[issue4356] Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions

2008-11-20 Thread Mark Dickinson
Mark Dickinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: What about cases where performance is unimportant, or where the key function is fast (e.g. an attribute access)? Then something like bisect(a, x, key=attrgetter('size')) is easy to write and read. Mightn't this be considered good design,

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread kai zhu
New submission from kai zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: # super_closure.py class A(object): def foo(self): return super() # remove the closure below # & SystemError goes away ??? lambda: self A().foo() when run on 3.0rc

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread kai zhu
kai zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: here's a printout of bytecode from script >>> >>> s = open("super_closure.py").read() >>> c = compile(s, "super_closure.py", "exec") >>> t = py3to2.codetree(c) >>> print( t ) codetree( co_argcount = 0, co_cellvars = (), co_code = b'G

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread kai zhu
kai zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: same thing, except w/ closure commented out (& everything is happy) # super_ok.py class A(object): def foo(self): return super() # comment the closure below # & SystemError goes away # lambda: self

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread kai zhu
kai zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: oops, sorry reprinted the same code ^^;;; ignore previous post, & use this: (sorry again for mucking up this page) # super_ok.py class A(object): def foo(self): return super() # comment the closure below

[issue4361] Docstring for "Lib/string.py" is outdated

2008-11-20 Thread thp
New submission from thp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The docstring in "Lib/string.py" in the source of "Python 3.0rc2" is wrong. It currently says "lowercase", "uppercase" and "letters" where it should say "ascii_lowercase", "ascii_uppercase" and "ascii_letters". -- assignee: georg.brandl compon

[issue4356] Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions

2008-11-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I had said "almost always". Sure, if you don't care about performance or scalability, a key= argument would be a net win. We're responsible for creating an API that steers most programmers in the right direction (Tim sez "we read Knuth so

[issue4356] Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions

2008-11-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Changes by Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- resolution: -> duplicate status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___

[issue4356] Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions

2008-11-20 Thread Mark Dickinson
Mark Dickinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: One case I've been thinking about is that of maintaining a list of Decimal objects that are sorted by absolute value. For this, having to create a list of (abs(x), x) pairs just seems clumsy compared to using a key argument to bisect. Per

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread David M. Beazley
New submission from David M. Beazley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The FileIO object defined in the new io library has "name" and "mode" properties. However, attempts to access either value result in an AttributeError exception. The C source code in _fileio.c doesn't even implement a name attribute

[issue4017] Tkinter cannot find Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X

2008-11-20 Thread David M. Beazley
David M. Beazley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Just a quick comment from the Python training universe--this bug makes it impossible to use Python 2.6 in any kind of Python teaching environment where IDLE tends to be used a lot. I'm having to tell students to stick with Python-2.5.2.

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This needs to be verified before the next rc gets out. -- nosy: +christian.heimes priority: -> release blocker stage: -> test needed versions: +Python 3.0 ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: In a running frame, f->f_localplus is a vector composed of: - the values of the local variables - the cells containing variables used in a nested closure. - the values of free variables defined in a outer scope. super() needs to access

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Yet another release blocker for Barry. Good work, Amaury. -- assignee: -> barry components: -Build nosy: +barry, christian.heimes priority: -> release blocker resolution: -> accepted stage: -> patch review

[issue4082] python2.6 -m site doesn't run site._script() any more

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: It's still an issue and I like to get it resolved. The site module lets users access information related to my uesr site package directory. In 2.6 the information isn't accessible: $ python3.0 -m site --user-site /home/heimes/.local/lib/py

[issue1529142] Allowing multiple instances of IDLE with sub-processes

2008-11-20 Thread Weeble
Changes by Weeble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +weeble ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4354] distutils.command.register is broken

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: The patch is fine with me. -- assignee: -> barry nosy: +barry, christian.heimes priority: -> release blocker resolution: -> accepted stage: -> commit review ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECT

[issue4363] Make uuid module functions usable without ctypes

2008-11-20 Thread Dmitry Vasiliev
New submission from Dmitry Vasiliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The attached patch removes dependency on ctypes from uuid.uuid1() and uuid.uuid4() functions. -- components: Library (Lib) files: uuid.patch keywords: patch messages: 76107 nosy: hdima severity: normal status: open title: Make uuid

[issue4364] error in multiprocessing docs - rawvalue

2008-11-20 Thread Brian D'Urso
New submission from Brian D'Urso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: There is an error in the multiprocessing package documentation: In the sentence: 'Note that an array of ctypes.c_char has value and rawvalue attributes which allow one to use it to store and retrieve strings.' The error is that 'rawvalue' sh

