New submission from Alex Alex :
I run code in example and get message like:
Executing () created at /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/>
took 2.000 seconds
It say that coroutine run for 2 second but it was run for 5 second. Also if I
comment part in qwe function after await I won
New submission from Alex Alex :
There is not any message about exception from try block.
See attach.
components: asyncio
messages: 380640
nosy: Alex Alex, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: wrong exception handling in case
Alex added the comment:
This seems to be another case of "C stack depth not reflected in the stack
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
I doubt there is a good usecase for it, nevertheless we should attempt to fix
it, as segfaults are no good.
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
I concur with Daniel, this strikes me as a legitimate bug. Crashing is
obviously possibly by calling into arbitrary C code, but in this case control
never leaves the runtime.
nosy: +alex
status: pending -> o
Alex added the comment:
No need to solve the halting problem, just to detect a cycle in data. I've got
a patch, however it requires objects to be hashable. Another case for identity
dict I suppose :) Not sure if that's a reasonable requirement, in any event,
proof of con
Alex added the comment:
Good idea Amaury, seems to work just fine.
Added file:
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
It should be documented though. Similar scenario in the Django docs:
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
RuntimeWarning you mean? I don't think anyone is suggesting making it an error.
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
That's because in Python 2.5 at that point in the code sys.exc_info() still
points at the traceback (and by extension, the frame) thus x is not deallocated
yet. I don't think this is a bug.
nosy: +alex
Alex added the comment:
Voice of ignorance here: why can't this be implemented in the "naive" way one
might in Python, use the existing string splitting algorithms of stringlib, but
just leave it in __new__.
nosy: +alex
Alex added the comment:
I don't see why Buffered or TextIO's shouldn't be pickleable, ISTM their
pickleability should be based on what the underlying file obj is.
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
Builtin SyntaxError formatter does never point to char before last in wrong
source line. traceback.format_exception() is not affected.
*** Example:
>>> raise SyntaxError('', ('', 0, 3, 'hello'))
Changes by Alex :
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Alex :
Given the code:
def f():
def g():
nonlocal a
a = 3
Running it produces:
a...@alex-laptop:/tmp$ python3.1
SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'a' found
Compared to a different SyntaxError:
a...@alex-laptop:/tmp$ python3
Alex added the comment:
Context manager support was added in 3.2
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Alex added the comment:
ISTM that you don't need to worry about mutating locals, the locals() function
is explicitly documented as not necessarily affecting local variables (not sure
if frame objects have the same documentation).
If you want a free optimization opportunity: BINARY_S
Alex added the comment:
Seems to me it should be an inline directive (or whatever they're called).
i.e. it'd be written::
.. seealso::
Latest version of the :sourcecode:`ast module Python source code
nosy: +alex
Alex added the comment:
Just a thought: it's possible to cover all the cases properly with inlining
(locals, globals (even with cross module inlining), tracebacks,
sys._getframe(), etc.), however I think you're going to find that manually
managing all of those is going to quickly
Alex added the comment:
An important distinction with Django's push/pop is that they mutate the Context
(ChainMap) rather than return a fresh instance.
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Changes by Alex :
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Alex added the comment:
Fun fact: io.StringIO does the right thing, but _io and _pyio.
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
This is invalid, there's no bug. j doesn't get magically reinitialized to 0,
in fact this code would do the same thing in any language I can think of.
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Why? JSON is incapable of representing most Python datastructures that can be
pickled (i.e. anything that isn't a list, tuple, dict, int, or str).
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
2 ways to do it:
class A(object):
locals()[42] = "abc"
type("A", (object,), {42: "abc"})
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
How can they be set afterwords?
alex@alex-laptop:~/projects/pypy$ python3.1
Python 3.1.2 (release31-maint, Sep 17 2010, 20:34:23)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Changes by Alex :
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Alex :
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Alex added the comment:
There are a couple places you mention not doing the optimization when specific
functions are used (e.g. dir, globals, locals), how exactly do you verify that,
given those functions could be bound to any name?
Alex added the comment:
I agree with Łukasz, it's more clutter than is worth for what amounts to:
fallbackdict = lambda c, **kwargs: defaultdict(lambda c, **kwargs)
I will note, however, that almost all my use cases are with factories,
primarily list set or int, and it was only this
New submission from Alex :
In ArraySubclassWithKwargs, when __init__ is called it doesn't actually pass
self to `array.array.__init__`, this doesn't actually cause errors because the
contents of the array isn't tested anywhere.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 12
Alex added the comment:
Just a note from downstream with PyPy: we've cherry-picked the commit Bob
linked into our copy of the 2.7 stdlib since we don't have an _json (yet).
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Patch for 2.7.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +alex
Added file:
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Looks nice to me, however I wonder if there isn't some overlap with the
requests to add a key= kwarg to heapq methods (and the discussion about adding
a Heap class there).
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Guido seems to be favoring disallowing it, not ignoring it[0].
