New submission from Glynn Clements:
The current behaviour of logging.Logger.findCaller() makes it awkward to add
custom logging interfaces.
E.g. suppose that you define a custom logging level (NOTICE) then add a
notice() function (analogous to etc), the resulting LogRecord
Glynn Clements added the comment:
Subclassing findCaller() is likely to be a bit hairy for the average user, as
it deals with some fairly arcane aspects of Python internals.
As for mechanism, maybe allow functions/methods to be registered with the
logging module, which would store a
New submission from Glynn Clements :
Test case:
> "\udce4\udceb\udcef\udcf6\udcfc".encode("iso-8859-1", "surrogateescape")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
SystemError: Objects/bytesobject.c:3182: bad argument to intern