[issue1073] Mysterious failure under Windows

2007-08-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Does the file exist before program is started, and remains after program finishes? If it is your program which creates the file, you may have a race condition. Maybe some delays/retries will be enough, or perhaps you will have to use some other

[issue1045] Performance regression in 2.5

2007-08-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I've narrowed the problem to the usage of generator expressions. Generator expressions appear to be MUCH slower on 2.5 than on 2.4. >python -m timeit "tuple([1 for _ in xrange(3)])" 2.4 -> 2.23us 2.5 -> 2.31us (a bit slower, but

[issue1027] uudecoding (uu.py) does not supprt base64, patch attached

2007-08-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I think the 2.4 version is in maintenance mode, so no new features are added. You may target 2.5 or 2.6. But the patch is incorrect: the base64 name is undefined. You should include test cases and documentation changes also; please read http

[issue1139] PyFile_Encoding should be PyFile_SetEncoding

2007-09-09 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina: Describing the PyFile C API, there is a typo: PyFile_Encoding function does not exist, should say PyFile_SetEncoding instead. (This goes down to version 2.3 when the function was initially added). http://docs.python.org/dev/c-api/ concrete.html

[issue1168] complex arithmetic: strange results with "imag"

2007-09-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Note that there are no complex literals in Python, only imaginary literals. 1-4j is an expression, not a literal. So 1-4j.imag means 1-(4j.imag) = 1-4 = -3 See http://docs.python.org/ref/numbers.html#l2h-16 (I'd close this as not a bug) --

[issue1205] urllib fail to read URL contents, urllib2 crash Python

2007-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: This is a server bug. Internet Explorer 6 can't show the page either. The response is malformed; it uses chunked transfer, and RFC2616 section 3.6.1 says "The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size of the chunk. The chunke

[issue1346] Error using >>> from OpenGL.GLUT import *

2007-10-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Looks like GLUT in special.py is None. You should ask the PyOpenGL author/community for help. This is not a Python bug. -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr

2007-10-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1336> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1328] feature request: force BOM option

2007-10-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1328> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1311] os.path.exists(os.devnull) regression on windows

2007-10-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: All these tests on Windows XP SP4, executing os.stat("nul") Python 2.1 thru 2.4 raises: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'nul' Python 2.5 gives a different error: WindowsError: [Error 87] El parámetro no es correcto: &#

[issue1366] popen spawned process may not write to stdout under windows

2007-11-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: (I think the title you meant was "popen spawned process may not write to stderr under windows") The child is dying with IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument at the sys.stderr.flush() call. Neither the docs for os.popen nor the Linux man page f

[issue1343] XMLGenerator: nice elements

2007-11-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Some (ugly) parsers insist on when the element is not declared to be empty, so this should be optional (the default being generate ) -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.p

[issue1742669] "%d" format handling for long values

2007-11-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Yes, I can reformulate it. In fact my original version was quite different, but the resulting diff was hard to understand so I rewrote it trying to keep as much as the original code as possible. I'll submit a new patch next we

[issue1417] Weakref not working properly

2007-11-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I think this methodref function is simpler and much less intrusive -- nosy: +gagenellina Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file8744/methodref.py __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue1431] pth files not loaded at startup

2007-11-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1431> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1459] Bugs lost on migration from Sourceforge

2007-11-18 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina: I can't find the issue this mail refers to: http:// mail.python.org/ pipermail/ python-bugs- list/2006- April/ 033139.html As it was labeled "Bug item #1474680", I tried http:// bugs.python.org/ issue1474680 and got a 404 er

[issue1393] function comparing lacks NotImplemented error

2007-11-19 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1393> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1477] UnicodeDecodeError that cannot be caught in narrow unicode builds

2007-11-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1477> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1475] test_popen fails when the directory contains a space

2007-11-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1475> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue12274] "Print window" menu on IDLE aborts whole application

2011-06-06 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : On Windows, IDLE closes all open windows and exits completely, without any error message, when selecting the "Print window" menu command. Starting IDLE from inside a console, one can see the error message: Exception in Tkinter callback Trace

