New submission from Evan :
Apologies if this is pedantic; in the file the ParamSpec's doc string
"They are only valid when used in ``Concatenate``,
or s the first argument to ``Callable``"
I believe it should be:
"They are only valid when used in ``C
Change by Evan :
nosy: +schmave
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Evan :
I observed a false positive for the csv sniffer has_header method. (It thought
there was a header when there was not.) This is due to the fact that in
has_header, it determines the csv dialect by sniffing it, and failed to
determine that the file I was using had an
New submission from Evan :
(I'm brand new to, apologies in advance if this has been
recorded elsewhere or is not a bug)
I've a simple script which fetching a url using httplib/urllib2 and then
simply searches the HTML for a string. Works on every URL I've tried
New submission from Evan:
(This discussion started on issue28595.)
The new punctuation_chars keyword argument is intended to provide
"compatibility with the parsing performed by common Unix shells like bash,
dash, and sh", however the documentation and examples do not mention that
Evan added the comment:
I've created issue28784 to capture the documentation fixes. When I have more
spare time, I'll work on a more complete patch.
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
I think the patch should remove the comma, not the double dash. This is a
parenthetical remark and should end the same way it starts.
nosy: +evan_
Evan added the comment:
This issue is relevant to Python 2 on Windows since you need to disable the EOL
conversion if you're trying to receive binary data on stdin.
nosy: +
Evan added the comment:
+1, I'm also using Windows with Git Bash and venv is unusable for me without
Brandon's workaround.
nosy: +evan_
Python tracker
New submission from Evan:
When I launch *any* version of Python using py.exe from Git Bash, the up and
down arrows clear the line buffer instead of navigating history.
The following things all work as intended:
* py.exe in cmd.exe
* py.exe in Git Bash using winpty
* Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 when
Evan added the comment:
Yes, the history within the current Python session. It's worth noting that the
history usually behaves like in cmd.exe, not bash. (I don't have a py.exe
without the bug at the moment to confirm that is the same.)
Testing now, it seems all the history shortc
Evan added the comment:
No, it doesn't provide a version of readline that works with Windows binaries.
Trying to import readline fails no matter how I start Python.
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
I tried compiling the version of the launcher from, and the bug is still present there.
Previously when I was testing older versions with the launcher I had to
uninstall pyreadline from several of them to confirm the bug was
Evan added the comment:
This appears to be a bug with Git Bash, not Python or the launcher. Closing.
resolution: -> third party
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
No problem, thanks for your time.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan added the comment:
This package doesn't yet have a wheel for Python 3.6, so it falls back on the
source distribution, and the file doesn't run under Python 3.
You can either wait for the maintainer to upload the new wheel to PyPI, or take
one of the recently built
New submission from Evan:
When both punctuation_chars and posix are used, any punctuation directly next
to quoted characters is interpreted as a single token.
>>> from shlex import shlex
>>> list(shlex('>"a"', posix=True))
['>', 'a&
New submission from Evan:
The code sample here does not match the output - the first line is labelled
'New' and the second line 'Old'.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentat
Evan added the comment:
I've attached a more complete patch. This takes the conservative approach of
retaining all functionality of 3.6 and treating this as a new feature for 3.7.
I don't think this is suitable for 3.6.1 given this new behavior contradicts
what is currently writ
Evan added the comment:
I've attached a simplistic patch which fixes the problem. I suspect a better
fix might be to shuffle the elif branches around so the extra condition isn't
necessary. Vinay, what are your thoughts?
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Evan added the comment:
Sorry for not being more clear in the original report - the error is in the
code, not in the output. The old behavior is punct=False, the new is punct=True.
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
Second patch looks good, thanks. Do you also want to doctest that?
Python tracker
Changes by Evan :
nosy: +evan_
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan added the comment:
This is also broken in 3.5.2, but not in 3.6.0:
>>> list(shlex.shlex('echo b="",echo bar', posix=True))
['echo', 'b', '=', '', ',', 'echo', 'bar']
Evan added the comment:
My mistake, it was addressed directly in issue21999. This is already fixed in
2.7.13 and will be fixed in 3.5.3.
