[issue16113] Add SHA-3 (Keccak) support

2012-10-03 Thread Björn Edström
Björn Edström added the comment: For what it's worth, I've built a working C-based sha3-module that is available here: https://github.com/bjornedstrom/python-sha3 Note that I've only tested this on Python 2, for Python 3 YMMV. Best regards Björn -- nosy

[issue16113] Add SHA-3 (Keccak) support

2015-10-19 Thread Björn Edström
Björn Edström added the comment: Remember that FIPS202 slightly change some parts of the Keccak that won the competition, so test results are different. I updated my stand alone SHA3 module, for anyone who is interested in using this now in Python 2 and 3. https://github.com/bjornedstrom