Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
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Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I agree.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I don't think the proposal is incompatible with what I discussed.
I haven't been super clear on my opinions on the implementation, so let me try
to clarify them.
- I think that we should use a static scheme, accessible on all platforms.
- If this sc
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
With PR 31034 merged, we can now mark this as resolved.
As mentioned in the PR, there are still some concerns about maintainability and
avoiding similar issues to happen in the future. That can be done later, as
people find time to work on it.
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
Currently, the order of set or frozenset elements when saved to bytecode is
dependent on the random seed. This breaks reproducibility.
Example fail from an Arch Linux package:
Let's ta
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24143
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +christian.heimes
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I just realized my fix is wrong because list.sort does not handle different
types. Similarly to other reproducibility fixes, how does skipping the item
randomization when SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set sound
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Nevermind, AFAIK that depends on the hash seed, correct? So, the most viable
option to me would be a sorting algorithm that could take type into account.
Would that be an acceptable solution?
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Sorry for the spam, I am trying to figure out the best option here, which is
hard to do by myself.
IMO it would be reasonable to create set objects with elements in the order
they appear in the code, instead of based on the hash. I am not really sure
where is
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Normal sets have the same issue, see bpo-43850.
Would it be reasonable to make it so that sets are always created with the
definition order? Looking at the set implementation, this seems perfectly
nosy: +FFY00
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
> No, it would not. We would also have to maintain order across set operations
> such as intersection which which would become dramatically more expensive if
> they had to maintain order. For example intersecting a million element set
> with a
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
s/is can/can/
Python tracker
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Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +24409
Python tracker
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
As part of the distutils migration we plan to add a mechanism to let Python
distributors to add site install schemes.
Currently, Python distributors are patching distutils to add custom install
schemes for their packages. I think most of the reasoning boils
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
That is reasonable. I have created bpo-43976.
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
We have discussed this approach a little in a few bug trackers, but I opened
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Making sysconfig look at sitecustomize seems like the wrong approach. It is
behavior I would never expect, and there are use-cases where I still want the
schemes to be present when the site module initialization is disabled.
I would also argue that having this
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I forgot to ping here, the patch went in and should be available in 3.10, so
this can be closed now.
nosy: +jaraco
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
FYI, I have change the implementation to split the extra install schemes and
extra schemes activated on site. This still makes sense over sitecustomize
because we want the packages to be included in site.getsitepackages -- we want
the vendor packages to
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
> My biggest concern is with the bare "import _vendor_config", which I'd prefer
> to have restricted to a fixed location, rather than being influenced by
> environment variables and other options. We already have an issue with
> r
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I believe sysconfig.get_path('purelib') and sysconfig.get_path('platlib')
should work for you.
> sysconfig.get_path('purelib')
> sysconfig.get_path('platlib')
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
If you are relying on the value of distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() as you
shown in your system, you probably don't want to. That directory
(dist-packages) should be for Debian provided packages only, so moving to
sysconfig.get_path() would be a good
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
We cannot change how `sudo pip install` fundamentally works because there are
too many people depending on it, and even if we could, this is not the place :P
I think we went a little off-topic here, so let's get back to the discussion.
> The best op
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
That always depends on the way distros patch Python, though all the major
distros I know will add their schemes to sysconfig, which works what that
approach. But yeah, that is what you probably want to be doing
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Another idea, would it be possible to add a flag to turn on reproducibility,
sacrificing performance? This flag could be set when generating bytecode, where
the performance hit shouldn't be that rel
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Both importlib_metadata and importlib_resources have dropped support for Python
2.7 and 3.5, this should now be unblocked.
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
This was fixed in It can be
closed now.
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
For references, this was fixed in
and should go into CPython in the next code sync
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
The supress(FileNotFoundError) context manager now is only active when fetching
the file, not during importlib.resources.path. _path_from_resource_path is not
longer a generator, so supress(FileNotFoundError) is promptly closed after the
return, preventing its
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Directories are not resources, the reason it previously worked was purely
I assume you already found a solution in, which would be
importlib.resources.files(__package__) / 'dir'
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Yes, it would be good to properly define resources in the current docs. Though,
I am left questioning if that definition is still correct, I assume so given
the implementation. I will open a new bug regarding the documentation of what
is considered a resource
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
It would be good to explain what constitutes a resource in the
importlib.resources documentation.
As per the current implementation, they should be defined as arbitrary files
contained in the package. Is this correct?
assignee: docs@python
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
7f7e706d78ab968a1221c6179dfdba714860bd12 introduced the files() api and
documented a protocol, but it did not implement
This class is documented and marked as introduced in 3.9, but it's actually
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24876
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Closing as the new --with-wheel-pkg-dir option provides an alternative
resolution: -> fixed
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
ResourceReader used to have this requirement, Traversable does not. We cannot
add a requirement as there might be users not doing this, but we can ask new
users to do so.
We should document that FileNotFoundError should be raised if a file is not
found, but
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +24877
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24878
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
The files()/Traversable api is meant to replace ResourceReader api, but it
falls short in one dimension, tying the abstraction to a file system path.
I propose to document that Traversable users *should* implement __fspath__ if
the Traversable represents a
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I am gonna wait until/if GH-26272 (#44196) gets merged because this would
conflict with that.
