[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
New submission from Dave Sawyer: With Python 3.5, some refactoring of the documentation structure has been done. Building the documentation targets directly works, but using the supplied make.bat fails, not finding the sphinx python file. -- assignee: docs@python components

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : -- type: compile error -> behavior ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21289> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Un

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34954/mywork.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Removed the use of python in the make, calling the sphinx-build executable. Also the Doc directory was called "Docs" in the readme.txt -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.o

[issue15414] os.path.join behavior on Windows (ntpath.join) is unexpected and not well documented

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: http://bugs.python.org/issue1669539 has been partially fixed. On Windows os.path.join('foo', 'a:bar') gives 'a:bar' not 'foo\\a:bar'. However os.path.isabs('a:bar') returns False yet it causes a reset in the joi

[issue15414] os.path.join behavior on Windows (ntpath.join) is unexpected and not well documented

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34956/joindoc.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue15

[issue15414] os.path.join behavior on Windows (ntpath.join) is unexpected and not well documented

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : -- versions: +Python 3.4, Python 3.5 -Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue15414> ___ ___

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34957/mywork.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21289> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Thanks Zach! The bug tracker was nice enough to prompt me to go look in my email for the agreement too. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21

[issue21289] make.bat not building documentation

2014-04-18 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Thanks Zach, I'm used to Git and this was my first foray with Hg and trying to rebase (I knew I shoulda branched before starting on another patch). BTW, the devs at PyCon Montreal said "Zach's a good guy. One of maybe 4 Window

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-05-29 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: The revised patch says "connections" plural for true and "connection" singular for false. How about "the connection" since the method returns a connection. I'm wondering though about the lack of explanation or WHY for this param

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: The user probably has a recent enough version. This is guaranteed on Windows since Python bundles 3.6 or later. On mac or Linux it will use the version installed on the machine. I'll make a separate patch to check the version in sqlite3.py so it will gi

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Changed doc to note that not only must it be used on 1 thread if true, but that thread must be the thread that created it. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue27

[issue27188] sqlite3 execute* methods return value not documented

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Sawyer
New submission from Dave Sawyer: The three execute methods of the connection object return the created cursor. The term "intermediate" implies the cursor is totally handled by the execute method, not that the user will get ownership of the object. When the user doesn't call

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Hi Thomas and Senthil, for the serialized setting I mentioned earlier "The serialized mode is default on both Mac and Windows so we can probably skip validating that. I did like mentioning the user needs to serialize the writes. They could use one threa

[issue27190] Check sqlite3_version before allowing check_same_thread = False

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Sawyer
New submission from Dave Sawyer: Starting in sqlite version 3.3.1 (Jan 2006) multiple threads can share the same connection. Python allows you do use this with the check_same_thread parameter of sqlite3.connect() method. It's almost certain users have a late enough version of sqlite that

[issue27190] Check sqlite3_version before allowing check_same_thread = False

2016-06-03 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: This can go into bugfix branches. In fact, it's most likely to be helpful there because they are more likely to be running with a version of sqlite 10 years old. I use the sqlite3_libversion_number() call because I'm testing against the version

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-06-03 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: hurray! My first commit -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue27113> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsub

[issue27188] sqlite3 execute* methods return value not documented

2016-06-06 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Updated optional parameters. Fixed executescript which takes a single parameter. The English is correct - one needs to looks at the verbs to be sure they match in tense and number. Like "He OPENS the fridge, GRABS the milk, and DRINKS it." This method

[issue27188] sqlite3 execute* methods return value not documented

2016-06-06 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: No problem. I did a pull and reposted with additional fixes suggested by Berker and one copy/paste error I spotted. On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SilentGhost wrote: > > SilentGhost added the comment: > > Thanks for the patch, Dave. For whatev

[issue27113] sqlite3 open parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-05-24 Thread Dave Sawyer
New submission from Dave Sawyer: The sqlite3.connect method has 6 parameters. 5 of them are documented. See below and search for "check_same_thread". Patch adds documentation for this parameter. sqlite3.connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level, check_same_threa

[issue27113] sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented

2016-05-24 Thread Dave Sawyer
Changes by Dave Sawyer : -- title: sqlite3 open parameter "check_same_thread" not documented -> sqlite3 connect parameter "check_same_thread" not documented ___ Python tracker <http://

[issue6818] remove/delete method for zipfile/tarfile objects

2015-02-25 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: I'd be interested in taking up the zip portion at Pycon 2015 this year. I recently had need to delete file(s) from a zipfile. To do it today with the existing API requires you to unpack the zip and repack it. The unpack is slow and you need enough free

[issue6818] remove/delete method for zipfile/tarfile objects

2015-04-15 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: The zipfile way to delete or rename would be to just change the index. It really doesn't want to be re-written as it is designed to span disks. Many old versions of files can be scattered within the zip. In addition self-extracting zip files will have execu

[issue6818] remove/delete method for zipfile/tarfile objects

2015-04-15 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: I can add some more tests to bring up the coverage, but wanted to get reviewer opinion on the direction of this before doing more work. -- hgrepos: +305 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39063/zipfile_filter.patch

[issue6818] remove/delete method for zipfile/tarfile objects

2015-04-17 Thread Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer added the comment: Maybe it takes a little longer than a week. I have a final signed agreement from Ewa (https://secure.echosign.com/public/viewAgreement?aid=X88L4EVP5IXC289&eid=X88M6DGQ93J5K38&;) signed on 04/17/2014 6:48 PM Wow, exactly one