[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: The segfault occurs in a path in import.c that has a comment "XXX this this should really not happen.": Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0047d733 in type_dealloc (type=0x8381e0) at Objects/typeobject.c:2694 2694_PyObject_GC_UNT

[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: Maybe related: If you increase the number of passes in Modules/_testembed.c, pass 9 fails: --- Pass 9 --- _testembed: Objects/typeobject.c:2693: type_dealloc: Assertion `type->tp_flags & (1L<<9)' failed. Aborted -- __

[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Changes by Stefan Krah : -- components: +Interpreter Core stage: -> needs patch type: -> crash ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue5766] Mac/scripts/BuildApplet.py reset of sys.executable during install can cause it to use wrong modules

2012-09-12 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: This problem was caused by a conflict between the expat parser included with Python and the expat parser included with the MacPorts ports of the obsolete pyxml package. The MacPorts project has subsequently deleted the py*-xml ports. A solution for this issue is t

[issue15898] OSX TTY bug

2012-09-12 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: Am 11.09.2012 09:11, schrieb Andrew Moffat: > I'm not sure I follow the problem exactly. So you're saying that the > failing version uses _cancel sys calls, and that __pthread_testcancel > may result in EINTR. But that this is not happening in the trace, > and

[issue15881] multiprocessing 'NoneType' object is not callable

2012-09-12 Thread Mitar
Changes by Mitar : -- nosy: +mitar ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailm

[issue15929] argparse non alphanum characters replacement

2012-09-12 Thread Julien Castets
New submission from Julien Castets: argparse.add_argument replaces dashes with underscores. If an argument contains another non alphanum character, accessing to it will result to a syntax error. #! /usr/bin/env python import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': argParser = argparse.Argumen

[issue15928] Open url with proxy causes TypeError

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: What is proxy? Perhaps it does not implement readline correctly. -- nosy: +r.david.murray ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue15929] argparse non alphanum characters replacement

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: It would probably be better to have the namespace object support subscripting in order to satisfy this use case. You can use getattr to do it now. (Note that the namespace object should probably use a real dict and a __getattr__ method, since I don't think

[issue15929] argparse non alphanum characters replacement

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: If you need to get things that aren't valid Python identifiers, use vars() to get the dictionary: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#the-namespace-object Changing all non-alphanumeric characters to underscores would be a backwards incompatible c

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: I agree with Chris here. We also need to add the various tests he's come up with. IMO the easiest way to restore the original behavior and the preserve the fixes is to make the following single line change: diff --git a/Lib/argparse.py b/Lib/argparse.py ---

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: It looks like the correct fix was already applied, but just to chime in here: (1) Yes, the error is that the isinstance(action.default, str) check was lost (2) Yes, it is intended that you can use a string value as your default and the type= converter will be

[issue15929] argparse non alphanum characters replacement

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Oh, it wasn't CPython that that comment was directed at. But I think you are right: because CPython supports it, I think other implementations will as well, whatever the language spec says or doesn't say (I didn't double check, I'm going on a fuzzy memory of

[issue11385] TextTestRunner methods are not documented

2012-09-12 Thread Julian Berman
Changes by Julian Berman : -- nosy: +Julian ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: The correct fix has not been applied yet. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing li

[issue9592] Limitations in objects returned by multiprocessing Pool

2012-09-12 Thread Ask Solem
Ask Solem added the comment: I vote to close too as it's very hard to fix in a clean way. A big problem though is that there is a standard for defining exceptions, that also ensures that the exception is pickleable (always call Exception.__init__ with original args), that is not documented (h

[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: This can wait until after the release. We will have periodic point releases where further doc updates can go in. -- nosy: +rhettinger ___ Python tracker __

[issue15929] argparse non alphanum characters replacement

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: I haven't been following python-dev recently, but the only discussion I remember was for non-strings in __dict__, not non-identifiers. -- ___ Python tracker __

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: Oh, I see, you're right - the recent changes from the Roundup Robot are exactly the wrong changes - special casing _StoreAction, not string defaults. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue15930] buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos()

2012-09-12 Thread Christian Heimes
New submission from Christian Heimes: Coverity has found a buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos() defined at http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/25e41fdc4e60/Objects/unicodeobject.c#l3237 Message: CID 719672: Out-of-bounds access (OVERRUN)At (2): Overrunning array "buf" of 2 4-byte elements by pa