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
I've just submitted the form.
I'm attaching a second patch which also addresses another similar bug
demonstrated in the test case. The fix is to check for the 'c' state before
checking for quotes or escape characters.
Added file: ht
Evan added the comment:
The scripts are being read in with mode 'rb', decoded, modified, then written
back out with mode 'w'. This means the EOL conversion doesn't happen on the way
in, but does happen on the way out, and so '\r\n' becomes '\r\r\n'
Evan added the comment:
Works for me in Git Bash.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan added the comment:
Works for me on the master branch. Thanks, Vinay.
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Python-bugs-list mailin
Evan added the comment:
I'm also interested in this. I've been using 'thing.__origin__ is
typing.Union', but this doesn't work in some of the older versions of typing.
nosy: +evan_
Python tracker
New submission from Evan:
When using nargs='*' with choices, it is impossible to specify 0 args:
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('foo', choices=['foo'], nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args([]) # <--
New submission from Evan:
The changes to shlex due to land in 3.6 use a predefined set of characters to
"augment" wordchars, however this set is incomplete. For example, 'foo,bar'
should be parsed as a single token, but it is split on the comma:
$ echo foo,bar
Changes by Evan :
title: shlex.split should not augment wordchars -> shlex.shlex should not
augment wordchars
Python tracker
Evan added the comment:
I have some additional concerns with the changes introduced in
1. The fact that posix defaults to False in shlex.shlex (but not in
shlex.split) is a huge beginner trap. If users are expecting to use this for
"compatibility wit
Evan Driscoll added the comment:
Hah, I totally forgot about this thing.
I'd suggest a change to the proposed patch. The patched version says:
"In nearly all cases, ``join(head, tail)`` returns a location
equivalent to *path* (the only exception being when there were
New submission from Evan Dandrea :
I've expanded the coverage of the posixpath test. The following scenarios have
been added:
- lexists with a non-existent file.
- ismount with binary data.
- ismount with a directory that is not a mountpoint.
- ismount with a non-existent file.
- is
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
nosy: +michael.foord
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
Fixed a typo in the previous patch.
Added file:
Python tracker
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
Added an updated patch that includes testing whether ismount would succeed by
faking path being on a different device from its parent.
Added file:
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
It's probably best to give the fake stats inode numbers, so if the code does
fail to check the st_dev fields, it will fail the test. I've updated the patch
with this.
Added file:
New submission from Evan Dandrea :
Using Python tip from Sunday, I noticed that tarfile does not elegantly handle
ENOENT by raising a single exception:
>>> tarfile.TarFile.gzopen('fdsfd', 'r')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/evan/hg/cpyt
New submission from Evan Dandrea :
Passing the format keyword parameter to shutil.unpack_archive triggers an
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Lib/test/", line 650, in test_unpack_archive
unpack_archive(filename, tmpdir2, format=format)
File &
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
Updated the patch to address Michael's concerns.
Added file:
Python tracker
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
I've looked at the sameopenfile code, and can see no reason why it would not
work on Windows. I've asked Brian to verify this.
Python tracker
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
I haven't used addCleanup here, but have noted it for the future. In this
case, using it would require adding another function to handle the
reassignment, which I think is a bit more messy than the extra bit of
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
*facepalm* Indeed, thanks for pointing that out and nice catch on the race
condition. Attached is a patch to fix the issue as you've suggested, and adds
a test case for it.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
Removed file:
Python tracker
New submission from Evan Dandrea :
The attached patch increases the coverage in shutil. It makes the following
- Tests the code paths for file and directory copies across filesystems by
mocking out rename.
- Adds a test for shutil.copy.
- Adds a test for shutil.copy2.
- Tests
Evan Dandrea added the comment:
Thanks for the pointers. I've updated the patch hopefully adequately addressing
your concerns.
components: +Interpreter Core -Library (Lib)
type: behavior ->
Added file:
Changes by Evan Dandrea :
Removed file:
Python tracker
New submission from Evan Teran :
I have encountered an issue where python will do a request even when built
without IPv6. This becomes an issue because on some configurations this seems
to cause a 5 second delay on DNS lookups (that is a separate issue of course).