[issue12274] "Print window" menu on IDLE aborts whole application

2011-06-06 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Note: There is a much bigger problem here: IDLE should not abort abruptly in such cases, without any error indication. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue12

[issue12276] 3.x ignores sys.tracebacklimit=0

2011-06-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Python 3.x doesn't honor sys.tracebacklimit=0 According to http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/sys.html#sys.tracebacklimit when set to 0, it should not print any stack trace, but it does. Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:29:02) [MSC v.1500 3

[issue12276] 3.x ignores sys.tracebacklimit=0

2011-06-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Originally reported by Thorsten Kampe in comp.lang.python 2011-5-27 <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general/691496> -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/i

[issue12276] 3.x ignores sys.tracebacklimit=0

2011-06-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Is this the intended behavior then? I don't get the rationale for that change. There is no way to completely supress traceback information now; for sys.tracebacklimit to be of any significance, it must be >= 1; 0 and negative values behave the sa

[issue3079] sys.exit() called from optparse - bad, bad, bad

2008-06-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue3079> ___ __

[issue2517] Error when printing an exception containing a Unicode string

2008-06-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue2517> ___ __

[issue839496] SimpleHTTPServer reports wrong content-length for text files

2008-06-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: As noted by Leo Jay in this message <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2008-June/495718.html> this bug was supposedly fixed but it is still present. Looks like the patch was only applied to release24-maint, not t

[issue3711] docs still say to use .dll for compiled extensions

2008-08-28 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The "Extending and Embedding" document still says, in section "Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows": http://docs.python.org/dev/extending/windows.html#a-cookbook-approach that a C extension may be cal

[issue3766] socket.socket.recv broken (unbearably slow)

2008-09-11 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I've tested it on Windows XP. MSG_WAITALL is not supported, but I replaced it using a while loop. I didn't notice any extraneous delay. 500 packets @ 2 tokens each (500 very short lists) 0.140999794006 16008 f

[issue3916] layout of build directories for Windows not current

2008-09-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In the "Using Python on Windows" document, the various directories listed for building Python on Windows are not current. The attached patch fixes the documentation. Also included a small fix in the PBbuild/

[issue3912] unittest. assertAlmostEqual() documentation incomplete

2008-09-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This patch documents the missing default value. -- keywords: +patch nosy: +gagenellina Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11535/unittest.diff ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTE

[issue3852] kqueue.control requires 2 params while docs say max_events (the second) defaults to 0

2008-09-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Attached a documentation patch, including the kqueue.control function docstring. But I wonder if the code was incorrect instead - both the documentation and the function docstring specified a default value for max_events=0, a

[issue3826] Self-reference in BaseHTTPRequestHandler descendants causes stuck connections

2008-09-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: 3.0rc1 still fails. The diagnostic is correct, the connection should be closed after sending the response, but isn't. The attached unittest reproduces the error without requiring a browser. -- nosy: +

[issue1578269] Add os.link() and os.symlink() and os.path.islink() support for Windows

2010-01-19 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue1578269> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7749] pydoc error - "No module named tempfile"

2010-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: On Windows, trying with different Python versions: D:\temp>python24 -m pydoc sys [works as expected] D:\temp>python25 -m pydoc sys No module named tempfile D:\temp>python26 -m pydoc sys No module named tempfile D:\temp>python27 -m pydoc s

[issue7749] pydoc error - "No module named tempfile"

2010-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: This happens to be a duplicate of issue #7328 -- pydoc used to remove the Python standard library from sys.path (!) when run with -m Fixed in r76312 (2.7). I think the fix should be backported to 2.6 @gib: you may patch your Python 2.5 installation

[issue5680] Command-line arguments when running in IDLE

2010-02-04 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: A different patch to solve the same issue. This one uses a standard tkSimpleDialog to prompt for the command line, and follows the directives found at the top of the source (only took 8 years to implement... not so bad :) ) XXX GvR Redesign this interface

[issue8036] Interpreter crashes on invalid arg to spawnl on Windows

2010-03-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: In case it matters, 3.0.1 does NOT crash. -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue8