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: It's translating properly for me now as well (but on a different machine). I will give it another try when I get home to see if I can reproduce success on the machine that was failing for me previously. -- status: pending -> open ___

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Changes by Brett Cannon : -- assignee: benjamin.peterson -> brett.cannon ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsu

[issue12680] cPickle.loads is not thread safe due to non-thread-safe imports

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: I just checked and this is no longer an issue in Python 3.3. The sys.modules "bug" isn't a bug as that's how it is supposed to work to prevent partially initialized modules. As for how pickle is doing stuff, that could change if it wouldn't break backwards-compa

[issue15930] buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos()

2012-09-12 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: Georg, this issue might be security relevant and should be reviewed before the next release. -- nosy: +georg.brandl ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue15930] buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos()

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: buf[1] contains NUL if SIZE_OF_WCHAR_T is 4. The man page says: size_t wcstombs(char *dest, const wchar_t *src, size_t n) The conversion can stop for three reasons: 3. The wide-character string has been completely converted, including the terminating L'\0'.

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steven Bethard wrote: >(1) Yes, the error is that the isinstance(action.default, str) check was lost Except that it won't work any more in the original location. I tried it and it broke other tests. Maybe I did it wrong, so plea

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 10:39 AM, R. David Murray wrote: >diff --git a/Lib/argparse.py b/Lib/argparse.py >--- a/Lib/argparse.py >+++ b/Lib/argparse.py >@@ -1962,7 +1962,8 @@ > # only if it was defined already in the namespace >

[issue11783] email parseaddr and formataddr should be IDNA aware

2012-09-12 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: 3.3 is in feature freeze mode. This new feature has to go into 3.4. -- nosy: +christian.heimes versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker __

[issue10167] ESET Trojan Alert [python-3.1.2.amd64 ON Win7-64]

2012-09-12 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: We haven't received any similar report and 3.1.2 is outdated, too. I'm closing this bug. -- nosy: +christian.heimes resolution: -> out of date status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 04:22 AM, Chris Jerdonek wrote: >The argparse documentation makes it pretty clear that 'type' is meant to be >applied only to strings. Then test_type_function_call_with_non_string_default() which was added to fix #12776 and #11839 is a bogu

[issue15930] buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos()

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: I'm convinced that this is a false positive: size_t wcstombs(char *dest, const wchar_t *src, size_t n); We have: 1) buf[0] = *wstr and buf[1] = 0. So: 2) wcstombs(NULL, buf, 0) <= 4. Then the man page says: "... the programmer should mak

[issue15930] buffer overrun in wcstombs_errorpos()

2012-09-12 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: Stefan, I agree with your analysis. With the terminating null wide char wcstombs will never read beyond the end of buf. -- resolution: -> invalid status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: I see. So right now, both string defaults and non-string defaults are being converted with the type= function. That seems suspect to me since the documentation explicitly says "type= can take any callable that takes a single string argument and returns the con

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: *No* code should depend on it: this fix is very recent and is not in any released version of Python, not even the RCs. The bogus test should be removed. When I committed that patch I did not understand the correct (documented) semantics of default conversion

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Actually, no, the test should not be removed, it should be reversed so as to test the documented behavior. -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 03:03 PM, R. David Murray wrote: >Actually, no, the test should not be removed, it should be reversed so as to >test the documented behavior. Good point. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue15931] inspect.findsource fails after directory change

2012-09-12 Thread Gabor Kovacs
New submission from Gabor Kovacs: The attached script works in 2.6(.4) but not in 2.7(.3); the script cannot locate its own source code if invoked by relative path and work directory has changed. If line 8 uncommented, everything is fine due to caching. I think this is related to issue #4050

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: Ok, sounds good. Let's make the test check the documented behavior, and then add back the isinstance(action.default, str) check. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Changes by Barry A. Warsaw : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27180/15906-3.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing lis

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 02:48 PM, Steven Bethard wrote: >We should not be converting non-string defaults, or the documentation's >description of the type= argument doesn't make sense. Agreed. If we also take RDM's suggestion of reversing the sense of test_type_fu

[issue15931] inspect.findsource fails after directory change

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
Changes by R. David Murray : -- nosy: +r.david.murray ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://ma

