New submission from dave :
hi community,
i cannot import multiprocessing since it fails(?) during build.
could someone point out a solution for me?
thanks a lot in advance.
$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Feb 26 2011, 17:19:29)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
dave added the comment:
seems the multiprocessing issue was produced by the dynamic_lookup
parameter in the LDFLAGS...
after removing this, "import multiprocessing" works...
> export LDFLAGS="-Wall -undefined dynamic_lookup -arch i386"
New submission from dave :
The following example code fails in Python 3.7.3 64 bit (both lines are
displayed in black).
It works correctly in 3.7.2 and earlier.
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
root = tk.Tk()
ttk.Label(root, text='This is a RED label', foreground=&
New submission from Dave:
Calling will return only the Date and time to the
second w/o the decimal portion when the second increments when also running
firefox w/shockwave flash enabled on a windows 7 machine.
Example output:
counter1 is: 23360 time is: 2013-02-05
Dave added the comment:
Point was/is that I'd be willing to fix this so that others don't have to.
It's for OTHERS SAKE that I submitted this issue as my system is already bullet
proof from this defect/lack of feature situation. This is also my first
attempt to get in
Dave added the comment:
I appreciate you guys looking into this so quickly, but let's dig a little
1. STINNER Victor, you claim this is already fixed in 3.4 by the link, however
this doesn't really help since I'm not even up to 3.3 yet (though I'm
considering i
Dave added the comment:
Thanks David Murry for clearing up STINNER Victor comments. I already feel
like I work here;) So "it's not broke if there exists a workaround".
In that case it's time to update the documents (which often takes longer than
the code to upd
Dave added the comment:
Thanks for the reply, STINNER Victor reply makes more sense in hindsight.
Legacy often rules and we can work with/around things knowing it's full
Since this is not documented for this issue began), can we
add comments something
Dave added the comment:
Ok, as a c++ guy, it looked like it's returning a string. The documentation
says "Return the current local date and time", but it's actually returning a
datetime object (likely an object pointer) initialized to the current time. I
think this
Dave added the comment:
I'll order it.
Thanks again,
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Dave Hughes:
nosy: +waveform
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
I've refreshed this patch against the latest version of the code in hg.
In an attempt to make it easier to review, I've split it up into four (so far)
thematic patches, which apply in sequence.
Added file:
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
Added file:
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
[and yes, I used git to generate the 4 patches; sorry ]
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
The cumulative effect of the above patches (to _hashlib) are equivalent to what
I've applied downstream to python 2 in RHEL 6.0 and Fedora 17 onwards, and
python 3 in Fedora 17 onwards.
In those environments I've additionally patched hashlib t
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
> >> - running Python in gdb
> > This is somewhat orthogonal, but the devguide/gdb page doesn't say how to
> > start running Python
> > in gdb (it might be obvious to people used to use gdb, but it should still
> > be menti
New submission from Dave Flogeras :
I am trying to unpack boost_1_46_1.tar.bz2 (you can grab it here with the
following code:
import tarfile
t = "boost_1_46_1.tar.bz2" );
On OSX (both Lio
Dave Flogeras added the comment:
Thank you sirs. I've already got a workaround for this situation, and
personally don't care to waste my time with apple. I'm satisfied that Python
is handling bugs seriously and it will hopefully get into an apple release in
the future.
New submission from Dave Mankoff :
Title pretty much says it all. Simple test case:
>>> len(u' \t\r\n\u200B'.strip())
Should be zero.
Same problem in Python3:
>>> len(' \t\r\n\u200B'.strip())
components: Unicode
messages: 147538
Dave Mankoff added the comment:
I appreciated the quick turnaround on this.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the resolution. I understand that strip uses
_PyUnicode_IsWhitespace, and that _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace "Returns 1 for
Unicode characters having the bidirectional type 'WS'
Dave Mankoff added the comment:
But why are they not a space? I mean, they literally have the word space in
their name and are used as separators between words. I can't really see any
reason why you wouldn't want this behavior - there's not time when I would be
thankful tha
Dave Mankoff added the comment:
So I contacted the Unicode Technical Committee about the issue and received a
promptly received a response back. They pointed that the ZWSP was, once upon a
time considered white space but that was changed in Unicode 4.0.1
Dave Mankoff added the comment:
"Use regular expressions for more advanced stripping than what the .strip
method provides."