[issue8077] cgi handling of POSTed files is broken

2010-03-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: This doesn't look like a documentation bug to me - handling of uploaded files via CGI *should* work, even if CGI is not the best way to do that. -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.py

[issue5879] multiprocessing - example "pool of http servers " fails on windows "socket has no attribute fromfd"

2010-03-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue5879> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7347] Add {Create|Delete}KeyEx to _winreg, doc and test updates

2010-03-19 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Why the *Ex names? Can't we just add additional arguments to the original names? The Python names do not necesarily have to match the API calls. Having QueryValue and QueryValueEx was a mistake in the first place, and I would prefer not continuing

[issue6701] Make custom xmlrpc extension easier

2010-03-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Just a few comments on the code itself: if type_ in self.__dispatch.keys(): should be: if type_ in self.__dispatch: Previously, error reporting of recursive data stated the type of the offending value; with this patch, this hint is lost (see

[issue6701] Make custom xmlrpc extension easier

2010-03-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Just a few comments on the code itself: if type_ in self.__dispatch.keys(): should be: if type_ in self.__dispatch: Previously, error reporting of recursive data stated the type of the offending value; with this patch, this hint is lost (see

[issue1553375] Add traceback.print_full_exception()

2010-03-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue1553375> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue6716] Windows install error when choosing to compile .py files

2010-03-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: r78994 (exclude 2to3 tests from compileall) should be backported to trunk and the 2.6 branch, but I don't see them (yet). -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/i

[issue6716] Windows install error when choosing to compile .py files

2010-03-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Sorry for being so terse and not filling in the gaps! In the end, I changed my mind on this bug - it's not an installer issue. The 2.6.5 MSI installer, when asked to compile .pyc files, exits with an error as reported here: http://mail.pytho

[issue8241] py2_test_grammar.py contains invalid syntax for 2.6

2010-03-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Lib\lib2to3\tests\data\py2_test_grammar.py, in test_with_statement, requires a variant of the with statement (multiple targets) that is not available in Python 2.6. Compiling py2_test_grammar.py raises a SyntaxError. This makes the 2.6.5 installer

[issue4749] Issue with RotatingFileHandler logging handler on Windows

2010-03-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: @jpfarias: could you be more specific? Which error(s) do you have? in which scenario? -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4

[issue8262] bad wording in error message attempting to start a Thread twice

2010-03-29 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Steve Holden, in <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general/658347>, about the RuntimeError you get when a Thread object is started twice: «"thread already started" implies that the thread is running, but you actually get the

[issue1723] Respuesta automática de Yahoo!

2008-01-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina: Estoy de vacaciones hasta el 15 de enero! On holiday until Jan 15! -- messages: 59110 nosy: gagenellina severity: normal status: open title: Respuesta automática de Yahoo! __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2008-01-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1675> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue1927] raw_input behavior incorrect if readline not enabled

2008-01-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: GNU readline is configured as to prompt the user using standard output, and read input from standard input; if this is the desired behavior it would be easy to provide a simple patch so input/raw_input behave that way even when readline is not used

[issue1742669] "%d" format handling for long values

2008-02-18 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: An updated patch, along the lines given by Travis Oliphant. Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9458/floatfmt.diff _ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/iss

[issue1518] Fast globals/builtins access (patch)

2008-02-18 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina: -- nosy: +gagenellina __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1518> __ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubs

[issue2304] subprocess under windows fails to quote properly when shell=True

2008-03-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: You aren't testing the modified code, the Popen call should say shell=True. I think that a more PEP8-compliant style would be nice (removing the spaces after open and read, and using consistent indentation)

[issue2483] int and float accept bytes, complex does not

2008-03-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Are numbers so special to break the rules? why stopping here? what about other types that may want to accept ASCII bytes instead of characters? Isn't this like going back to the 2.x world? The protocol with embedded ASC

[issue4267] sqlite3 documentation

2008-11-05 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Three small changes to sqlite3 documentation: 1) (mostly cosmetic) In the second example, changed what was "a tuple of tuples" to "a list of tuples" to follow common practice. 2) "DEFERRED", "I