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: The attached patch is an attempt to set mode and name attributes to all three objects in the IO stack. For example, >>> f = open("foo", "U+") >>> f.buffer.name, f.buffer.mode ('foo', 'r+') See also the unit tests. There is a little i

[issue4236] Crash when importing builtin module during interpreter shutdown

2008-11-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Here is a test case (a.py) which produces a FatalError back to Python 2.4 at least) Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12073/a.py ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue2306] Update What's new in 3.0

2008-11-20 Thread Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This will have to deferred to the final 3.0 release, I don't have time today (dr's appt, internal release, blah, blah). Sorry! -- priority: release blocker -> deferred blocker ___ Python tracker

[issue4365] Add CRT version info in msvcrt module

2008-11-20 Thread Cournapeau David
New submission from Cournapeau David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: This patch if the first part to follow discussion on python-list concerning problems when using distutils.config.try_run with mingw and manifest problems on windows for python 2.6 (or any python built with recent VS). It simply adds strin

[issue4236] Crash when importing builtin module during interpreter shutdown

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: After consultation with MvL and Crys_ on irc, we've agreed that this should be fixed someday but it's a pathological case that shouldn't hold up the release. I'm lowering to critical because I don't think it should even hold up the final rel

[issue4306] email package with unicode subject/body

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This example works though, and it also works in earlier Pythons. from email.header import Header def main(): # coding: utf8 ADDRESS = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from email.mime.text import MIMEText msg = MIMEText('accent \xe9\xf4\

[issue4306] email package with unicode subject/body

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I'm rejecting the patch because the old way of making this work still works in Python 3.0. Any larger changes to the API need to be made in the context of redesigning the email package to be byte/str aware. -- resolution: -> reject

[issue4354] distutils.command.register is broken

2008-11-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Thanks for the patch. Committed as r67298. For some reason, the saved credentials won't be read back in. Not sure whether this is specific to 3.0, though, or part of the new PyPIRC handling. -- status: open -> closed __

[issue1083] Confusing error message when dividing timedelta using /

2008-11-20 Thread webograph
Changes by webograph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: +webograph ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing li

[issue4366] cannot find -lpython2.5 when buinding Python 2.5.2 on FreeBSD 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Akira Kitada
New submission from Akira Kitada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I get a number of "cannot find -lpython2.5" error when building Python 2.5.2 on FreeBSD 2.5.2 with gcc 2.95.4. This problem is only occured when I build it with "--enable-shared" configure option. This is how you can reproduce this problem.

[issue4366] cannot find -lpython2.5 when buinding Python 2.5.2 on FreeBSD 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Please try this patch with a clean source tree. It adds the current directory to the library search path. Index: setup.py === --- setup.py(revision 67295) +++ setup.py(

[issue4367] Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Giuseppe Ottaviano
New submission from Giuseppe Ottaviano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi all, trying to compile Python 2.6 I got a segmentation fault while byte-compiling the modules. The segmentation fault happened in ast_for_atom, parsing an Unicode entity. I found out that another problem prevented unicodedata to be

[issue4368] a bug in ncurses.h still exist in

2008-11-20 Thread Akira Kitada
Changes by Akira Kitada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- nosy: akitada severity: normal status: open title: a bug in ncurses.h still exist in ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

[issue4369] Error building to a nonstandard prefix (with patch)

2008-11-20 Thread Giuseppe Ottaviano
New submission from Giuseppe Ottaviano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi all, I am trying to compile python 2.6 using a user directory as prefix. In the the byte-compiling step of install, compileall.py fails to load all the .so modules (it fails for zlib.so and raises an exception for unicodedata.so), so

[issue4368] A bug in ncurses.h still exists in FreeBSD 4.9 - 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Akira Kitada
New submission from Akira Kitada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Excerpt from configure.in """ # On FreeBSD 4.8 and MacOS X 10.2, a bug in ncurses.h means that # it craps out if _XOPEN_EXTENDED_SOURCE is defined. Apparently, # this is fixed in 10.3, which identifies itself as Darwin/7.* # This should hopef

[issue4366] cannot find -lpython2.5 when buinding Python 2.5.2 on FreeBSD 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Akira Kitada
Akira Kitada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Christian's patch fixed this problem! (tested on 4.11-RELEASE) I'm not sure why the other platforms don't suffer this problem. ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

[issue4370] warning: unknown conversion type character `z' in format

2008-11-20 Thread Akira Kitada
New submission from Akira Kitada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Some compilers don't understand "%zd" format specifer and gcc 2.95.4 is one of them. (You can find more on http://www.and.org/vstr/printf_comparison) When building Python with such compilers, you will see a lot of "warning: unknown conversion

