Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +28536
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +28537
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
It's possible to do, but will be a little slow due to the nature of tar files.
They're a big linked list of files, so you need to do a bunch of reads/seeks
from the start to the end to enumerate all files.
I'd ask that we try to get issue241
Barney Gale added the comment:
If you're only aiming for Traversable compatibility, sure.
The original bug description asks for something that's pathlib-compatible and
similar to zipfile.Path, which goes beyond the Traversable interface in
attempting to emulate pathlib.
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +28697
Python tracker
New submission from Barney Gale :
pathlib.Path.iterdir() contains the following code:
if name in {'.', '..'}:
# Yielding a path object for these makes little sense
This check is unnecessary as os.listdir() does not return entries for '.
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28707
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Sounds good. Would you expose the `copy_function` argument in pathlib, or do
something else (like `metadata=True`)?
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
shutil.move() accepts a `copy_function` argument:
shutil.move(src, dst, copy_function=copy2)
It's possible to set `copy_function=copy` to skip copying file metadata.
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Fair enough. Users who wanted to avoid copying file metadata would then do
something like this, I suppose?
import pathlib
import shutil
path = pathlib.Path('foo')
path.move('bar', copy_function=shutil.copy)
I guess the d
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thank you Éric!
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Barney Gale added the comment:
> I think a major reason why pathlib.Path objects don't (and, indeed,
> shouldn't) have a append_text method is because it creates a hole for
> inexperienced users to fall into, which is a
New submission from Barney Gale :
In Python 3.9 / issue39682 we made Path.__exit__() a no-op, and added a comment
in the code mentioning that it should be deprecated in future. The future is
here, so let's deprecate it.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 411936
nosy: barne
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29150
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29149
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Now that GH 26153 is merged, I think this bug can be resolved.
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
New users who want to add lines to a file will see this method and do:
for line in blah:
path.write_text(line, append=True)
Which repeatedly opens/closes the file. This is a foot-shotgun; it
shouldn't be added to pathli
Barney Gale added the comment:
@eryksun thanks for flagging, a couple thoughts:
I'd imagine that bug is reproducible with `Path('C:\\Temp', 'C:')` already,
right? If that's the case, should it logged as a separate issue?
I'm planning to /experimentally/
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29269
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Why are you adding `.as_uri()`?
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
urllib uses nturl2path under the hood. On my system it seems to return
reasonable results for both two and four leading slashes:
>>> nturl2path.url2pathname('host/share/')
Barney Gale added the comment:
Agree with the previous analysis. Just noting that:
>>> nturl2path.pathname2url('host\\share\\')
So four slashes are produced by the urllib code, whereas pathlib only produces
Change by Barney Gale :
title: urllib.request.urlopen doesn't handle UNC paths produced by pathlib's
resolve() (but can handle UNC paths with additional slashes) ->
urllib.request.urlopen doesn't handle UNC paths produced by pathlib's as_uri()
(but ca
New submission from Barney Gale :
The docs for NotImplementedError say:
> In user defined base classes, abstract methods should raise this exception
> when they require derived classes to override the method, or while the class
> is being developed to indicate that the real imple
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29461
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29489
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29490
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29492
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29491
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks very much Alex. I've added some PRs:
PR 31338 addresses owner(), group() and is_mount(). It moves those methods to
PosixPath, and adds stubs in WindowsPath that raise deprecation warnings. I
agree with your analysis that, for static typing pur
Barney Gale added the comment:
I'm planning to learn more heavily on posixpath + ntpath in pathlib once
bpo-44136 is done. I think that would be a good time to introduce is_mount()
support on Windows.
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 1.0 -> 2.0
pull_requests: +29587
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks both. I've adjusted PR 31338 to leave is_mount() unchanged. I've opened
a new pull request that implements is_mount() on Windows using
ntpath.ismount(): PR 31458
Python track
Barney Gale added the comment:
^ just to bring my previous comment up-to-date:
I'm no longer pursuing adding `os.path.isreserved()` and `os.path.fileuri()`
functions, or modifying `normpath()`. At least, not for now!
Instead, my plan is to move flavour functionality as follow
Barney Gale added the comment:
Should pkgutil call os.fspath() in this case?
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29812
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29813
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
I'd like to pick this up, as it would allow us to remove a duplicate
implementation in pathlib with its own shortcomings.
If using native functionality if difficult to get right, could I put @eryksun's implementation up
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +29822
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
If/when GH-31691 lands, I think this bug can be resolved: the original repro
case will no longer raise AttributeError, and subclasses will be able to
customize behaviour without needing to define further "flavour" or "access
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Barney Gale added the comment:
The docs for PurePath.is_absolute() say:
> A path is considered absolute if it has both a root and (if the flavour
> allows) a drive
This does not preclude it from having ".." segments.
PurePath.absolute() is documented as of bpo-29688 / 3
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23978
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +23979
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Barney Gale :
Under-the-hood functionality in pathlib is divided between:
- The 'flavour', which implements path syntax (separators, casefolding, etc)
- The 'accessor', which accesses the local (file)system.
The '_WindowsFlavour/_PosixFlavo
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks for taking a look, Steve.
