[issue41605] t = re.sub(".*", "*", src) has different ouput

2020-08-21 Thread Eric V. Smith
Eric V. Smith added the comment: I'm suspicious that this differs per-OS. Please provide exact Python version information for each OS you list in your initial report. I suspect what you're seeing is related to this change: Changed in version 3.7: Empty matches for the pattern are replaced wh

[issue41606] multiprocessing.Event.wait hangs when interrupted by signal that sets the event

2020-08-21 Thread Salvatore Ingala
New submission from Salvatore Ingala : According to the docs, multiprocessing.Event is a clone of threading.Event. Yet, there is a strange behavior that is observed only on multiprocessing.Event. If an event.wait() is interrupted by a SIGINT and the signal handler sets the event, then the cal

[issue41598] rnd() + rndup() in math

2020-08-21 Thread marco_ocram
marco_ocram added the comment: thank you very much about the hints, i've improved the code as follows. def rnd(x, n=0): a = x*10**(n + 1) b = int(a) if abs(a - b) >= 0.5: b += 1 if x >= 0 else -1 a = b/10 b = int(a) if abs(a - b) >= 0.5: b += 1 if x >= 0 else -1 return b/1

[issue41607] pdb - Clickabler path to breakpoints

2020-08-21 Thread Michael Mussato
New submission from Michael Mussato : Wouldn't it be helpful if the pdb showed the path to the current breakpoint as a clickable link? For this to work, it seems that the path needs to follow a specific format, like so: "File "/full/path/to/file.py", line XY" Currently, it displays the breakp

[issue41607] pdb - Clickable path to breakpoints

2020-08-21 Thread Michael Mussato
Change by Michael Mussato : -- title: pdb - Clickabler path to breakpoints -> pdb - Clickable path to breakpoints ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue41598] rnd() + rndup() in math

2020-08-21 Thread marco_ocram
marco_ocram added the comment: rndup is not correct and rnd work smooth only for numbers about < e16 until they have a fractional part. it's interesting but not simple. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue41598] rnd() + rndup() in math

2020-08-21 Thread Vedran Čačić
Vedran Čačić added the comment: Yes, and these functions are completely fine for your personal library, if you need such things. But they really have no place in math module, since (1) they aren't always correct, (2) it's incredibly difficult to characterize exactly when they are, and (3) eve

[issue39461] [RFE] os.environ should support Path-like values, like subprocess(..., env=...)

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: os.environ is initially a copy of the os string-string mapping. That some string values happen to represent file paths is opaque to the mapping. So, to me, looking at os.environ by itself, there is no particular reason to autoconvert Path values but not an

[issue41572] Documentation wording fix on Lib/asyncio/transports.py

2020-08-21 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Karthikeyan Singaravelan added the comment: New changeset a2d00f04733491a56abec45e7a20fb42282bb4d1 by Miss Islington (bot) in branch '3.9': bpo-41572: Fix grammar in BaseTransport.close docstring (GH-21914) (#21929) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/a2d00f04733491a56abec45e7a20fb42282b

[issue41572] Documentation wording fix on Lib/asyncio/transports.py

2020-08-21 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Karthikeyan Singaravelan added the comment: New changeset 1370d9dd9fbd71e9d3c250c8e6644e0ee6534fca by Miss Islington (bot) in branch '3.8': bpo-41572: Fix grammar in BaseTransport.close docstring (GH-21914) (GH-21930) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/1370d9dd9fbd71e9d3c250c8e6644e0ee6

[issue41572] Documentation wording fix on Lib/asyncio/transports.py

2020-08-21 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Karthikeyan Singaravelan added the comment: Thanks Cleber. -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue41608] IDLE: not remove multiple spaces if not at start of line

2020-08-21 Thread E. Paine
New submission from E. Paine : I could not think of a better title so will attempt to explain myself better here. Currently, the IDLE smart backspace will delete multiple whitespace up to the tab width even if it is not at the start of the line. Consider the following examples (where the | is

[issue41608] IDLE: not remove multiple spaces if not at start of line

2020-08-21 Thread E. Paine
Change by E. Paine : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +21048 stage: -> patch review pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21934 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue41608] IDLE: not remove multiple spaces if not at start of line

2020-08-21 Thread E. Paine
E. Paine added the comment: Further clarification on the new behaviour: in the shell whitespace after the prompt (>>>) will not be considered an indent and only have one character deleted at a time. However, on a continuation line, any initial whitespace will be considered an indent and the

[issue41609] pdb's whatis command reports method as function

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
New submission from Irit Katriel : pdb's whatis command prints 'Function' instead of 'Method' for a bound method: > python.bat Running Release|Win32 interpreter... Python 3.10.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:12695f4c6d, Aug 21 2020, 15:48:06) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyrigh

[issue41609] pdb's whatis command reports method as function

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
Irit Katriel added the comment: The reason for this that it first checks whether there is a __code__ attribute (which both methods and functions have) and only afterwards checks for __func__.__code__. I will submit a patch with a test and fix shortly. -- __

[issue41609] pdb's whatis command reports method as function

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
Change by Irit Katriel : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +21049 stage: -> patch review pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21935 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue41605] t = re.sub(".*", "*", src) has different ouput

2020-08-21 Thread Ronald Oussoren
Ronald Oussoren added the comment: in 3.6 t == '*', in 3.7 and later it is '**'. To be honest I don't like the 3.7 behaviour, it is very surprising even if it is technically correct (the first '*' is from a match from the entire string, the second one is from an empty match at the end of the

[issue41610] Any Raspberry Pi Zero Projects to try?

2020-08-21 Thread supriya singh
New submission from supriya singh : Not any error or issue just wanted to get some work or to find new friends. Recently I started learning python during this lockdown and with the help of YouTube tutorials I learned a lot. Now I am here to find some Raspberry Pi zero projects that include Py

[issue41608] IDLE: multiple space deletion by Backspace after non-spaces

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Your example is 4 spaces, 3 (non-space) chars, 2 spaces, 3 chars, 2 spaces. With the cursor after the 2 internal spaces, backspace deletes 1 space, not 2. However, with the first block expanded from 3 chars to 4, backspace deletes both spaces. Without out l

[issue41610] Any Raspberry Pi Zero Projects to try?

2020-08-21 Thread Ammar Askar
Ammar Askar added the comment: Hi Supriya, this website is for reporting specific bugs about the Python language itself, not for general discussion. I'd suggest taking a look at https://www.python.org/community/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/ to find people to chat with about Pyth

[issue41513] Scale by power of two in math.hypot()

2020-08-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: > My apologies if nobody cares about this ;-) I care :-) Am in crunch right now, so won't have a chance to work through it for a week or so. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue41513] Scale by power of two in math.hypot()

2020-08-21 Thread Tim Peters
Tim Peters added the comment: > won't have a chance to work through it for a week or so These have been much more in the way of FYI glosses. There's no "suggestion" here to be pursued - just trying to get a deeper understanding of code already written :-) While I can concoct any number of c

[issue41611] IDLE warnings and exceptions

2020-08-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger
New submission from Raymond Hettinger : In case it is helpful, here is the error log from a recent full-day IDLE session. $ python3.9 --version Python 3.9.0rc1 $ python3.9 -m idlelib.idle Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.frame

[issue41605] t = re.sub(".*", "*", src) has different ouput

2020-08-21 Thread Thomas Grainger
Thomas Grainger added the comment: seems like a dupe? https://bugs.python.org/issue32308 -- keywords: +patch message_count: 3.0 -> 4.0 nosy: +graingert nosy_count: 5.0 -> 6.0 pull_requests: +21050 stage: -> patch review pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4846 __

[issue41605] t = re.sub(".*", "*", src) has different ouput

2020-08-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Change by Serhiy Storchaka : -- nosy: +serhiy.storchaka resolution: -> not a bug stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___

[issue41607] pdb - Clickable path to breakpoints

2020-08-21 Thread Vedran Čačić
Vedran Čačić added the comment: IDLE has Go to File/Line menu too. I think it would also help there. (Terry, can you confirm?) Not to mention that it would be one thing less to explain to beginners when using pdb. -- nosy: +veky ___ Python tracker

[issue41611] IDLE: problem

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: The Mac-specific shutdown warning from multiprocessing is not directly related to IDLE. 'multiprocessing' is not imported by IDLE and is not in sys.modules when IDLE starts. >From 'all-day' I assume that there was a time period between starting IDLE and >g

[issue41611] IDLE: problem

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Serhiy, should 'text' be '!text' in a tkinter-generated widget name? -- ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue41611] IDLE: problems with completions on Mac

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Change by Terry J. Reedy : -- title: IDLE: problem -> IDLE: problems with completions on Mac ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-

[issue41611] IDLE: problem

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: On my Macbook Air Mohave, I don't get completion boxes on either 3.8.3rc1 or 3.9.0rc1, even when clicking Edit => Show completions. Nor does IDLE quit or print anything in Terminal. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue41513] Scale by power of two in math.hypot()

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Tim, I have been reading this, without examining all the details, to learn more about FP accuracy problems. -- nosy: +terry.reedy ___ Python tracker ___

[issue41575] Please use active voice in async docs.