Basically here is what
Change by Evan Greenup :
Added file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
New submission from Evan Greenup :
Read the in attachment.
This simple shallow recursion will never return result.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 406003
nosy: evan0greenup
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: recursive
New submission from Evan Fagerberg :
Hello, I really like that this library allows for really strict mocking however
one thing I have noticed is that it seems like using spec on a mock does not
properly read the class body for attributes like some of the documentation
claims. For example
Evan Fagerberg added the comment:
Sorry one small note, the error in the example happens on
logger.propagate = False
and not
assert logger.propagate is False
Python tracker
Evan Fagerberg added the comment:
Rereading the documentation, I see that a class attribute set to null will
return a MagicMock for that attribute. That might be a reasonable workaround.
Perhaps the more concrete solution would be that dir lists uninitialized class
attributes and if a type
Evan Fagerberg added the comment:
Reflecting on it more, there should be a sensible way to retrieve the set
attributes of the init method of any class without explicitly instantiating it,
via the inspect module.
Python tracker
Change by Evan Fagerberg :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21567
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Evan Greenup :
Zstandard is getting more and more popular. It could be awesome if tarfile
support this compression format for .tar.zst file.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 343945
nosy: evan0greenup
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
New submission from Evan Andrews:
The method used for spawning subprocesses on Windows is not thread-safe under
certain circumstances. The following example demonstrates how this manifests:
>>> import threading
>>> import subprocess
New submission from Evan Newman :
Formatted strings seem to have some quirks.
if you try putting in this, for example;
print(f'{0 0}')
; you get a syntax error, which is probably intended, but where the error is
reported is not always accurate. for example;
#just a comment,
Change by Evan Newman :
title: Some Errors involving formatted strings aren't reported in the right
place. -> Some Errors involving formatted strings aren't reported in the right
Python tracker
Evan Andrews added the comment:
Do I need to create a pull request for this?
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Changes by Evan Andrews :
pull_requests: +2134
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan Andrews added the comment:
Thanks, Vinay. I understand you're busy, and I'm in no particular rush to have
this looked at, so feel free to come back to it when you have more time. I've
submitted the changes as a PR.
I also have an additional concern - even with this chan
Change by Evan Driscoll :
nosy: +evaned
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan Driscoll added the comment:
I ran into this issue today. (Or rather a couple weeks ago, and I just
diagnosed it today.)
Reading through the thread and from the bug's age it looks like a fix is
probably not to promising, but Cherniavsky Beni's 2016-04-11 22:03 comment
> Can
Evan Driscoll added the comment:
> I also think that nargs=## could maybe be special-cased to just ignore
> the A/O designation completely and only check there are enough, but I
> haven't tried this out. Does this seem like a viable approach? Would a
> patch that does that
Evan Driscoll added the comment:
One last comment for the time being.
I actually think *both* changes are valuable. Fixing the bug, well, fixes the
bug if you can set the appropriate flag. The improved error message still helps
for existing code and new code that *doesn't* set the
New submission from Evan Allrich :
At present the note [0] appears under the documentation for `json.dumps` (which
does not use the `fp` argument). It seems the note would be better placed with
the documentation for the affected function.
> Note
> Unlike pickle and marshal
Change by Evan Allrich :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8215
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Buck Evan :
Specifically in the case of a class that does not override its constructor
signature inherited from object.
Github PR incoming shortly.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 325501
nosy: bukzor
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
Change by Buck Evan :
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Evan Jones :
nosy: +evanj
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Evan Jones :
nosy: +evanj
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Evan Driscoll :
The documentation for os.path.split says, in part:
"In nearly all cases, join(head, tail) equals path (the only
exception being when there were multiple slashes separating head
from tail)."
But this is not quite true: that's not the *
Evan Klitzke added the comment:
I'm also interested in seeing this fixed. In the current behavior, the
following code doesn't work:
<<< start code
from functools import wraps
def magic(func):
def even_more_magic(*args):
Evan Klitzke added the comment:
New patch included, with a test case.
