New submission from Jonathan :
The following two strings are identical other than the text "UNIQUESTRING".
UNIQUESTRING is at the start of first and at the end of second.
Running the below gives the following output:
Jonathan added the comment:
(Like the idiot I am, the example code is wrong. `autojunk` parameter should
*not* be set for either of them to get the stated wrong results).
In place of "UNIQUESTRING", any unique 3 character string triggers it (QQQ,
EEE, ZQU...). And in those cases
Jonathan added the comment:
Gah. I mean 0.008 in both directions. I'm just going to be quiet now. :-)
Python tracker
Jonathan added the comment:
I still don't get how UNIQUESTRING is the longest even with autojunk=True, but
that's an implementation detail and I'll trust you that it's working as
Given this, I'd suggest the following then:
* `Autojunk=False` should be t
New submission from Jonathan :
I have issues unpacking binary data, produced by C++. The appended jupyter
notebook shows the problem. It is also uploaded to github gist:
components: ctypes
Change by Jonathan :
nosy: -helo9
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jonathan added the comment:
True, have to admit, that I forgot to search first, that really looks like it
is the same problem, especially when looking at Would say this one can be closed.
nosy: +helo9
stage: -> resolved
status: open ->
Changes by Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Added file:
Changes by Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Added file:
Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I've attached two new files. The first swaps the array.array usage for
struct.unpack. The second simply modifies the rst documentation.
I'm not sure how we'd do any tests for FTP without making use of an
actual server. In a q
New submission from Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
About a year ago I found myself fighting a broken FTP server that
couldn't handle multiple passive data transfers through a firewall or
NATed connection. Thankfully, this same problem server supports block
transmission mode, which allo
Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Here's the debug output when the transfers are going well.
Added file:
Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Yeah, I'm glad to see a test suite. I've only skimmed the test, but it
seems like an excellent starting point. Initial thoughts for updating
the tests:
- Need a cmd_mode to handle the MODE command.
- Suite cmd_retr logic n
New submission from Jonathan :
Python is inconsistent in how it handles errors that have some unicode
characters. It works to screen but fails to log
This works:
>>> import logging
>>> logging.error('จุด1')
The following bre
Jonathan added the comment:
It definitely claims to be "utf-8" in NotePad++. I've attached it if you want
to double-check.
(Windows 7)
Added file:
Python tracker
Jonathan added the comment:
Thank you for your comments but this wasn't a question and I maintain this is a
bug, or at least undesirable behaviour. I'd consider it a bug in my own
* It's an inconsistent default with the logging to screen. This causes m
Jonathan added the comment:
> Did you look at the basicConfig documentation before raising this issue?
This seems like an attempt at victim blaming. But yes, I did. In fact, this is
now the third time I've looked at that page - once before raising this issue,
once before my previo
Jonathan added the comment:
> I have no idea what you mean by this.
I don't see how I can be clearer. What are the reasons for NOT implementing
logging to file be unicode as a default? Logging to screen is unicode as a
default. What are the reasons for not wanting consistency?
Jonathan added the comment:
> Learning is not a waste of time. You're entitled to your opinion, but this is
> not a bug in logging. We'll have to agree to disagree.
I agree and value learning a great deal. However learning should happen on your
own time, NOT when a program
New submission from Jonathan :
Both say:
"""class logging.StreamHandler(stream=None)
Returns a new instance of the StreamHandler class. If stream is specified, the
Change by Jonathan :
status: -> open
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jonathan added the comment:
> The devil is in the detail. If stream=sys.stderr is specified, that takes
> effect at import time. If stream=None is specified and the implementation
> chooses to treat that as sys.stderr, that takes effect at the time of the
> call. The two are no
Jonathan added the comment:
> I'm not sure your tone is particularly constructive here.
Apologies, my bad.
> Which code are you looking at?
The documentation code: `class logging.StreamHandler(stream=None)`. Sorry, I
don't know what you'd call that. I'm not re
Jonathan added the comment:
>What fallacy?
You appeared to be saying (to paraphrase) "no-one else has ever reported this,
so it's never been a problem". That's a fallacy.
> I was responding to "does anyone else have opinions on this?"
I was asking if an
New submission from Jonathan :
Python 3.6.3 on Windows 7 64 bit.
I keep getting intermittent crashes of Python.exe with my project. The error is
below and as best I can see seems to be indicating the issue with the LZMA
All I'm doing is using it to compress web-pages (typicall
Jonathan added the comment:
In total my python.exe process crashed 6 times with the exact same error,
compressing about 60,000 pages, so about 1 in 10,000 failed.