So I guess this brings me back to my original issue. I'm not looking for
particularly advanced stripping. I just want to remove all whitespace and othe
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
On ppc64, on this box, with glibc-2.14.90-19.ppc64, test_cmath fails with:
FAIL: test_specific_values (test.test_cmath.CMathTests
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Reported in glibc's bug tracker as:
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
The glibc bug has been fixed in that project's git repo:
title: test_cmath fails on ppc with glibc-2.14.90 due to optimized
architecture-specific "hypot"
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
I agree. I filed this here in case anyone else ran into it, but given that
this is really a glibc bug (now fixed), I'm closing this out as "won't fix".
resolution: -> wont fix
status: open -> closed
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
It's certainly much appreciated, but my tests have to run with a stock
python, so I worked around the problem personally. I just reported
this because I found (surprisingly, to me) that some of my tests had
been silently not-running, which seems like
Dave Rawks added the comment:
Confirm this problem exists in 2.7 as well.
nosy: +drawks
versions: +Python 2.7
Python tracker
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
I'm sorry, but it is simply not true that this is not a solved problem. This
is a well-understood problem that's solved --- at least as well as anyone could
want it to be --- by aptitude (not apt-get) and by
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
That's quite true. However, I don't think a local index is needed if there's a
remote index; you're already looking in a remote index, albeit a
less-completeone. And it could be maintained automatically from individual
package metadata.
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
The analogous code within Modules/selectmodule.c uses
#ifdef HAVE_POLL
to guard the poll-using code, to support non-Windows platforms that don't have
Presumably a patch for this sho
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Also, I see that Modules/selectmodule.c has some painful-looking workarounds
involving "HAVE_BROKEN_POLL", which presumably would also be applicable here.
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
[for reference: issue 11743 covered Antoine's rewrite of the connection class
to be pure python, for 3.3 (re msg138310)]
Python tracker
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
I run:
sudo pip install --upgrade twisted
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
Note: even after I install Sun CC, -KPIC is unrecognized. At least it's only a
warning in this case:
$ sudo pip install --upgrade twisted
Downloading/unpacking twisted
Running egg_info for package twisted
Downloading/unpacking zope.interface
Dave King added the comment:
Added some tests against the patch provided by R. David Murray. See attached
Tests pass against default.
nosy: +davbo
Added file:
Python tracker
Dave King added the comment:
Spotted another use of /tmp/ in the logging howto. Attached a diff.
nosy: +davbo
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Dave Malcolm : fails when builddir != srcdir: the regex tries to match lines like
#0 builtin_id (self=, v=()) at
but isn't expecting the "../" before the "Python/bltinmodule.c"
2.7 uses a different
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
FWIW, I've filed a bug about this issue for Fedora 15's python3 package here:
Looks like this has led to an extra .pyc in the old location for every Python 3
.py file in Fedora 15's variou
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
I'm attaching patches to handle some more "events" in the gdb7 debugging hooks
for CPython (aka Tools/gdb/
Currently, the hooks only care about C frames that are the bytecode interpreter
(i.e. PyEval_EvalFrameEx)
This pat
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
(On 2.7, I needed import_site=True to get the new tests to work from a fresh
build: "import time" wasn't being found otherwise)
Added file:
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Another datapoint:
For Fedora 16, I haven't done any downstream patching (so far), because we
hadn't run into any downstream problems.
I did some digging into why we're _not_ experiencing issues.
Currently for Fedora 16, we're shipping ker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Note that PyPy is also affected by this issue; see
For CPython, I'm of the opinion that:
- the final digit of sys.platform as-is for "linux*" is effectively
- that no code should be relying on the
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
On 64-bit PPC builds configured --with-tsc, Python segfaults within the first
function call in the bytecode interpreter.
Upon investigation this is due to this code in Python/ceval.c:
32 typedef unsigned long long uint64;
34 /* PowerPC
New submission from Dave Malcolm : has a couple of assertions of the form
self.assertTrue(len(foo), some number)
which appear to be incorrect, and should read:
self.assertEqual(len(foo), some number)
or assertEquals (that file uses both methods).
r76047 fixed some of these
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Hopefully actually attaching the patch this time
I've used assertEqual in the lines I've touched. I haven't touched the other
lines, in order to isolate the semantic fix from the stylistic one.
