[issue24665] CJK support for textwrap

2015-07-19 Thread Florent Gallaire
Florent Gallaire added the comment: Bad wrapping of CJK chars is a bug. I don't understand why Python2 should be broken forever! -- versions: +Python 2.7 -Python 3.6 ___ Python tracker _

[issue24470] ctypes incorrect handling of long int on 64bits Linux

2015-07-19 Thread Marco Clemencic
Marco Clemencic added the comment: Hi, apologies for the very late answer, but I just discovered that the mails got flagged as spam :( In any case, I do not know where I got this "args" from, but I can confirm that the problem is just a bug on my side. Thanks Marco -- resolution: -

[issue24470] ctypes incorrect handling of long int on 64bits Linux

2015-07-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Thank you for following up on this. -- stage: -> resolved ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-li

[issue19663] Not so correct error message when initializing defaultdict

2015-07-19 Thread Milan Oberkirch
Milan Oberkirch added the comment: *ping* This is still a reasonable patch. Would be great if you can apply it :) -- nosy: +zvyn versions: +Python 3.5, Python 3.6 -Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker

[issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Ping again. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Fabian
New submission from Fabian: While testing pywikibot using requests and urllib3 on Python 3.6 we got an interesting error: == ERROR: testQueryApiGetter (tests.wikidataquery_tests.TestApiSlowFunctions) Test that we can actually r

[issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2

2015-07-19 Thread Cyd Haselton
Cyd Haselton added the comment: UPDATE: Haven't forgotten about this; I'm currently (thanks to Android's new mandatory PIE binaries requirement) rebuilding all of the necessary utilities (openssl, curl, git, etc) so that I can clone and test. Between the above and a sharp increase in workload

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread John Mark Vandenberg
Changes by John Mark Vandenberg : -- nosy: +John.Mark.Vandenberg ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
New submission from Steven D'Aprano: As discussed on the python-ideas list here: Subject: Disallow "0" as a synonym for "0" https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-July/034631.html and on Stackoverflow, leading zeroes are forbidden for ints, due to the possible confusion with C

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Chris Rebert
Changes by Chris Rebert : -- nosy: +cvrebert ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pytho

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Cory Benfield
Changes by Cory Benfield : -- nosy: +Lukasa ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.python

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Ian Cordasco
Changes by Ian Cordasco : -- nosy: +icordasc ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pytho

[issue24669] inspect.getsource() returns the wrong lines for coroutine functions

2015-07-19 Thread Kai Groner
Changes by Kai Groner : -- components: Library (Lib) nosy: groner priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: inspect.getsource() returns the wrong lines for coroutine functions type: behavior versions: Python 3.5 ___ Python tracker

[issue24669] inspect.getsource() returns the wrong lines for coroutine functions

2015-07-19 Thread Kai Groner
New submission from Kai Groner: inspect.findsource() looks for lines that start with `def`. This patch adds a clause to the regex so lines starting with `async def` will also be recognized. -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39950/inspect-getsource-asyncdef.patc

[issue24661] CGIHTTPServer: premature unescaping of query string

2015-07-19 Thread John S
John S added the comment: Image you had the following URL. http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/test.cgi?q=Dolce%26Gabbana&p=1 os.environ['QUERY_STRING'] would hold the value q=Dolce&Gabbana&p=1 If you ran the following code, you would be unable to get the value of the q paramater in full. impo

[issue24670] os.chdir breaks result of os.path.abspath(__file__) and os.path.realpath(__file__)

2015-07-19 Thread LordBlick
New submission from LordBlick: The use of methods path.chdir () corrupts the subsequent ability to detect the file path which is interpreted. I've made simple example, which is atached: $ cd ~/tmp $ ./test_os_path.py abspath:~/tmp/test_os_path.py weak abspath: ~/tmp/test_os_path.py re

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Changes by Raymond Hettinger : -- assignee: -> eric.snow nosy: +eric.snow ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Un

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: Since is unambiguous, I propose leaving this alone unless some actual harm can be shown. The leading zeros for floats have proven to be harmless, 00.0 is valid. I see no reason to churn the code, go through deprecation effort, burden the docs with a

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Changes by Serhiy Storchaka : -- nosy: +rhettinger ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail

[issue24667] OrderedDict.popitem()/__str__() raises KeyError

2015-07-19 Thread Fabian
Fabian added the comment: Looking further into this issue, OrderedDict.pop() using the key returned from the KeyError (using eval(str(error))) also yields a KeyError. And OrderedDict.popitem() does not change the dictionary (so it's not like the KeyError is raised even though it worked). Also

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Georg Brandl
Georg Brandl added the comment: I don't recall the reason for this deliberate change (as seen from the docs change). I'm unable to come up with a good reason for this change now, but on the other hand I can't come up with a good reason for code churn and adding deprecationg warnings for a mi