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 03:40 PM, Steven Bethard wrote: >Ok, sounds good. Let's make the test check the documented behavior, and then >add back the isinstance(action.default, str) check. See patch 15906-3.diff for Python 2.7. If acceptable, I will apply and forwa

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Looks good to me. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: Oops, one small correction for 15906-3.diff: In Python 2.7, s/str/basestring/ Obviously isinstance should just check for str-y-ness in Python 3.{2,3} -- ___ Python tracker __

[issue15932] files in the csv documentation's examples are not closed

2012-09-12 Thread berdario
New submission from berdario: I changed the examples to use the with statement -- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation files: doc.diff keywords: patch messages: 170394 nosy: berdario, docs@python, ezio.melotti priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: files in the

[issue15923] Building from a fresh clone breaks on Parser/asdl_c.py

2012-09-12 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment: It's most probably related to issue15801: if 'name' is an instance of Python-defined class, then it was considered as a mapping... -- nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc ___ Python tracker

[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 8d22d9528164 by Antoine Pitrou in branch 'default': Issue #15926: Fix crash after multiple reinitializations of the interpreter. http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/8d22d9528164 -- nosy: +python-dev ___ Pyth

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard added the comment: Patch, with the basestring amendment, looks good. > Do we need a new test for conversion of string defaults? Yeah, I guess go ahead and add one. That will at least document our intentions here, and if we decide to change that later, then it will force us to de

[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: This should be fixed now. Georg, this is up to you whether this deserves being ported to 3.3.0 or not. -- assignee: -> georg.brandl nosy: +georg.brandl resolution: -> fixed stage: needs patch -> committed/rejected

[issue15599] test_circular_imports() of test_threaded_import fails on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-09-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: Stefan, do you plan to commit this patch (or a similar one)? The FreeBSD buildbot is crashing again. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue15933] flaky test in test_datetime

2012-09-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
New submission from Antoine Pitrou: Seen on a buildbot: == FAIL: test_today (test.datetimetester.TestSubclassDateTime_Fast) -- Traceback (most recent call last)

[issue15934] flaky test in test_ftplib

2012-09-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
New submission from Antoine Pitrou: Seen on a buildbot: == ERROR: test_storlines (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) -- Traceback (most recent call last):

[issue15934] flaky test in test_ftplib

2012-09-12 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment: Assigning to me but I won't be able to look into it for a while. -- assignee: -> giampaolo.rodola ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: > Do we need a new test for conversion of string defaults? I think we should also update the documentation of the "default" keyword argument (and/or the "type" argument) to remove any ambiguity and make the behavior more clear. Maybe one way to view what is h

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: All three of those sound like good ideas (testing string conversion, clarifying docs, adding the no-double conversion test). Do you want to prepare the patch, Chris? Barry can apply his any time and yours can be a followup. We should also make a doc update

[issue15599] test_circular_imports() of test_threaded_import fails on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: I was hesitating because the other FreeBSD bots don't have that problem. The other option would be to kick out the FreeBSD/kvm bot in favor of FreeBSD/Virtualbox. http://buildbot.python.org/all/buildslaves/koobs-freebsd-clang seems to be very stable. I could take

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: > Do you want to prepare the patch, Chris? Sure, I should be able to get to this today or tomorrow. -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue15932] files in the csv documentation's examples are not closed

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: Quick glance at the patch LGTM. I don't have commit access handy so I can't do it myself ATM. -- nosy: +brett.cannon stage: -> commit review ___ Python tracker

[issue15599] test_circular_imports() of test_threaded_import fails on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-09-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: > I was hesitating because the other FreeBSD bots don't have that problem. > The other option would be to kick out the FreeBSD/kvm bot in favor of > FreeBSD/Virtualbox. Well, if the test is just running too slow, changing the switch interval sounds easier to me

[issue15926] Segmentation fault after multiple reinitializations

2012-09-12 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment: +1 for including the fix in 3.3.0. This segmentation fault was reproducible in test suite of dbus-python: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus-python/tree/test/import-repeatedly.c -- priority: high -> release blocker __

[issue15933] flaky test in test_datetime

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: First off, that assertEquals should have a custom error message stating what values the date objects had to better tell how off things were. Second, this can probably be solved by upping the timedelta to something like a minute or something for when it's run on

[issue15599] test_circular_imports() of test_threaded_import fails on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-09-12 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: OK, I'll commit the patch soon. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: On Sep 12, 2012, at 05:19 PM, R. David Murray wrote: >All three of those sound like good ideas (testing string conversion, >clarifying docs, adding the no-double conversion test). Do you want to >prepare the patch, Chris? Barry can apply his any time and your

[issue7475] codecs missing: base64 bz2 hex zlib hex_codec ...