I had wanted to check the classmethod __module__ thing directly, but that
proved to be elusive, since the classmethod gets the __module__ attribute if
the module is '__main__', and you can't delete that att
New submission from Evan Greensmith :
In python 3.0 and 3.1, attempting to access a local variable from within
a list comprehension in a string passed to eval() causes a NameError.
Doesn't seem to be a problem in python 2.6
I have attempted to run the attached test cases (test_eval_co
New submission from Evan Jones : with an empty tar archive fails with a ReadError
exception. GNU tar refuses to create empty archives, but tarfile allows
it. See the following code which reproduces the error. I used the
version of from subversion (revision 72458) with
Changes by Evan Jones :
title: tarfile: -> tarfile: opening an empty tar file fails
Python tracker
Changes by Evan Behar :
nosy: +ebehar
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Evan Behar added the comment:
I think I've found the problem.
In configure:
13830 if test "${ac_cv_lib_intl_textdomain+set}" = set; then
13831 echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
13832 else
13833 ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
13834 LIBS="-li
Evan Behar added the comment:
I applied Benjamin's new patch to the original files, but I receive the
same error, and the LIBS in the Makefile still only has -ldl and not -lintl.
Python tracker
Evan Behar added the comment:
It works fine for my framework build on 10.4.11
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Evan Behar added the comment:
Nevermind, my bad. With Brett's patch, the build does not work with
It appears that makes no assignment to FRAMEWORKLINK or
AC_SUBST call with it, and so it is deposited in the final Makefile
verbatim as @FRAMEWORKLINK
Evan Behar added the comment:
Curiously, if I define --with-pydebug I get
ld: Undefined symbols:
If I don't define --with-pydebug but I do use --enable-universalsdk I
get a whole different problem:
gcc -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
Evan Behar added the comment:
I haven't got any library issues using --enable-universalsdk, it won't
get to the linking stage becaue it doesn't find libintl.h
And with --with-pydebug still doesn't build because it won't find
___eprintf, whatever that is.
The only
New submission from Evan Fosmark :
Right now, it seems impossible to use cgi.FieldStorage in 3.0 if you're
giving it environ['wsgi.input'] like so:
post_data = cgi.FieldStorage(
Evan Andrews added the comment:
Attaching an updated patch now that the two linked issues are resolved.
Added file:
Python tracker
Evan Andrews added the comment:
Unfortunately shlex.shlex's defaults are probably going to remain that way for
a long time in order to avoid breaking backwards compatibility. Presumably
shlex.split was added so you didn't have to remember to set posix and
whitespace_split your
Evan Jones added the comment:
I have a crazy idea, but I'm not 100% sure how to implement it: If Python was
able to detect and report this error in a friendly way, it would allow people
to easily understand what is happening and to work around it. How can we do it?
First idea: I
Evan Jones added the comment:
This is effectively the same as issue 27126. The discussion there convinced me
that this may not be working around, since it isn't the only place this can
happen! This same crash, caused by libdispatch not being fork compatible, also
happens with sqlite a
Evan Hubinger added the comment:
I wrote a patch to blacklist FunctionTestCase in TestLoader, and a test to make
sure FunctionTestCase doesn't show up in the TestSuite after loading a module
that includes it. The test runs successfully. This is my first patch, so
feedback would be apprec
Evan Hubinger added the comment:
Added a patch that clears up the incorrect help. It now accurately reflects the
only constraints that the code actually puts on the arguments:
if listfuncs and (count or trace):
_err_exit("cannot specify both --listfuncs and (--trace or --
New submission from Evan Hubinger:
The code
import itertools
it = itertools.chain.from_iterable((f() for f in [lambda: it]))
definitely segfaults on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4, and probably segfaults
on other versions as well. The code is clearly incorrect in that the lambda
Evan Jones added the comment:
I believe the root cause of this bug is the following issue: ; a workaround is to run the following code
before forking any subprocesses: sqlite3.connect(':memory:').close()
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