Mark Miller added the comment:
It's actually due to the merge of the libffi3 branch back in March,
which removed the logic for configure to deal with MIPS in I've attached a patch which allows the build to work
correctly on the QEMU instance of the MIPSEL mach
Mark Miller added the comment:
Adding this as affecting the 2.6 branch as well, since I initially
tested on a 2.6.1 tarball with this problem.
versions: +Python 2.6
Python tracker
Mark Miller added the comment:
This still occurs in the latest SVN checkout, and is preventing Python
from building on ARMV4L and ARMV5L OABI, dying during the
compilation. The patch appears to solve this problem, however I have not
run a full suite of tests to ensure it doesn
Mark Miller added the comment:
The following is where it fails un-patched:
Compiling /usr/local/lib/python2.6/test/ ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/", line 156, in
exit_status = int(not main())
File "
Mark Miller added the comment:
I am in a position to test as much as needed. I am attempting to get
Gentoo's ARM/MIPS/Embedded distribution up to date on Python, and
noticed this build break. (Typically most embedded architectures are
several releases behind.)
I'll try this new patch
Mark Miller added the comment:
Would it be possible to get some feedback as to whether this is a
candidate for Python 2.6 on this patch?
Python tracker
Mark Miller added the comment:
The new patch works correctly, by the way, on ARMv4L and ARMv5L OABI boards.
Python tracker
Mark Miller added the comment:
Not entirely. I applied what you had for the autoconf section to my
configure, since I do not have autoconf installed in my environment.
Specifically, this part of configure is what's messing with the build:
if test x$TARGET = xMIPS; then
Mark Miller added the comment:
This patch allows compiling, and forces everything to be x86_64.
However, Python 2.6.2 still dies when attempting to install:
cd Mac && make installmacsubtree DESTDIR=""
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/tmp/Python-2.6.2: ../python.exe