2012-09-12 Thread Uzume
Uzume added the comment: Many have chimed in on this topic but I thought I would lend my stance--for whatever it is worth. I also believe most of these do not fit concept of a character codec and some sort of transforms would likely be useful, however most are sort of specialized (e.g., there

[issue7475] codecs missing: base64 bz2 hex zlib hex_codec ...

2012-09-12 Thread Uzume
Changes by Uzume : -- nosy: -uzume ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailm

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 8f847f66a49f by Barry Warsaw in branch '2.7': A follow up for issue #15906: change the test for calling the type conversion http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/8f847f66a49f New changeset 088b16bd6396 by Barry Warsaw in branch '3.2': A follow up for iss

[issue15599] test_circular_imports() of test_threaded_import fails on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-09-12 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 9b40d018e4cf by Stefan Krah in branch 'default': Issue #15599: FreeBSD on KVM cannot handle a very low switch interval. http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/9b40d018e4cf -- nosy: +python-dev ___ Python tracke

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw added the comment: Chris, it's all yours. I am however going to close the bug as fixed. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Changes by Barry A. Warsaw : -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: Thanks for committing the change. However-- +def test_no_double_type_conversion_of_default(self): +def extend(str_to_convert): +return str_to_convert + '*' + +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() +parser.add_argument('--tes

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: Oh, never mind. The initial default value has one star to begin with. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue4356] Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions

2012-09-12 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Changes by Terry J. Reedy : -- versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: I can't reproduce the problem anymore. -- resolution: -> out of date status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue15935] clarify argparse docs re: add_argument() type and default arguments

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
New submission from Chris Jerdonek: This issue is to clarify in the documentation the argparse behavior for which tests were added in issue 15906. The behavior involves when the type callable should be applied to default arguments. See, for example, the following comment for what roughly need

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: > I think that will just leave the doc updates for Chris once my patch lands in > all three branches. I created an issue for this here: http://bugs.python.org/issue15935 -- ___ Python tracker

[issue10224] Build 3.x documentation using python3.x

2012-09-12 Thread Brett Cannon
Changes by Brett Cannon : -- versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue10224] Build 3.x documentation using python3.x

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Changes by Chris Jerdonek : -- nosy: +cjerdonek ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyt

[issue15936] Add link from os.urandom to random.SystemRandom

2012-09-12 Thread Jacek Bzdak
New submission from Jacek Bzdak: It would be great if one sentence was added to os.urandom description: "For easy to use interface to system randomness please see random.SystemRandom class". The reason for this change is that many references quote only os.urandom as a cryptographically stron

[issue15935] clarify argparse docs re: add_argument() type and default arguments

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: Attaching patch. -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27182/issue-15935-1.patch ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue15437] Merge Doc/ACKS.txt names into Misc/ACKS

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: Just an FYI that Ezio asked Georg about this issue on IRC yesterday or the day before, and Georg said +1. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue15927] csv.reader() does not support escaped newline when quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Changes by Chris Jerdonek : -- components: +Library (Lib) -None title: cvs.reader does not support escaped newline when quoting=cvs.QUOTE_NONE -> csv.reader() does not support escaped newline when quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE ___ Python tracker

[issue15924] 404 link on Python about page

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Chris Jerdonek added the comment: Thanks for the report. However, for this issue, you should e-mail webmas...@python.org instead, as this page describes: http://www.python.org/about/website/ The part of the Python web site affected by this issue is maintained separately from the parts of the

[issue15924] 404 link on Python about page

2012-09-12 Thread Chris Jerdonek
Changes by Chris Jerdonek : -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://ma

[issue15924] 404 link on Python about page

2012-09-12 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: The link has since been fixed thanks to your suggestion. -- components: +Tests -None nosy: +ned.deily ___ Python tracker ___

[issue15924] 404 link on Python about page

2012-09-12 Thread Berker Peksag
Changes by Berker Peksag : -- components: +None -Tests ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://m