[issue5256] rlcompleter adds builtins when custom dict is used

2009-02-13 Thread Armandas
New submission from Armandas : When custom dictionary is used to create a completer, rlcompleter still uses __builtins__.__dict__ to search for completions (rlcompleter.py, global_matches()): for nspace in [builtins.__dict__, self.namespace]: ... This behaviour may sometimes be unwanted. It

[issue35541] CLI error when .python_history contains unicode characters

2018-12-19 Thread Armandas
New submission from Armandas : OS: Windows 10 Python version: Python 3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:05:16) [MSC v.1915 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Traceback: Failed calling sys.__interactivehook__ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Programs\P