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
assignee: -> docs@python
components: +Documentation
nosy: +docs@python
Python tracker
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
errors should be supported by and is currently supported in
importlib.resources.open_text, but Traversable.read_text cannot do it, making
it an unsuitable replacement for open_text.
messages: 394088
nosy: FFY00, brett.cannon
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I am gonna wait until/if GH-26272 (#44196) gets merged to submit a PR because
it will conflict with that.
components: +Library (Lib)
versions: +Python 3.11
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24886
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
This protocol is needed to write type hints, so it should be public.
components: Installation
messages: 394150
nosy: FFY00, jaraco
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make importlib.metadata._meta.PackageMetadata public
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24902
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
components: +Library (Lib) -Installation
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
We do implement the protocol, and not TraversableResources, in some places,
such as DegenerateFiles for eg. It seems to me that maybe that is an issue and
we actually want to inherit from TraversableResources.
The question here is, are people supposed to be
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Having a better look at it, I think we should only add this specification to
Traversable, by design, makes it totally plausible that open() cannot be
performed. It could be a nonexistent path, the Traversable could represent
object where open
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
That makes sense, I wish all these details were documented, but it is more than
enough precedent to choose to not add such enforcements to the specification.
resolution: -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -&g
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
That's why I said it should be optional. If the object can implement it, it
should. `pathlib.Path` certainly can, `zipfile.Path` can't, and that's alright.
If the Traversable does not represent a path on the file-system, it does not
make sen
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
CompatibilityFiles would use this. We could add a dispatch for that too, but
that's 2 different cases now and `os.PathLike` would be able to handle both.
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
The annotations will effectively become strings, instead of object references,
in Python 3.11, which solves this issue.
You can enable this behavior in holder Python version with `from __future__
import annotations`, see PEP 563[1].
>>> c
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Sorry, my dyslexia is acting up.
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
This can be closed now.
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
That would not stay true to its meaning. AFAIK there are no implied exceptions
in file objects. Given the meaning of ValueError, I'd say it is appropriate
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I would not expect SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to sacrifice performance. During
packaging, SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is always set, and sometimes we need to perform
expensive operations. We only need this behavior during cache generation,
making the solution not optimal
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
What about normal sets? They also suffer from the same issue.
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
resolution: -> works for me
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Ah, my bad! Though, thinking about it, it does make sense. If that's the case,
then the argument Raymond provided against preserving order does not seem that
relevant, as we would only need to preserve the order in the creation
operation. What do you thin
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I understand, the proposal would be to make frozensets keep the creation order.
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I modified the script to keep the both Python generated tarballs and ran
diffoscope, which presents the issue very clearly:
$ diffoscope py.gz py2.gz
--- py.gz
+++ py2.gz
├── filetype from file(1)
│ @@ -1 +1 @@
│ -gzip compressed data, was "py", las
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Given the addition of the tarfile CLI and the seeming lack of interest, can
this be closed?
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
tarfile will keep the mtime from the file, the issue is that you are touching
the files in the beginning of the script. When you write to the files, you
change the mtime (last modified time), which produces a different TarInfo. If
you comment out the code that
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Yeah, I understand. What you want is achieved by making sure the mtime from the
tar archive, and files on the archive, is reproducible, like I demonstrated
Can this be closed?
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
During the distutils deprecation, we have identified that there is no good
replacement for the distutils `headers` install path. This path defines where
packages are supposed to install headers on the system.
The setuptools equivalent would be `include
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +iritkatriel
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
nosy: +FFY00
nosy_count: 4.0 -> 5.0
pull_requests: +25366
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
I bissected this to 088a15c49d99ecb4c3bef93f8f40dd513c6cae3b and submitted a
patch making traceback.FrameSummary take into consideration that lineno might
be None, I believe this is probably the correct fix
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +25367
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Upon further investigation, there are actually two issues here. The first would
be the one I identified already, traceback.FrameSummary not being prepared for
lineno being None, but there is also a regression in lineno being invalid in
this situation in the
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
The issue that made the line number be missing is fixed, but GH-26781 is needed
to account for 088a15c49d99ecb4c3bef93f8f40dd513c6cae3b, even though it is no
longer triggered in this situation.
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +25633
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Unfortunately, the fix has some unforeseen side-effects, so we'll have to
revert it :/
resolution: fixed ->
status: closed -> open
versions: +Python 3.11
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
Sorry for not posting a link here, see
The issue is not legacy behavior, it's that the fix messed up the functionality
and that was not caught by tests. I don't have much time to
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
stage: -> needs patch
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
nosy: +FFY00
resolution: fixed ->
status: closed -> open
Python tracker
New submission from Filipe Laíns :
Consider the following
$ tree a
├── b
│ ├──
│ └──
1 directory, 3 files
$ cat a/b/
import a.b.c
$ cat a/b/
import a.b
$ python
Python 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16)
[GCC 11.1.0] on linux
Change by Filipe Laíns :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +25842
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Filipe Laíns added the comment:
#28491 is now resolved, so the PR should be unblocked. Would you mind rebasing
it on main to retrigger the CI?
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +25881
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +25886
Python tracker
Change by Filipe Laíns :
nosy: +FFY00
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Filipe Laíns :
pull_requests: +26000
Python tracker
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