[issue4367] Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Can you provide the code that caused the seg fault? -- nosy: +benjamin.peterson priority: -> high ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue4367] Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I think I got the point: to decode strings like "\N{CHARACTER NAME}" PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape imports the unicodedata module. If this fails, PyErr_SetString(PyExc_UnicodeError, "some message") is called. The exception will eventual

[issue4370] warning: unknown conversion type character `z' in format

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: If you start at line 3652 in configure.in you fill find the check for the %zd format specifier. Any patch to make it more robust would be appreciated. -- nosy: +brett.cannon priority: -> normal stage: -> needs patch _

[issue4366] cannot find -lpython2.5 when buinding Python 2.5.2 on FreeBSD 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Since r53691, and issue 1600860, "." is added to library_dirs on Linux and GNU systems. This probably should be extended to FreeBSD, and other systems. The critical point to notice is that the -L option is not only while building Python itse

[issue3799] Byte/string inconsistencies between different dbm modules

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Changes by Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- keywords: +needs review stage: -> commit review ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

[issue1447222] tkinter Dialog fails when more than four buttons are used

2008-11-20 Thread Guilherme Polo
Guilherme Polo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: issue4333 fixes this too, btw ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: The patch looks good to me. -- nosy: +brett.cannon ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ __

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Changes by Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- keywords: -needs review stage: patch review -> commit review ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___

[issue4367] Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Giuseppe Ottaviano
Giuseppe Ottaviano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: @amaury: Yes, this is exactly what I noticed. I didn't know how to create an instance of a PyUnicodeErrorObject. BTW, isn't PyErr_SetString used throughout the code? Should all those calls replaced with PyErr_SetObject? @benjamin: The b

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-20 Thread Gregor Lingl
Gregor Lingl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: The attached file setup_bug_demo.py shows the bug of this issue. It's taken out of a working game application and radically abridged to concentrate on this issue. Now the patch to fix the bug has to be changed a bit (because of the changes of M

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-20 Thread Gregor Lingl
Gregor Lingl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Here the patch, updated Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12080/setup_patch.diff ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___

[issue4360] SystemError when method has both super() & closure

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: patch applied; r67299 -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ __

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I'm okay with the roundtrip not being supported. One thing I don't quite understand is in the third test, where you're using "w+" mode and testing f.buffer.mode and f.buffer.raw.mode is "r+". Why is that? -- nosy: +barry _

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-20 Thread Gregor Lingl
Gregor Lingl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Sorry, but there is a remain from testing different versions of the turtle module in the demo file's import statement. Should read (of course): from turtle import Screen, Turtle, mainloop A corrected version is attached Sorry, again, for the

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: r67300 (with after the fact whitespace normalization of Lib/tests/test_io.py) -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

[issue4082] python2.6 -m site doesn't run site._script() any more

2008-11-20 Thread Nick Coghlan
Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: So what could be different between my x86 system and your x86_64 system that it works for me and not for you? Could you try doing "python -i -m site" and poke around in the main namespace (which is where the interactive session will start) a bi

[issue4082] python2.6 -m site doesn't run site._script() any more

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Nick Coghlan wrote: > Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: > > So what could be different between my x86 system and your x86_64 system > that it works for me and not for you? > > Could you try doing "python -i -m site" and p

[issue4368] A bug in ncurses.h still exists in FreeBSD 4.9 - 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Roumen Petrov
Roumen Petrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: You patch is out of date. The current case is for FreeBSD/4.* . -- nosy: +rpetrov ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ __

[issue4369] Error building to a nonstandard prefix (with patch)

2008-11-20 Thread Roumen Petrov
Roumen Petrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: No you can't remove $(DESTDIR) -- nosy: +rpetrov ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___

[issue4368] A bug in ncurses.h still exists in FreeBSD 4.9 - 4.11

2008-11-20 Thread Roumen Petrov
Roumen Petrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: missed target version sorry ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue4371] coerce gone---but not from docs

2008-11-20 Thread David W. Lambert
New submission from David W. Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/glossary.html Scanning the glossary reveals... coercion The glossary needs rewritten to eliminate "coerce builtin". __future__ Uses example import division, I'd replace it but I don't know w

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Changes by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- resolution: -> fixed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs

[issue4371] coerce gone---but not from docs

2008-11-20 Thread David W. Lambert
Changes by David W. Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- assignee: -> georg.brandl components: +Documentation nosy: +georg.brandl versions: +Python 3.0 ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue4306] email package with unicode subject/body

2008-11-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: > I'm rejecting the patch because the old way of making > this work still works in Python 3.0. I checked the documentation and there is a section about "email: Internationalized headers". I didn't read this section. I just expected that Py