A couple things maybe worth noting:
Firstly, `os.path.expanduser()` is already documented to return the path
unchanged if the home directory can't be resolved:
> If the expansion fails or if the path does not begi
Barney Gale added the comment:
Apologies, I think I started writing a comment before your reply was posted,
which undid your changes.
resolution: not a bug ->
status: closed -> open
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.9
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24000
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Just stumbled upon this issue after submitting a PR:
In my PR, `strict=False` is like `--canonicalize-missing`, and `strict=True` is
like `--canonicalize-existing`.
Looks like our patches are along similar lines
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24005
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24004
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
pull_requests: +24006
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24014
stage: resolved -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks for the feedback.
1. We can check the return value, like we do in `Path.expanduser()`
2. Seems like expected behaviour?
3. Worth fixing in `ntpath.expanduser()` I think. See Eryk Sun's comment here:
Barney Gale added the comment:
Good spot Eryk - I've put in another PR to address it.
Python tracker
New submission from Barney Gale :
Capturing a write-up by eryksun on GitHub into a new bug.
> `nt._getfinalpathname()` opens a handle to a file/directory with
> `CreateFileW()` and calls `GetFinalPathNameByH
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks very much for taking a look. I can understand the view that, given the
unreliability of `os.path.expanduser('~foo')`, we shouldn't be making that
functionality *more* available.
My argument for this being a reasonable change is as fo
Barney Gale added the comment:
In the previous comment, I was referring to bpo-39899 when I referred to "my
patch". Long day! :D
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Totally valid!
I suppose it hinges on the relatively likelihood/unlikelihood of us being able
to make `expanduser('~foo')` reliable in future. On this question I'm relieved
to defer to the experts!
@eryksun: penny fo
Barney Gale added the comment:
So far I've been keen to keep the Path and AbstractPath APIs the same, but
perhaps this case warrants an exception.
What if AbstractPath lacked both home() and expanduser(), and those methods
only existed on Path? Of all the methods on Path, these two ar
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24392
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24391
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Progress report:
I've been working on tidying up the pathlib internals over the 3.9 and 3.10
releases. We're now in a position where:
- `pathlib._Flavour` is entirely pure, and doesn't make any `os` calls
- `pathlib._Accessor` handles all `o
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24726
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24727
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24728
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24729
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +24730
Python tracker
New submission from Barney Gale :
I have a scratchy patch that replaces pathlib's globbing implementation with
glob.glob(), which gained a `root_dir` argument in bpo-38144
Encouraging timings:
$ ./python -m timeit -s "from pathlib import Path; p = Path()" --
Barney Gale added the comment:
Flawed implementation, timings were bogus. Closing in shame.
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
type: -> performance
versions: +Python 3.11
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mai
New submission from Barney Gale :
Following bpo-39899, bpo-43757 and bpo-43012, `pathlib._Flavour` and its
subclasses are looking a bit pointless.
The implementations of `is_reserved()` and `make_uri()` (~`as_uri()`) can be
readily moved to into `PurePosixPath` and `PureWindowsPath`, which
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24776
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24778
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +24787
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
New PR up here:
The correspondence between `pathlib` and `os.path` is as follows:
- `Path.resolve()` is roughly `os.path.realpath()`
- `Path.absolute()` is roughly `os.path.abspath()`
- `resolve
Change by Barney Gale :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
resolution: fixed ->
status: closed -> open
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24789
stage: resolved -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +24802
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
That does sound pretty useful! I'd be happy to review a PR though I'm not a
core dev.
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
In fact, I think this is a duplicate of issue40358, which has an open PR
against it.
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Also requested in #42234.
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24874
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
pull_requests: +24875
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
My view:
I think the existing solution (that you highlight) is sufficiently idiomatic
and easy to discover, and doesn't warrant a new argument or function.
However, that may change when `Path` is subclassable, for two reasons:
1. You will be able to sub
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Barney Gale :
>>> os.path.normpath('a/./b/../c//.')
>>> pathlib.Path('a/./b/../c//.')
pathlib takes care not to change the meaning of the path when normalising. That
means preserving
Barney Gale added the comment:
Hi - please could a core dev review PR 26153? It adds documentation and tests
for Path.absolute(). Thank you!
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +25279
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
Thanks Terry, I've added a topic here:
The bit about `normpath()` is towards the middle of the post.
Python tr
Barney Gale added the comment:
For this bug specifically, the pathlib docs describe the desirable behaviour:
Spurious slashes and single dots are collapsed, but double dots ('..') are not,
since this would change the meaning of a path in the face of symbolic links:
New submission from Barney Gale :
Windows reserves certain filenames like 'NUL'. Checking for these names is part
of a small handful of functionality that is available in pathlib but not in
I propose that we add an os.path.isreserved() function, encorporating Eryk
Change by Barney Gale :
nosy: +barneygale
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +25283
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
I've put Eryk's patch up as a PR:
Python tracker
Barney Gale added the comment:
I think I agree
How would you feel about two new arguments? Following `os.curdir` and
`os.pardir` names:
def normpath(path, *, keep_curdir=False, keep_pardir=False)
Python tracker
Change by Barney Gale :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.9
Python tracker
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