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
In Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h the lines:
if (!STRINGLIB_BLOOM(mask, s[i-1]))
if (!STRINGLIB_BLOOM(mask, s[i-1]))
can read beyond the front of the array that is passed to it when the loop
enters with i = 0.
I originally
Alex added the comment:
Yes, as the comment of the top of the file notes, reading to s[n] (where n ==
len(s)) is safe because strings are null padded.
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Well, the fact that it hasn't been shown to fail doesn't mean it can't fail.
It relies on reading undefined memory, which is usually bad ;). However, since
we're at i=0, regardless of what we add to the value it's going to end up
Changes by Alex :
nosy: +alex
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Alex :
There are no tests for zipimporter.find_module in the success case, only tests
that it handles invalid inputs ok. I'll work up some tests for this tomorrow
components: Extension Modules
messages: 104684
nosy: alex
priority: normal
New submission from Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Currently the heapq module can only really be used if your data has it's
own ordering defined. There is no way to do a custom ordering. From my
cursory review of the code it looks like some of the lower level
functions actually take t
Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Apologies, searching didn't yield that. That's not necessarily always
easy, for example I'd like to use heapq to merge iterators coming from
the database.
Python tracker <
New submission from Alex :
== What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create registry key (let's assume it's located in
2. Walk to it in "regedit";
3. Right-click on "(Default)" and select "Modify binary data";
4. Leave e
Alex added the comment:
I've had a look at the most recent patch and the code surrounding it, and I
would be happy to take on the work to update the code and testing.
> - It's easy to test for this range after parsing, with '*' or '+' nargs. So
Alex added the comment:
Is there anything else I should be doing, in order to get this merged in time
for 3.10? (the PR is "awaiting merge")
For the record, the equivalent PR for PyPy is now merged in the py3.7 branch:
New submission from Alex :
Now that the docs are mobile-friendly (nice!), I noticed that the code snippets
are not using a monospace font (at least on my Android 10 + Chrome 92 device).
This misaligns the carets of the improved errors messages, for example on the
"what's n
Alex added the comment:
It looks this is already being tracked at:
Python tracker
Change by Alex :
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
I often use to the Python REPL to perform some simple calculations (typically
some combinatorial or probabilities computation).
I believe it would be a nice improvement if the number displayed in the REPL
would be formatted as if f"{result:_}" was given
Alex added the comment:
Thanks a lot Eric for your answers, I did not know about sys.displayhook.
Now I know I can easily implement this myself, but the larger question would
be: "do we want to update the default displayhook for those simple use
New submission from Alex :
I wondering why there is no documentation for the synchronous module "wait_for":
It's just missing or there are some reason? I didn't see any deprecation info
about this module.
messages: 407516
Change by Alex :
pull_requests: +16626
Python tracker
Change by Alex :
pull_requests: +16632
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Alex :
nosy: +alclarks
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Alex :
Get Segmentation fault on run script in attachment.
components: asyncio
messages: 356523
nosy: akayunov, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Segmentation fault in asyncio
type: crash
Alex added the comment:
Get seg fault on running script in attachment:
root@fake:/opt/securisync/be# python3.7
In tratata before
In tratata2 before
Segmentation fault
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Hi, I've taken a look at these suggestions and the documentation and I've
posted a patch to get things moving :)
A couple of points about the suggested changes that I haven't included in the
1) I think changing the documentation for __dir__(
Alex added the comment:
Weighing up how little demand there seems to be for this, and how easy it is to
achieve the same effect with post-processing within a hypothetical script that
happens to need it - I agree with closing it.
Alex added the comment:
dorosch, please note section 3.9 from the developers guide:
"When a patch exists in the issue tracker that should be converted into a
GitHub pull request, please first ask the original patch author to prepare
their own pull request. If the author does not re
Alex added the comment:
I've decided to raise a pull request for the patch, considering it's only been
a few hours.
Python tracker
Change by Alex :
pull_requests: +16685
Python tracker
New submission from Alex <>:
This bug I've found is about the redirect, you know, to redirect the standard
input/output stream. It's not really a bug, you can think of it as a feature.
The code is like this:
import sys
sys.stdout = open('redirect.tx
Alex added the comment:
Hi, it looks like this needs a fix - I'll write a patch to fix up the handling
and add some more testing to cover this scenario.
nosy: +alclarks
Python tracker
New submission from Alex <>:
Python 3.8.2 IDLE has an unexpected behavior.
When I insert an emoji into IDLE like '😍'.
Then I found I can't delete it(by typing backspace).
When I type the left arrow then it became '��'(U+FFFD).
Then I type the l
New submission from Alex <>:
In this code:
def a():
def b():
When I delete the # at line 3, the keyword 'def' become blue.
assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 367249
nosy: Alex-Python-Programmer, terry.reedy
priority: normal
Alex <> added the comment:
The sharp is at line 2, not line 3. I made a mistake.
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
This issue is only visible when the C accelerator of ElementTree is *not* used.