[issue4268] functions in email package listed under wrong module

2008-11-06 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Functions message_from_string and message_from_file are documented as belonging to the email.parser module, but in fact they live at the top of the email package. The .rst source looks fine, but the rendered htm

[issue1755388] Problem with socket.gethostbyaddr() and KeyboardInterrupt

2008-11-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I think that closing it as wontfix is not the proper thing to do. It is a real bug; closing it will hide it from anybody that could potentially fix it. Also it won't appear on bug listings unless you explicitely ask for

[issue1755388] Problem with socket.gethostbyaddr() and KeyboardInterrupt

2008-11-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- components: +Library (Lib) -Interpreter Core ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.o

[issue1755388] Problem with socket.gethostbyaddr() and KeyboardInterrupt

2008-11-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Yes, I know it's a bug, and certainly closing this report won't help solve it. I can't reopen this. ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http:

[issue4309] ctypes documentation

2008-11-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4309> ___ __

[issue4022] 2.6 dependent on c:\python26\ on windows

2008-11-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4022> ___ __

[issue4315] On some Python builds, exec in a function can't create shadows of variables if these are declared "global" in another function of the same module

2008-11-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4315> ___ __

[issue3826] BaseHTTPRequestHandler depends on GC to close connections

2008-11-29 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: --- El vie 28-nov-08, Gregory P. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > P.S. Gabriel Genellina (gagenellina) - Your comment > sounded like you > had a unit test for this but it never got attached. Still > hav

[issue4335] inspect.getsourcelines ignores last line in module

2008-12-05 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4335> ___ __

[issue4426] UTF7 decoding is far too strict

2008-12-05 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4426> ___ __

[issue3166] Make conversions from long to float correctly rounded.

2008-12-09 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue3166> ___ __

[issue4566] 2.6.1 breaks many applications that embed Python on Windows

2008-12-09 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue4566> ___ __

[issue4622] SequenceMatcher bug with long sequences

2008-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Python 2.3.4 and later have this bug. But release 2.1.3 doesn't: Python 2.1.3 (#35, Apr 8 2002, 17:47:50) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license"

[issue4622] SequenceMatcher bug with long sequences

2008-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: #2986 may be a duplicate of this; #1528074 is relevant too. ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.pytho

[issue3999] Real segmentation fault handler

2008-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/issue3999> ___ __

[issue4620] Memory leak with datetime used with time.strptime

2008-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: After running for more than 2 hours, I could not see any memory growth with 2.5.2 on WinXP. -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.pytho

[issue4216] subprocess.Popen hangs at communicate() when child exits

2008-12-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I think communicate() works as documented now: reads stdout/stderr until EOF, *and* waits for subprocess to terminate. You're asking for a different method, or perhaps an optional parameter "return_when_died" to communicate, so it returns

[issue4640] optparse - dosn't distinguish between '--option' and '-option'

2008-12-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: could you provide a test case / code fragment showing the bug? -- components: +Library (Lib) -Extension Modules nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4

[issue4643] cgitb.html fails if getattr call raises exception

2008-12-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4643> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue4708] os.pipe should return inheritable descriptors (Windows)

2008-12-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: >From the thread in c.l.p: Pros (of changing os.pipe() to return inheritable pipes): - as it isn't explicitely documented whether os.pipe() returns inheritable pipes or not, both versions are "right" according to the documentation. -

[issue4747] SyntaxError executing a script containing non-ASCII characters in its name or path

2008-12-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Attempting to directly execute a script containing non-ASCII characters in its name or path raises SyntaxError. The script contents are mostly irrelevant, except it must contain an encoding declaration (with *any* encoding, real or inexistent). Running

[issue4746] Misguiding wording 3.0 c-api reference

2008-12-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Also, it isn't clear that the returned string must not be modified, and that the pointer lifetime is of the original string object itself. (This applies to all string and unicode formats). -- nosy: +gagene

[issue4722] _winreg.QueryValue fault while reading mangled registry values

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4722> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue4726] doctest gets line numbers wrong due to quotes in comments

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I could not reproduce the behaviour you describe. Could you provide a test case? That fails with the current code and is fixed after applying your patch. (BTW, the r.e. should be a raw string literal, even the original one) -- nosy: +gagenellina

