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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Vladimir will need to confirm how to reproduce this exactly, but here is
corresponding SymPy issue:
The problem is with the sympy/ntheory/ file at
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
As suggested in this thread in the Python porting list
it would be nice if 2to3 had a fixer that translated shebang lines from
#! /usr/bin/env python
#! /usr/bin/env python3
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
This works in Python 2.5 but not in Python 2.6.
If you do [0]*5, it gives you [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. I tried getting this to work
with SymPy's Integer class, so that [0]*Integer(5) would return the same, but
unfortunately, the sequence multiplication doesn
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
$ ./python.exe -m compileall doesntexist
Listing 'doesntexist'...
Can't list 'doesntexist'
$ echo $?
It's standard for a command line tool that processes files to exit nonzero when
given a directory that doesn't exist
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
A quick glance at the source shows that it still imports __main__ at the
top-level. I have no idea how legitimate it is that the App Engine (used to?)
makes it so that __main__ can't be imported.
nosy: +asm
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
When talking about making exit only work when typed at the interpreter,
something to consider is the confusion that it can cause when there is a
mismatch between the interactive interpreter and noninteractive execution,
especially for novice users. I've
Change by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +asmeurer
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New submission from Aaron Meurer :
This is tested in CPython master. The issue also occurs in older versions of
>>> ast.dump(ast.parse('f"{x}"'))
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Related issue
nosy: +asmeurer
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Is find_executable() going to be extracted from distutils to somewhere else?
It's one of those functions that is useful outside of packaging, and indeed,
I've seen it imported in quite a few codes that aren't related to packaging. If
so, the pa
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Instead of enabling it by default, why not just keep it but emulate the old
behavior by splitting and buffering the input lines? That way you still get
some of the benefits of bracketed paste, i.e., faster pasting, but without the
hard work of fixing the REPL
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
To reiterate some points I made in the closed issues and
A simple "fix" would be to emulate the non-bracketed paste buffering. That is,
accept the input using bracketed paste, bu
Change by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +asmeurer
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I'm surprised to hear that the "typical use-case" of Fraction is fractions
converted from floats. Do you have evidence in the wild to support that?
I would expect any application that uses fractions "generically" to run into
the sam
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
This discussion started at
(actually on Twitter,
but Guido asked me to move it bpo.
Alongside the implementation of Python 3.9's new PEG parser,
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
The same thing occurs with specifiers like {a!r}.
nosy: +asmeurer
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
> It's not entirely clear to me what you are trying to do (what is the output
> you are hoping to get?) but this looks more like a question than a bug
> report, so I am closing this issue. If this is still relevant, I'd suggest
> you a
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I think I found another way to achieve what I was trying to do, which is why I
never pursued this. But I still think it's a bug.
__traceback__ = None isn't documented anywhere that I could find, so I was only
able to deduce how it should work from r
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I don't think it's helpful to make such a literalistic interpretation. Just
because the variable is called "traceback" doesn't mean it should apply only to
the things that are *technically* a traceback (and I don't agree anyway
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Neither of those things preclude the possibility of the traceback module doing
a better job of printing tracebacks for exceptions where __traceback__ = None.
Python tracker
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
Recently, after a small seemingly unrelated refactoring, the SymPy test suite
in Python 3 started dying with "Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack
Here's how to reproduce the error
git clone git://
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
We do have a stack overflow, but this should be raising a RuntimeError, not
killing Python. The way it is now, Python dies completely with abort trap 6
(hence the Mac OS X problem report). Sorry if I didn't make this clear in th
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
No it does not. SymPy is a pure Python library.
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I agree with Raymond that third party libraries are not ready for this.
My biggest issue is that the way Python warns about this makes it very
difficult for library authors to fix this. Most won't even notice. The problem
is the warnings are only shown
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I agree. Please someone else do that. I don't know what already has issues and
I unfortunately don't have time right now to help out with any of this.
I simply mentioned all these things as arguments why Python should not (yet)
make these warni
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
This looks like the same issue I mentioned here
nosy: +asmeurer
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Raymond, are you in agreement that these warnings should at some point
eventually become syntax errors?
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Well paradoxically, the bugs that this prevents are the ones it doesn't warn
about. If someone writes '\tan(x)' thinking it is a string representing a LaTeX
formula for the tangent of x, they won't realize that they actually created a
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
This seems related. It's also possible I'm misunderstanding what is supposed to
happen here.
If you create with just the 2 lines:
and run python from CPython master, you get
File &quo
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Are there issues tracking the things I mentioned, which should IMO happen
before this becomes a hard error (making the warnings reproduce even if the
file has already been compiled, and making warning message point to the correct
line in multiline strings
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Is it expected behavior that comments produce NEWLINE if they don't have a
newline and don't produce NEWLINE if they do (that is, '# comment' produces
NEWLINE but '# comment\n' does not
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
You can download the branch for a pull request even if the repo is deleted
using this That will let you keep
the original commits intact.
nosy: +asmeurer
Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Aaron Meurer:
I'm trying to completely hide an exception from the traceback module. From
reading the source, it looks like the only way to do this is to set
__traceback__ to None (I can also set __suppress_context__ to True, but that
only works if I have another exce
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
I am getting a Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow. running
the SymPy tests on a branch of mine where the tests fail. I have reproduced
this in Python 3.6.7, as well as CPython master
Here are
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
>>> '{:+.19e}'.format(0.)