However, I have ran the same process monthly for the last several months and it
has never done that before despite processing
New submission from Jonathan :
I'm using Concurrent Futures to run some work in parallel
(futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) on windows 7 x64. The code works fine in 3.6.3,
and 3.5.x before that.
I've just upgraded to 3.7.2 and it's giving me these errors:
Process SpawnProcess-6:
Jonathan added the comment:
There's also this error too:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\_libs\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\", line 297, in
File "c:\_libs\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\", line 99, in r
Jonathan added the comment:
The "ProcessPoolExecutor Example" on this page breaks for me:
Python tracker
New submission from Jonathan :
Creating a deque with an iterable object creates extra overhead if you want to
insert it as one element.
import timeit
test1 = '''
str = "x" * 10
lst = [str]
test2 = '''
str = "x&quo
Jonathan added the comment:
I dont know why but yesterday when i appended it behaved like extend.
I should sleep more.
2018-01-18 20:27 GMT+00:00 Raymond Hettinger :
> Raymond Hettinger added the comment:
> Sorry Jonathan, this is the way the python containers work
Jonathan added the comment:
Hi Christian - Can you not reproduce it from the code included in my original
report? I think that's pretty much all that should be needed, as it's all I was
using when I discovered the issue.
I figure the hard part will be finding a FTP_TLS server to
Change by Jonathan :
versions: +Python 3.5
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jonathan :
(Confirmed in 2.7.14, 3.5.4, and 3.6.3)
I have this really bad URL from a crawl:
"http://Server=sde; Service=sde:oracle$sde:oracle11g:geopp; User=bodem;
if I try and parse it with wither urlparse or urlsplit it works - no errors.
Jonathan added the comment:
Arguably the same logic applies to out-of-range ports:
> a = urlsplit('')
> a.port
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "E:\Software\_libs\Python36\lib\urllib\", li
Jonathan added the comment:
Interesting conversation
As I see it, there are two ways to solve this, both discussed above:
A) Python can compute and ValueError at parse-time
B) Python can ValueError at property-call time. (Current method)
But both have Advantages/Disadvantages.
A - Pros) - The
Jonathan added the comment:
Thanks for the thoughts.
If only the exception message changes, that doesn't really address the issue
that caused me to raise this - namely that it seems to be inconsistent with how
almost every other Python builtin function I've used works. I have to def
New submission from Jonathan :
The current version of SQLite (in Python 3.6) is 3.7.17 which was released
almost 5 years ago -
Given that user updating of the version of SQLite used by Python is something
of a pain (and the process is different
New submission from Jonathan :
Using Python 3.6.3.
The below issue only happens with FTP_TLS. It works fine via a plain FTP
I am connecting to an FTP to using `ftplib` via FTP_TLS.
ftps = ftplib.FTP_TLS('', timeout=5)
# TLS is more secur
Jonathan added the comment:
Just tested this with Python 3.7.0a1. I'm afraid it makes no difference. Exact
same error:
*cmd* 'LIST'
*put* 'LIST\r\n'
*get* '150 Accepted data connection\n'
*resp* '150 Accepted data connection'
Traceback (most r
New submission from Jonathan :
I don't know if this is a bug or an odd design decision or just something that
hasn't been considered or maybe I'm missing something.
On Windows and I create a venv with Python 3.6.3:
> python -m venv venv
This creates a subdirectory called
Jonathan added the comment:
I can't even find the code I was having issues with anymore and I'm not doing
anything related to this right now. So, unless Ramchandra can still reproduce
this I'm going to say go ahead and close it.
New submission from Jonathan :
In multiprocessing.JoinableQueue when task_done is called
self._unfinished_tasks.acquire(False) is called non-blocking. My
program reliably crashes with the "task_done() called too many times"
message. If I change the .acquire() call to True (blockin
Jonathan added the comment:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This does what you want. Change pydb for pdb if you prefer it.
import pydb
import doctest
import sys
sys.excepthook = pydb.exception_hook
Jonathan added the comment:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Slight mistake in last post
import pydb
import doctest
import sys
sys.excepthook = pydb.exception_hook
except doctest.UnexpectedException, failure:
New submission from Jonathan :
[...@jaydee Development]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import time
date_process = subprocess.Popen(
("date", "+%x"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
from_date_command = date_process.communicate()[0].rs
Jonathan added the comment:
Works perfectly now, thank you and sorry for the inaccurate report.
Python tracker
New submission from Jonathan :
>>> import time
>>> time.strftime("%FT%T%z")
>>> # Expect to see +0100
>>> time.strftime("%FT%T%z",time.localtime())
>>> time.
Jonathan added the comment:
Actually, I didn't change the DST flag in the second test, the second
commented bug is invalid, only the first one is correct.