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Mark Dickinson
Mark Dickinson added the comment: [Raymond] > I propose leaving this alone unless some actual harm can be shown. +1. -- nosy: +mark.dickinson status: pending -> open ___ Python tracker ___

[issue24668] Deprecate 00000 as a synonym for 0

2015-07-19 Thread Mark Dickinson
Changes by Mark Dickinson : -- status: open -> pending ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: 5c3812412b6f caused a refleak. $ ./python -m test.regrtest -uall -R 3:3 test_set [1/1] test_set beginning 6 repetitions 123456 .. test_set leaked [23561, 24961, 23961] references, sum=72483 test_set leaked [785, 787, 787] memory blocks, sum=2359 1 test fai

[issue24654] PEP 492 - example benchmark doesn't work (TypeError)

2015-07-19 Thread Marcin Szewczyk
Marcin Szewczyk added the comment: Thanks for the update. Regarding the "plain generator" part -- am I right thinking it's simply a generator not decorated with @asyncio.coroutine? -- ___ Python tracker _

[issue24097] Use after free in PyObject_GetState

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Here is a test for this issue. -- stage: test needed -> patch review Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39953/test_issue24097.patch ___ Python tracker ___

[issue24669] inspect.getsource() returns the wrong lines for coroutine functions

2015-07-19 Thread Berker Peksag
Changes by Berker Peksag : -- nosy: +yselivanov stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsub

[issue24671] idlelib 2.7: finish converting print statements

2015-07-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy
New submission from Terry J. Reedy: Porting patches from 3.x to 2.7 would be much easier if print were always a function and not a statement in 2.7. Two modules, configHandler and PyShell, have been converted to print functions ("from __future__ import print_function" and () added). GrepDialo

[issue24671] idlelib 2.7: finish converting print statements

2015-07-19 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 949ba97beece by Terry Jan Reedy in branch '2.7': Issue #24671: Finish print conversion, idlelib GrepDialog and WidgetRedirector. https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/949ba97beece -- nosy: +python-dev ___ Pyt

[issue24649] python -mtrace --help is wrong

2015-07-19 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: Maybe it is time to rewrite trace module argument parser using argparse and get an "always correct" auto-generated help for free? -- keywords: +easy stage: -> needs patch versions: +Python 3.6 -Python 3.5 ___ P

[issue24642] Will there be an MSI installer?

2015-07-19 Thread Alex Walters
Changes by Alex Walters : -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Uns

[issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2

2015-07-19 Thread Alex Walters
Changes by Alex Walters : -- nosy: +tritium ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.python

[issue24656] remove "assret" from mock error checking

2015-07-19 Thread Nick Coghlan
Nick Coghlan added the comment: Marking as rejected by the module maintainer. -- resolution: -> rejected stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker __

[issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument

2015-07-19 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: Who are you pinging? I did just notice a minor English grammar problem (“one arguments”). But as far as I am concered you could have already committed the patch. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue4395] Document auto __ne__ generation; provide a use case for non-trivial __ne__

2015-07-19 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: Nick seemed to approve of this, so perhaps it is ready to commit? The new patch just resolves a minor conflict with the current code. -- stage: patch review -> commit review versions: +Python 3.6 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39954/default-ne-r

[issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: I will look at this more when I get a chance (likely this week). -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Py

[issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: I was pinging Raymond. He is maintainer of the collections module, this issue is assigned to his, and he had valid objections to previous version of the patch. Even one of this reason is enough to wait his review before committing. Thank you Raymond. --

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: 3.6 only. Correct? -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: htt

[issue4395] Document auto __ne__ generation; provide a use case for non-trivial __ne__

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Added comments on Rietveld. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe

[issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)

2015-07-19 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: This patch defeats the warnings -- status: closed -> open Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39955/stat-times-deprecated.patch ___ Python tracker ___

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset acb5b177dd4e by Raymond Hettinger in branch 'default': Issue #24583: Fix refcount leak. https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/acb5b177dd4e -- ___ Python tracker __

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: AFAIK 3.5+ (not tested). -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue5315] signal handler never gets called

2015-07-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: This was turned into a doc issue, with no patch forthcoming, but Devin has submitted a bugfix. Should this be turned back into a bug issue? -- nosy: +terry.reedy stage: -> patch review versions: +Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6 -Python 2.6, Python

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: Added a patch to neaten it up a bit by naming the exit conditions and avoiding the unnecessary extra incref/decref pair around the resize call. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39956/set_named_exits.diff

[issue24583] set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging

2015-07-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: Added a variant patch that brings the steps together in a more logical manner (single entry point at the top and the named exits at the bottom, brings refcount adjustment logic together in a more coherent way). The "restart" target is done the same way as