[issue7133] test_ssl failure

2011-09-22 Thread Keith Briggs
Keith Briggs added the comment: I am still getting this error with SocketServer in Python 2.7.2, even though it looks the same as was fixed in Issue7133: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 284, in _handle_request_noblock self.process_request(request, clie

[issue7133] test_ssl failure

2011-09-26 Thread Keith Briggs
Keith Briggs added the comment: Senthil: thanks for the reply. That's how I did build python 2.7.2 anyway. But I can't see anything about SSL in the generated config files.However, on another system (Fedora 15 with python 2.7.1), I don't get the problem. In case it&

[issue4278] optparse quirks

2008-11-07 Thread Keith Briggs
New submission from Keith Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I got the message: optparse.OptionError: invalid long option string '-T0': must start with --, followed by non-dash This is bad - the real error was that I gave a short option which did not have a single letter. Als

[issue4869] random.expovariate(0.0)

2009-01-07 Thread Keith Briggs
New submission from Keith Briggs : random.expovariate(lambd) should handle lambd=0 cleanly, and probably return a FP infinity. At the moment it gives: ZeroDivisionError: float division -- components: Extension Modules messages: 79346 nosy: kbriggs severity: normal status: open title

[issue4869] random.expovariate(0.0)

2009-01-07 Thread Keith Briggs
Keith Briggs added the comment: That's all true - the only thing in favour of my suggestion is that to allow lambda=0 is sometimes useful in simulations, meaning that it's infinite time to the next event, i.e. it never occurs. A FP infinity would do this without requiring a special