Krishna Oza added the comment:
adding self to nosy list.
nosy: +Krishna Oza
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Change by Krishna Oza :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16205
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Krishna Oza added the comment:
I am getting the error "GitHub PR already added to issue" when submitting my
Github PR for this issue.
nosy: +Krishna Oza
Python tracker
Krishna Oza added the comment:
The documentation at
says that JPEG files with JPEG data in JFIF or Exif formats are only supported
as of now. Pierre Chopin could help with what format of jpeg you have uploaded
Change by Krishna Oza :
components: +Library (Lib)
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mai
Krishna Oza added the comment:
I have debugged the issue and found that the jpg file shared doesnt have the
information in its header to identify the file format of this file.
The imghdr module needs file format information in first 32 bytes when the jpg
file is read in binary mode
Krishna Oza added the comment:
In my opinion the current documentation is correctly formed since the bytearray
and str are two different classes in Python they could have different set of
functions supported and hence the grouping of functions like islower() to be
kept separated for
Krishna Oza added the comment:
Would it be okay for now just to move the existing bug filing guidelines to be
moved up.
nosy: +Krishna Oza
Python tracker
Krishna Oza added the comment:
Hi, Could anyone help here to identify in which Python release the bug is
fixed. I am unable to deduce from the bug tracker interface in which release
this issue is fixed.
nosy: +Krishna Oza