Added file:
New submission from Dave Malcolm : -x fails to work with more than two tests; for example, running:
$ ./ -x test_httplib test_http_cookies test_dl
erroneously runs test_dl
By default, "sed -e s" only substitutes the first match - the invocations
within runtes
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
FWIW it works with two args, but adding the third fails; echoing PAT indicates
the generated regex is missing the "|" separator:
^(test_httplib|test_http_cookies test_dl)$
Python trac
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Looks like a dup of issue 4835
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
resolution: -> duplicate
status: open -> closed
superseder: -> SIZEOF_SOCKET_T not defined
Python tracker
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
I can't imagine what kind of "positive response" you'd want from me. I
responded to the last question asked. I certainly don't know whether this is
still an issue, though.
nosy: +dabraham
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
(BTW, the versioning seems slightly misleading: "(Red Hat 4.1.0-3)" refers to
the version of GCC, not of the operating system.
You appear to be running gcc-4.1.0-3, which I believe was shipped in Fedora
Core 5.
Updating "title" metadata of
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
It's sometimes useful to be able to programatically inject a breakpoint when
debugging CPython.
For example, sometimes you want a conditional breakpoint, but the logic
involved is too complex to be expressed in the debugger (e.g. runtime
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
> Note that when running on Linux when _not_ under a debugger, the
> default for SIGTRAP is to get a coredump:
> Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
> so people should be strongly discouraged from adding these calls to
> their code.
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
With a clean build of release27-maint (r84317), fails on ppc64 with
this error:
File "", line 24, in test_keys
self.assert_(k in self.d)
I'm building gainst gdbm-1.8.0 (specifically, on a prerelease
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Note to self: I'm tracking this one in RH's downstream tracker as:
Python tracker
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: dmalcolm
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: object.__basicsize__ is erroneously0
Python tracker
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
On 64-bit bigendian machines (ppc64 and s390x), I'm seeing:
>>> print object.__basicsize__
(Discovered via a segfault in Jinja2 tries to use ctypes to manipulate
ob_refcnt of variables, and gets the wrong location, corrupting the objects
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
> I think either of these is correct:
> - a UTF-8-encoded string
> - a string encoded in UTF-8
Possibly use the word "buffer" here, rather than "string", as "string" may
suggest the "str" type.
Or even: &
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Tested with UCS4 gdb:
(gdb) python import sys; print hex(sys.maxunicode)
using latest py3k.
Works with both UCS2 and UCS4 builds of py3k
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
where "works" means: all tests in were run, and passed.
This was with a --with-pydebug-build in each case
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
One minor quibble with the patch:
In the line:
while i < field_length:
you're trusting that field_length has a sane value. If field_str points
somewhere readable, and field_length is huge (e.g. 0xfff), then gdb could
sit there for a while rea
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
"I don't think this" was of course a browser misfire; I meant to type "I don't
think this should block committing this fix"
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
For reference, the patch that I'm currently applying to Fedora's build of
Python-3.2a1 can be seen at:;a=blob_plain;f=python-3.2a1-debug-build.patch;hb=HEAD
It appears to be very similar to Matth
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
In reply to Barry A. Warsaw:
>@dmalcolm: I suspect you can reduce your diff for Python 3.2 now that PEP 3149
>has landed.
Yeah, the patch I linked to is against the 3.2a1 tarball; I hoped to regenerate
it for 3.2a2 but have been swamped thi
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 23:11 +, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
> > How about nss? As a bonus, this would also avoid making more work for
> > Fedora (<
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
I should note that I can't touch anything to do with Elliptic Curve crypto. I
don't know if I can comment on the reasons for that.
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
FWIW, one of my RH colleagues (John Dennis) has written a set of Python
bindings for NSS:
(Though that seems to me to be a slightly different thing to a general-purpose
crypto lib that happens to be written
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
giampaolo: did you ever rewrite the patch?
For reference to other users:
Note the complexity of the two handle_accept implementations in that file; both
of them begin:
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
test test_structmembers crashed -- :
string too long
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/builddir/build/BUILD/Python-2.7/Lib/test/", line 863, in
the_package = __import__(abstest, globals(), locals(), [])
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Updated py3k version of patch.