Python tracker
Jonathan added the comment:
kludged_zone = ("+" if time.altzone < 0 else '-') +
time_zone_format_string = time_zone_format.replace("%z", kludged_zone)
New submission from Jonathan Lahav :
Happens on Windows.
When an expanded Combobox is destroyerd, widgets in the window can't get focus
until Alt+Tab forth and back.
Buttons can still be clicked, but focus can't be obtained by widgets, entries
fro example, not by click
Jonathan Lahav added the comment:
Here's a discussion about the issue. I asked about it in comp.lang.tcl:
Someone there explains what's happening.
Python track
New submission from Jonathan Fine :
This arises from a request for help made by Nguyễn Ngọc Tiến to the visually
impaired programmers lists, see,48. Please keep this in mind.
Nguyễn asked for help with the syntax error created by
count = 0
Jonathan Fine added the comment:
Many thanks Pablo for the clear explanation. I'd prefer that the issue remain
open, as there's an important user experience issue here. I suspect there are
other similar examples of how the compiler error messages could be improved.
Jonathan Fine added the comment:
My main concern is that the door not be closed on improving the user experience
relating to this behaviour of the compiler.
This issue was raised as a bug for the compiler (which is C-coded). I'd be very
happy for this issue to be closed as 'not
New submission from Jonathan Amsterdam:
This is under Linux (2.6).
I occasionally see subprocess.Popen() fail to return, and I have
finally figured out roughly what's going on. It involves the GC and
1. os.fork()
2. Parent blocks reading from errpipe_read (
Jonathan Amsterdam added the comment:
It's an honor to hear from you, BDFL.
I'm just a Python user, not a developer, so the time it would take me
to check out, compile, test, etc. would dwarf the change itself
(removing two lines from file_dealloc).
There is another solution, foll
Jonathan Rogers added the comment:
I don't think should change any bytes inside string literals since
it can't know anything about what those strings mean or how they'll be used by
the program at run time. Unfortunately, it starts out by unconditionally
Jonathan Rogers added the comment:
Rather than expanding tab characters inside string literals, it's safer to
replace them with '\t'.
Added file:
Python tracker
Jonathan Niehof added the comment:
Yaroslav: does the patch cause problems, or the original issue? If the former,
could you be specific so I can try and fix it?
Python tracker
Jonathan Niehof added the comment:
Éric, here's a quick docs-only patch against current default...does this do the
Added file:
Python tracker
Jonathan Niehof added the comment:
Éric: I think copying a relative symlink should also be relative, and that's
the behaviour of this patch. That was the use case that tripped me up with the
original behaviour of shutil.move: a relative symlink which was dangling in its
original loc
New submission from Jonathan Niehof :
This has been reported before (#6494, #7987) and closed as "You need to build
Python with SSL support." However, this error is raised even if ssl support is
The SSL check in xmlrpc.client for Python 3.1 is:
if not hasattr(socket, &quo
New submission from Jonathan Niehof :
shutil.move does not behave as I expect when moving a symlink across
filesystems. (This is when src itself is a symlink, not when it is a directory
tree including symlinks.)
-If src is a symlink to file, rather than moving the symlink, it copies the
New submission from Jonathan Niehof :
It's come up on occasion (#2936, that ctypes
find_library doesn't search LD_LIBRARY_PATH for libraries, which is different
behaviour from the runtime linker. The attached patch adds t
Jonathan Niehof added the comment:
Might it make sense to skip-decorate those tests which require
cross-filesystem? Put a test above the TestMove definition which compares
tempfile.gettempdir() and os.path.dirname(__file__).
I don't know of an out-of-the-box function to see if two path
Changes by Jonathan Niehof :
nosy: +Jelly.Chen, lister171254
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jonathan Hayward :
So far as I can tell, Python 2.7 crashes on at least some ANSI / Windows
\r\n-delimited source files. More specifically, as invoked by Apache as a CGI
script, the source file line:
import cgi
generated an error logged by Apache, complaining that the
Jonathan Hayward added the comment:
Thank you; noted. I'm closing the bug for now at least; I'll reopen it if need
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Jonathan Hartley added the comment:
Attached patch fixes this. now returns its TestResult object, regardless of whether it was
passed in or created internally. Test assertions added for this. Invoking an
instance of TestCase already returned the return value of .run, so the
Jonathan Hartley added the comment:
Is also exhibited by other class variable being used in the 'output' clause of
the list comprehension:
>>> class C:
... x = 3
... z = [z*x for z in range(4)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
Changes by Jonathan White :
nosy: +jwhitecl
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Jonathan Hartley :
nosy: +jonathan.hartley
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Jonathan Hartley :
nosy: +jonathan.hartley
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jonathan Halcrow added the comment:
I'm having a problem using the current version (0.1.20110504) with python 2.5
on OSX 10.5. When I try to import regex I get the following import error:
dlopen(/python2.5/site-packages/, 2): Symbol not found:
Jonathan Halcrow added the comment:
It seems that _regex_unicode.c is missing from, adding it to
ext_modules fixes my previous issue.