>>> import decimal
>>> '{:+.19e}'.format(decimal.Decimal(0))
Note the decimal uses e+19 instead of e+00. Obvi
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I guess I would expect that to be captured by the number of zeros printed (and
obviously doing a string format operation with a set number of digits destroys
that information).
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I meant that format() destroys information in a decimal in general. Obviously
if you have n digits of precision and format with m < n, then you lose
I also can't help but feel that we're mixing up "trailing zeros"
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
Here are the steps to reproduce this:
- Compile and link Python against readline version 7.0 or higher.
- Add
set enable-bracketed-paste on
to your ~/.inputrc
- Start python and paste the following two lines. Make sure to use a terminal
emulator that
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
If it's of any interest to this discussion, for SymPy (for some time) we have
used a custom subclass of DeprecationWarning that we enable by default I
don't know if there
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
Take the following scenario which happened to me recently. I am trying to debug
an issue on Travis CI involving environment variables. Basically, I am not sure
if an environment variable is being set correctly. So in my code, I put
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
So the best fix is to just override keys() in the _Environ class, so that it
returns an EnvironKeysView class that overrides __repr__?
Python tracker
New submission from Aaron Meurer :
inspect.getsource(datetime) shows the Python source code for datetime, even
when it is the C extension. This is very confusing.
I believe it's because _datetime is used to override everything in datetime at
the end of the file (here
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Serhiy, isn't option 4?
4. Make KeysView.__repr__ show list(self). Add a custom wrapper for Shelf's
KeysView so that it doesn't do this.
This seems to be what Victor is suggesting. It makes the most sense to me for
the common (i.e., default
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Can't third party code write their own proxies? Why do we have to do that?
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I would suggest adding this to the what's new document The change affects user-facing
code (the exact_type attribute of TokenInfo is OP for ... and -> tokens prior
to this patch).
I would also point
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Couldn't such a tool exist outside the standard library. I'm thinking a
function that you would import and wrap the parser object, similar to how
argcomplete works (
The downside is that
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I see. I haven't dug much into the argoarse source, so I don't have a good feel
for how feasible such a tool would be to write. Such refactoring would also be
useful for generating HTML or RST for the help. I've previously used help2man
Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
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New submission from Aaron Meurer:
I hope it's OK to report documentation issues on this tracker. Reading I had to do a double
take. The documentation states, "By default, ArgumentParser objects uses
sys.argv[0] to determine how
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
The next sentence further confuses things, "This default is almost always
desirable because it will make the help messages match how the program was
invoked on the command line." It makes it sound like it really did intend to
use sys.argv[0]
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
The docs could be much more clear about this in my opinion.
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Nowhere at is it
indicated that %z behaves differently on different platforms. What it *does*
say is
%z Time zone offset indicating a positive or negative time difference from
UTC/GMT of the form
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I also just noticed that the %z entry in the table wasn't added until the
Python 3.3 docs, although it apparently works at least in OS X in Python 2.7 (I
can't test Windows right now). Was it supposed to be one of the "additional
New submission from Aaron Meurer:
The rlcompleter module does not work if __main__ cannot be imported, even
though it can be used without it. For example, on the App Engine, __main__ is
not usable.
If one creates the example app described at
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
For completion, here's the corresponding App Engine issue I opened:
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
The issue is that that the Anaconda gcc on Windows is a bat file, so it can't
find it. Another fix would be to use find_executable. This is because Anaconda
has patched find_executalbe (which it also would be good to get backported)
diff --git Lib/dist
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
If this is implemented, it would be (as far as I can tell) the only thing in
the math module that isn't also implemented in any of the standard external
math libraries. None of numpy, scipy, sympy, or mpmath implement tau (if I'm
missing one that ot
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I also wonder, if math will be gaining constants that no one uses like tau, if
it will also gain constants that people actually do use (currently math just
has pi, e, inf, and nan). [i for i in dir(numpy) if isinstance(getattr(numpy,
i), float)] reveals
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Emanuel Barry, that is both untrue and irrelevant (sorry to be blunt, but
that's a total straw man on my and I believe other's argument). The fact that
the only mathematical constants in math are pi and e (nan and inf aren't really
Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
The OP describes how to get the original code. Anyway, the issue was definitely
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Or do you mean the code in CPython doesn't exist any more?
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron Meurer
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Aaron Meurer added the comment:
Does this mean that some SymPy object is giving different hash values on
successive calls to hash()? We definitely need to look into this on the SymPy
Python tracker
Aaron Meurer added the comment:
I can't believe this issue was closed. Why can't Counter.__lt__(self, other)
just be all(self[i] < other[i] for i in self)?
Just because Counter supports weird stuff shouldn't bill it out. To follow that
logic, we should also remov
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
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Changes by Aaron Meurer :
nosy: +Aaron.Meurer
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