[issue4716] Python 3.0 halts on shutdown when settrace is set

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Yes, this is exactly the problem. The execution never goes beyond print ('here'); if you print frame.f_lineno you'll see it blocks at io.py line 1036, waiting for a Lock for the second time. So the trace function cannot use print, not w

[issue4708] os.pipe should return inheritable descriptors (Windows)

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Patch to posixmodule.c including test case and documentation updates. Note: I've only run the tests on Windows. -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12460/inheritable_pipes.diff ___ P

[issue4710] [PATCH] zipfile.ZipFile does not extract directories properly

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Your usage of os.sep is incorrect, both when reading and writing directories. Zip files are (more-or-less) platform independent. The specification *requires* forward slashes in paths [1], and the zipfile module already writes them that way. Checking for

[issue4756] zipfile.is_zipfile: added support for file-like objects

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Patch to zipfile.is_zipfile, adding support for file and file-like objects. Includes test cases and documentation updates. This fixes issue4241 too. -- components: Library (Lib) files: is_zipfile_filelike.diff keywords: patch messages: 78342

[issue4241] zipfile.py -> is_zipfile leaves file open when error

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: The patch for issue4756 fixes this too. -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4241> ___ ___

[issue3618] possible deadlock in IO library (Lib/io.py)

2008-12-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue3618> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue4643] cgitb.html fails if getattr call raises exception

2008-12-29 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I believe a patch against the trunk would be enough, but should include a test case. ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4

[issue3023] Problem with invalidly-encoded command-line arguments (Unix)

2008-12-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue3023> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue4781] The function, Threading.Timer.run(), may be Inappropriate

2008-12-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Note that doing this would change the class semantics. Timer "[...] represents an action that should be run only after a certain amount of time has passed — a timer." and the example clearly shows that the action is run *once*. Timer is ba

[issue4811] invalid reST markup in several documents

2009-01-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina
New submission from Gabriel Genellina : Several documents contain invalid reST markup that "leaks" into the html output (missing ``, incorrect indentation, etc.) This patch fixes the obvious ones. -- assignee: georg.brandl components: Documentation files: invalid-doc-m

[issue4811] invalid reST markup in several documents

2009-01-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: I did a search on the .html files using a regular expression, and manually filtered out the false positives. The expression used was this "::[^=]|:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+|`|\.\.\s*\w +:" I'll try to come up with

[issue4811] invalid reST markup in several documents

2009-01-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: This patch includes some (sort of) checker for suspicious constructs that resembles markup that has leaked into the final output. It's a new Builder for Sphinx, and works with the docutils nodes, not the source files directly. "doc-Makefile.dif

[issue4811] invalid reST markup in several documents

2009-01-04 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12579/suspicious.rar ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4811> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue4905] Use INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES instead of magic numbers

2009-01-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: The patch looks fine to me -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4905> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue4903] binascii.crc32() - document signed vs unsigned results

2009-01-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Just a small note on the wording: "will have" and "will always be" look too strong to me. I'd just use is, are. Present tense seems to be --in general-- the preferred style in the documentation.

[issue4926] putenv() accepts names containing '=', return value of unsetenv() not checked

2009-01-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Changes by Gabriel Genellina : -- nosy: +gagenellina ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4926> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue4871] zipfile can't decrypt

2009-01-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Lukas Lueg> The default encoding is UTF8 What do you mean? Not inside a zip file. The default encoding is CP437 (the original IBM PC US character set). A zipfile password is a sequence of bytes, not characters, as defined in the specification. Proba

[issue4889] difflib

2009-01-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: You (as a human) most likely parse these lines: hostname vaijain123 hostname CAVANC1001CR1 as "two words, the first one is the same, the second word changed". But difflib sees them more or less as: "21 letters, 8 of them are the same, 1

[issue4871] zipfile can't decrypt

2009-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gabriel Genellina added the comment: Yes, the unicode flag is irrelevant to the password. To successfuly decrypt a file, one must know the password *and* the encoding in use when it was written, so the only sensible thing to do is to accept bytes only. Your patch looks good to me with a few

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