Python tracker
Jonathan Halcrow added the comment:
I think I've come across a related problem. I am experiencing a segfault when
NFC-normalizing a certain string [1].
The crash occurs with 2.7.1 in OS X (built from source with homebrew).
Here is the backtrace:
#0 0x0025a96e in _PyUnicode_Resize
Changes by Jonathan Beezley :
nosy: +jbeezley
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jonathan Livni :
all( (x<=y) for x,y in zip(L, L[1:]) )
all([(x<=y) for x,y in zip(L, L[1:])])
Both lines of code above check if L is a non-decreasing list. Both should
return the same results. But under some conditions, they don't. I've
encountered thi
Jonathan Livni added the comment:
The exact list of decimals doesn't help - I tried taking the list and
reproducing the bug with the following short script, but the problem did not
from decimal import Decimal
L = [Decimal('6.700'), Decimal('6.800'),
Jonathan Livni added the comment:
Another note - the original problematic code looks like this:
def non_decreasing(L):
return all(x<=y for x, y in zip(L, L[1:]))
Changing it to:
def non_decreasing(L):
def f(L):
return [x<=y for x, y in zip(L, L[1:])]
return a
Jonathan Livni added the comment:
The script I used is a single file single threaded code - but - It uses
django's ORM to get the data from a MySQL database.
I've reduced the code path to this:
import sys,os
Jonathan Livni added the comment:
from pylab import *
There lies the rub?
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Jonathan Livni added the comment:
Let my foolishness be a reminder to all not to use "from [module] import *"
After saying that - I believe overloading a built in Python function in a
popular package\module is a mistake!
I still don't know if pylab's all() is erroneou
New submission from Jonathan Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Here's the current message:
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Apr 21 2008, 11:12:42)
[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more inf
Jonathan Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
This is incorrect. Perhaps you are thinking of a raw socket read; a
_file-like-object_ read is supposed to return the amount of data
requested, unless (a) the socket is in non-blocking mode, or (b) if EOF
is reached first.
Jonathan Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
s/raw socket read/raw socket recv/
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jonathan Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Here is the exact documentation from 2.5 (although the
bug was filed against 2.4, and 2.6 will be out soon, the docs are the
If n is provided, read n bytes from the SSL connection, otherwis
Jonathan Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Ah, great. I was wondering why you kept talking about SSLSocket
instead of SSLObject. "New API in 2.6" is good enough for me. Thanks!
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
New submission from Jonathan Chao :, webbrowser.open_new(), and webbrowser.open_new_tab() all do
the exact same thing, regardless of the flags that I set. In Firefox,
open('', new=0), open_new(''), and
New submission from Jonathan Share:
Steps to reproduce
>>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
>>> foo = MIMEMultipart()
>>> foo.is_multipart()
Expected Result
True should be returned from MIMEMultipart.is_multipar
New submission from Jonathan Share:
Steps to Reproduce
>>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
>>> from email.mime.text import MIMEText
>>> multipart = MIMEMultipart()
>>> multipart.set_charset('UTF-8')
>>> t
Jonathan Share added the comment:
I can almost agree with you _if_ I was setting the Content-Transfer-
Encoding myself, however I am not. I am setting the charset and the
library chooses an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding to represent
the mime part with. Currently I can'
Jonathan Share added the comment:
Attaching a patch for the quick fix I proposed below.
I would still like to see some feedback regarding making the design of
the mime module more object oriented. email.Message really shouldn't be
making assumtions about how subclasses represent their
Changes by Jonathan Share:
nosy: +facundobatista
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jonathan Share added the comment:
I'm beginning to realise this is slightly bigger than I first thought
Trying to make a nice test case for this issue, I thought it would be a
good idea for the parser to register a defect for invalid content-
transfer-encoding so I can test against
Jonathan Share added the comment:
Run out of time to look at this today. In order to write a nice test
case for this issue I need the parser to notice this error in messages.
I've filed issue1874 for the parser not reporting the invalid cte in
New submission from Jonathan Share:
Although the documentation of FeedParser states that "It will populate
a message object's defects attribute with a list of any problems it
found in a message." no defect is found in the test case I am about to
upload. The message in the test
Changes by Jonathan Share:
Added file:
Jonathan Hitchcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The attached patch makes this new feature optional, by passing the
"empty_element_tag" option to the constructor.
nosy: +vhata
Added file:
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