[issue4082] python2.6 -m site doesn't run site._script() any more

2008-11-20 Thread Nick Coghlan
Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: That does remind me of another problem though - __main__.__file__ isn't currently set correctly when runpy picks up the module to run from inside a zipfile (zipimporter doesn't support runpy/pkgutil's non-standard get_filename() extension to the

[issue4306] email package with unicode subject/body

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Nov 20, 2008, at 5:07 PM, STINNER Victor wrote: > STINNER Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: > >> I'm rejecting the patch because the old way of making >> this work still works in

[issue4372] __cmp__ removal not in What's New

2008-11-20 Thread Terry J. Reedy
New submission from Terry J. Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: What's New in Python 3.0/Common stumbling blocks has this "builtin.sorted() and list.sort() no longer accept the cmp argument providing a comparison function. Use the key argument instead." Please add "The __cmp__ special method is no longe

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Reopening, since this causes failure in socket.makefile() -- resolution: fixed -> status: closed -> open ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This patch addresses the makefile() function and the SocketIO class. Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12082/socketio_attributes.patch ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue4338] TypeError (bytes/str) in distutils command "upload"

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Martin, do you still have remarks about this patch? Can we apply it? ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ _

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Changes by Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ _

[issue4233] open(0, closefd=False) prints 3 warnings

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Backported to trunk in r67307. But -- do we really want to backport to 2.6? This changes the semantics of closefd, adds a new closefd attribute... Did the rules change for 2.6.1? ___ Python tracker

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw
Changes by Barry A. Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- status: closed -> open ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ ___ Python-bugs-lis

[issue4338] TypeError (bytes/str) in distutils command "upload"

2008-11-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: The patch is fine, please apply. -- keywords: -needs review resolution: -> accepted ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Here's a patch that makes FileIO accept and return 'b' in its mode string. -- nosy: +benjamin.peterson Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12083/fileio_always_binary.patch ___ Python tracker

[issue4338] TypeError (bytes/str) in distutils command "upload"

2008-11-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Fixed in r67308. -- resolution: accepted -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Since, we don't really care about round-tripping, test_gzip was fixed in r67309. -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue3799] Byte/string inconsistencies between different dbm modules

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: r67310 has the fix. -- resolution: -> accepted status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ __

[issue3799] Byte/string inconsistencies between different dbm modules

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I am re-opening this as a deferred blocker with a patch to document that dbm implementations write out and return bytes, but that strings are accepted and implicitly converted. -- priority: release blocker -> deferred blocker status: cl

[issue3799] Byte/string inconsistencies between different dbm modules

2008-11-20 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Have another patch that fixes all open() calls to specify the file encoding in dbm.dumb. Also caught one spot in _addkey() where decode("Latin-1") was not being called. Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12085/specify_open_encoding.diff __

[issue4373] Reference leaks in Python 3.0rc3

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
New submission from Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: A refleak test of r67311 py3k shows several leaks: test_distutils leaked [142, 142, 142, 142] references, sum=568 test_httpservers leaked [0, 0, 0, 217] references, sum=217 test_multiprocessing leaked [0, 0, 24, 0] references, sum=24 test

[issue4373] Reference leaks in Python 3.0rc3

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Only distutils and pickle seem to have real leaks. $ ./python Lib/test/regrtest.py -R:15: test_multiprocessing test_multiprocessing beginning 20 repetitions 12345678901234567890 1 test OK. [124096 refs] $ ./python Lib/

[issue4374] Pickle tests fail w/o _pickle extension

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
New submission from Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: $ rm build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.0-pydebug/_pickle.so $ ./python Lib/test/regrtest.py -R:: test_pickle test_pickle test test_pickle failed -- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/heimes/dev/python/py3k/Lib/test/pickletester.py", l

[issue4373] Reference leaks in Python 3.0rc3

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: distutils.tests.test_build_ext leaks the references. I think it's related to the xx module and totally harmless. ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue4373] Reference leaks in Python 3.0rc3

2008-11-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: This simple patch doesn't load the 'xx' module more than once in ref leak tests. The problem may also be caused by the xxmodule itself. Somebody should give it a proper review :) -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.o

[issue4367] Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Here's an alternative patch which simply calls PyObject_Str on the value of the exception. It also has a test. Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12087/use_PyObject_Str_and_test.patch ___ Python tra

[issue4367] segmentation fault in ast_for_atom

2008-11-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Changes by Benjamin Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- title: Patch for segmentation fault in ast_for_atom -> segmentation fault in ast_for_atom Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12088/use_PyObject_Str_and_test2.patch ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PR