- renamed the probepoints:
"function__entry" -> "frame__entry"
"function__return" -> "frame__exit"
as I believe this better describes what these do
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Thanks. The code in question is a wrapper to a security-sensitive library
(user-space SELinux code), hence the compilation warnings have been turned up
as much as possible.
The .c code in question is generated by SWIG, and that does indeed appear to be
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
I'm not sure the change of title you made is appropriate. The case I described
isn't a conflict, in the sense that there is a version of D that satisfies
everybody's requirements.
Maybe the real title should be something like "exhaustivel
Dave Abrahams added the comment:
Oh, and is a 404 for me.
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
It looks like this doesn't yet have any test cases.
You probably should invoke a child python process that crashes and examine the
output (perhaps running some/all of the examples in Lib/test/crashers ?); you
may want to "steal" some of the wr
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
One other concern: many OSes (e.g. Linux distributions) implement some kind of
system-wide crash-catching utility; for example in Fedora we have ABRT ( ).
I'm not sure yet exactly how these are implemented, but we'
Dave Fugate added the comment:
I guarantee you that IronPython needs this. I was a tester on IronPython for
four years, and saw hundreds of random failures due to this specific issue.
My best,
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Updated version of patch attached (against py3k; r85426)
I've changed the names back to "function__entry" and "function__return".
Python tracker
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
> About SIGBUS: I don't know this signal. Is it used on Linux? If not, on
> which OS is it used?
Yes, IIRC typically you'll only see it on RISC CPUs that require instructions
to be word-aligned; you typically see it if the program counter ju
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
I notice this issue is in stage "unit test needed".
It's not clear to me how to add a unit test for this: one idea I had is to
create a broken module in some subdir somewhere, and invoke "pydoc -k" as a
subprocess with PYTHONPATH co
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Summarizing IRC discussion:
Tested on Fedora 13 x86_64 with:
--enable-shared --with-wide-unicode
and with confdir != srcdir with:
../configure --enable-shared --with-wide-unicode --with-pydebug
Mostly working but, test_distutils fails:
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
I'm attempting to fix up the build in my Fedora/RHEL packages of Python to
preserve timestamps of .py files as far as possible during the build, so that
.pyc/.pyo files end up with predictable embedded mtime values and thus
predictable hashes.
Am atta
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Updated version of the patch; this ought to contain Include/pydtrace.d:
$ diffstat /tmp/py3k-add-systemtap-2010-10-25.patch
Include/pydtrace.d | 10
Lib/test/ | 89 ++| 10
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Updated patch, removing the FIXMEs, and slightly reworking the test code.
I've wrapped the whole of get_frame_marker_info with a
PyErr_Fetch/PyErr_Restore pair: the PyUnicode_AsUTF8String calls could fail
with a MemoryError, and we don't want to c
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
> It would be better to generate the sample dynamically, so that users
> with an incompatible locale or filesystem aren't prevented from checking
> out the source.
Thanks: am attaching updated patch: I've removed
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
I should note that I've only ever been testing this with SystemTap, on Linux.
I don't have a box with DTrace, and I've never directly used it. I wouldn't
today be able to diagnose a buildbot failure related to DTrace (I believe I
New submission from Dave Malcolm :
We were chatting on #python-dev on possible ways of testing the correct
handling of "MemoryError".
Attached is one idea: adding a sys._inject_malloc_failure() hook, letting you
inject a memory-allocation (or reallocation) failure some number of a
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Attached is a new approach to doing this, based on "Out-Of-Memory Testing"
This reads environment variables, and injects a fault at the given value of
"serialno", and (optionally) ongoing failures afte
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
One possible use for this: mark the "str" buffers of PyUnicodeObject instances
when demarshalling docstrings from disk; in theory these ought not to change,
and can be quite large: the bulk of the memory overhead is stored in a separate
Changes by Dave Malcolm :
nosy: +dmalcolm
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Dave Malcolm added the comment:
Adding updated version of patch, which adds documentation to sys.rst and adds a
unit test.
I'm a little wary of this: it seems useful but also too much like a
self-destruct button for my taste.
Added file:
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