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Active voice is strongly recommended for docstrings in PEP 257 and commit messages somewhere in the Developer guide and applies to docs. The doc for the asyncio call_x functions all start with the active voice: 'Schedule', which is the main action of the fu

[issue41573] Correct wrong sentences in General FAQ

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: New changeset 7173fc84e61b80b19261e47fca38030206a3a78e by wyz23x2 in branch 'master': bpo-41573: Update release versions in General FAQ (GH-21915) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/7173fc84e61b80b19261e47fca38030206a3a78e -- nosy: +terry.reed

[issue41573] Correct wrong sentences in General FAQ

2020-08-21 Thread miss-islington
Change by miss-islington : -- nosy: +miss-islington nosy_count: 4.0 -> 5.0 pull_requests: +21051 pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21938 ___ Python tracker _

[issue41576] document BaseException in favour of bare except in error tutorial

2020-08-21 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: PEP 8 discourages the use of bare except. -- nosy: +terry.reedy ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49386/pty.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing l

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49392/after.png ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49396/pty.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing l

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49402/pty.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing l

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49390/pty.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing l

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49391/before.png ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49393/test.py ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing li

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : Removed file: https://bugs.python.org/file49395/pty.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing l

[issue26228] pty.spawn hangs on FreeBSD 9.3, 10.x, 12.1

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Change by Soumendra Ganguly : -- title: pty.spawn hangs on FreeBSD 9.3, 10.x -> pty.spawn hangs on FreeBSD 9.3, 10.x, 12.1 ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue41541] [PATCH] Make pty.spawn set window size

2020-08-21 Thread Soumendra Ganguly
Soumendra Ganguly added the comment: All images, test programs, and old patches have been removed. window resize test is now being performed using stty. On linux: stty -F rows x cols y On BSDs: stty -f rows x cols y to change window size. -- _

[issue41602] Python doesn't exit with proper resultcode on SIGINT in runpy (pymain_run_module)

2020-08-21 Thread Thomas Grainger
Thomas Grainger added the comment: adding vstinner, as this seems related to pymain_run_module rather than runpy -- nosy: +vstinner ___ Python tracker ___

[issue23832] pdb's `longlist` shows only decorator if that one contains a lambda

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
Irit Katriel added the comment: I think this has been fixed by now, because I don't see the problem in Python 3.10: python.bat -mpdb tmp1.py Running Release|Win32 interpreter... > c:\users\user\src\cpython\tmp1.py(2)() -> def foo(x, y=None): (Pdb) c Traceback (most recent call last): File "

[issue26794] curframe can be None in pdb.py

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
Irit Katriel added the comment: Jacek, did you see this happen? My reading of the code is that curframe is initialized in setup(), which is called before curframe is accessed. It can later be modified in _select_frame. -- nosy: +iritkatriel ___ P

[issue26794] curframe can be None in pdb.py

2020-08-21 Thread Irit Katriel
Irit Katriel added the comment: Maybe it was fixed in issue9230 -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubsc

[issue41598] rnd() + rndup() in math

2020-08-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Steven D'Aprano added the comment: Vedran: you are quoting von Neumann out of context, he was talking about generating random numbers, not rounding, and in the seven decades since he made his famous witticism, we of course know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with generating random nu

[issue30434] multiprocessing AuthenticationError "digest sent was rejected"

2020-08-21 Thread Zackery Spytz
Zackery Spytz added the comment: Python 2.7 is no longer supported, so I think this issue should be closed. -- nosy: +ZackerySpytz ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue41598] rnd() + rndup() in math

2020-08-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Steven D'Aprano added the comment: Marco, it is better to give a description of the functionality required rather than a simplistic and incorrect implementation :-) (Not that I am likely to provide a better implementation without a lot of study.) Regardless of whether you or I agree with th

[issue41576] document BaseException in favour of bare except in error tutorial

2020-08-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: It is a tutorial. The purpose of this part is documenting the bare except clause. It cannot be done without using a bare except in example. There is nothing wrong with a bare except if it used properly (e.g. if the caught exception is reraised). In any cas

[issue41612] python3.8.3/traceback.py:312, AttributeError: 'KeyError' object has no attribute 'tb_frame'

2020-08-21 Thread Abael He
New submission from Abael He : /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/prompt_toolkit/shortcuts/prompt.py in prompt(self, message, editing_mode, refresh_interval, vi_mode, lexer, completer, complete_in_thread, is_password, key_bindings, bottom_toolbar, style, color_depth, include_default_pygme

[issue41612] python3.8.3/traceback.py:312, AttributeError: 'KeyError' object has no attribute 'tb_frame'

2020-08-21 Thread Abael He
Abael He added the comment: This is a bug caused by IPython: /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/terminal/ptutils.py in get_completions(self, document, complete_event) 114 except Exception as e: 115 from traceback import print_tb --> 116