It is the counterpart of the following issue on PyPy3:
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
Change by Alex :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23521
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Alex <>:
When I type (on editing mode, not interacting mode) __main__. + Ctrl+Space, the
completion window shows 'idlelib'.
assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 373518
nosy: Alex-Python-Programmer, terry.reedy
Alex <> added the comment:
Well. I found that this bug happens frequntly, sometimes it just shows the
proper list, like __builtins__, __docs__ and stuff. Sometimes the completion
windows just gives me 'idlelib'.
p.s.:idle won't show __main__ when you typ
Alex <> added the comment:
new feature found:
1.although the name __main__ do not exist even when editing, there will be some
2.if you run a module like this:
def new():
then create a new module, press __main__. + tab. it will become
New submission from Alex <>:
When openning os.path by Open Module window in IDLE (Shortcut: Alt + M), the
window didn't open 'ntpath'(in Windows) or show any error informations.
assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 375040
nosy: A
New submission from Alex <>:
1. Abstract
Command line in Windows the progress bar doesn't work like usual after about
half of the downloading process.
Another remarkble bug is the length of the progressbar seems to be lengthened.
2. Reason(my opinion)
I noticed th
New submission from Alex <>:
In early versions of python, programmers can simply swap True and False by
>>> True, False = False, True
Then True and False and None become keywords so programmers can't change their
... is also a keyword, but Ellipsis
Alex <> added the comment:
@cryvate: Okay, and the new issue is crated at
Python tracker
New submission from Alex <>:
In Python I usually find the problem like this.
>>> for i in range(10):
#some code
In edit mode, IDLE will automatically transform tabs into spaces.
But in interactive mode, IDLE won't do the same.
The same problem have b
New submission from Alex :
Cleanup the filecmp file add typing and make it more pythonic
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 378877
nosy: alex.briskin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make filecmp more pythonic
versions: Python 3.9
Change by Alex :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21712
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
MacOS catalina 10.15.6
Python -version 3.9 although experienced on 3.8 too.
pip -version 20.2.4
Any time I send a command using pip including; pip install, pip freeze, pip
list etc. I get this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frame
Alex added the comment:
I tried contacting the pip team and they said it is likely a python issue due
to the stdlib stuff being opened.
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
What would you recommend to fix this? removing the package? I have a suspicion
on which package it is.
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
Uninstalled 3.8 and installed straight to 3.9 using home brew, this fixed the
Python tracker
Change by Alex :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Changes by Alex :
pull_requests: +2802
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Alex :
pull_requests: +2803
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Alex:
Regardless of the value of `encoding`, StreamReaders returned for the
`asyncio.subprocess.Process`'s `stdout` and `stderr` would be in binary mode.
import sys
import asyncio
import subprocess
async def main():
sp =
Changes by Alex :
components: +asyncio
nosy: +yselivanov
versions: +Python 3.6
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
New submission from Alex :
Maybe I am doing something wrong here but:
On Windows 10:
> python --version
Python 3.7.1
> python
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> Path("").resolve()
>>> Path("
New submission from alex :
When trying to print a type in a formatted string with padding TypeError is
raised. See examples below.
These work:
>>> a = 'abc'
>>> print('{a}'.format(a=type(a)))
>>> print('{a}'.format(a=str(type(
New submission from Alex :
Builtin eval() function raises NameError on a valid expression:
--- example of bug on Python 3.4
Python 3.4.5 (default, May 29 2017, 15:17:55)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
Alex added the comment:
Eric, thank you for the clarification. Do you want me to close the ticket?
Python tracker
Alex added the comment:
I want to add that this bug led to bizarre behavior (described here:
when using 64-bit Boost-Python compiled with Mingw-w64 in Windows 7.
Boost-Python and programs linked to it
New submission from Alex:
This infinite loop:
def f():
while 1:
if a
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Alex :
components: -Interpreter Core
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Alex :
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Alex added the comment:
It's not a major usability issue for me, and I wouldn't be too distressed by a
WONTFIX, though I don't know how much it affects other people.
I've just noticed that this is a smaller version:
while 1:
if 0<0: pass
I'm curious as to why th
New submission from Alex :
Just like we turn BUILD_LIST; COMPARE_OP (in) into a LOAD_CONST if all
the members are consts, we can do the same for BUILD_SET, instead
turning it into a LOAD_CONST of a frozenset. The following is the
bytecode that is current produced for each datastructure
Alex added the comment:
Antoine, I hope to have some time to write a patch for this in the
coming week.
Python tracker
New submission from Alex :
*** Prerequisites:
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
*** Description:
'utf_32_le' and 'utf_32_be' codecs are overconsuming memory when input
data are damaged and kwarg 'errors' to st
New submission from Alex :
Maybe I didn't understand how multiprocessing works but when running the
test code below I get 200+ processes in Windows and it never finishes.
It works fine on Linux.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 93975
nosy: SirLalala
1 - 100 of 1613 matches
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