but it wasn't; it
will be introduced in 3.8.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 337027
Change by Mark Williams :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +12143
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Mark Williams added the comment:
This patch only quotes the Comment attribute, and the rest of the code only
quotes attributes if they're of the expected type. Consider Expires:
>>> from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
>>> c = SimpleCookie()
>>> c['na
New submission from Mark Williams:
Registering a file descriptor with EpollSelector.register that epoll(7) refuses
results in the selector retaining a SelectorKey for that file descriptor, even
though it's not monitored.
The following program attempts to register a file on the filesystem
Mark Williams added the comment:
Whoops! I pulled from and branched off of
master. The previous commit was
I can generate new patches using's 3.4 and 3.5 bra
Mark Williams added the comment:
OK! Sorry for the trouble.
On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Guido van Rossum
> Guido van Rossum added the comment:
> Also don't spend more time on this, I found a way to apply th
New submission from Mark Williams:
There is at least one mode in which a file can be opened that cannot be
represented in its mode attribute: wb+. This mode instead appears as 'rb+' in
the mode attribute:
Python 3.5.0 (default, Oct 3 2015, 10:40:38)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD C
Mark Williams added the comment:
Python's test suite may test the current behavior but that does not lessen
the problem.
I gave an example of apparently correct code that fails (that was actually
encountered by a Python user) in my original description. Another such
example: you c