Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:
I do not even think that it is a bug in Jupyter. It is expected that different
output devices can support or not support specific control characters. It is
rather a feature request to add support of the backslash character (and maybe
other control characte
Ketan Bhatt added the comment:
Dear Steven,
Checked in the interpreter from the terminal and you are right, the output is
as desired, and there is no bug.
As advised, I will report this to the Jupyter team.
Thank you for your confirmation and advised.
Ketan Bhatt.
> On 15-Aug-2020,
Ketan Bhatt added the comment:
> Dear Steven,
> Checked in the interpreter from the terminal and you are right, the output is
> as desired, and there is no bug.
> As advised, I will report this to the Jupyter team.
> Thank you for your confirmation and advised.
> Regards,
> Ketan Bhatt.
Steven D'Aprano added the comment:
Works correctly for me in the Python interpreter.
Please check if it works for you in the Python interpreter, if it does, then it
is a bug in Jupyter and should be reported to them, we cannot do anything to
fix it.
nosy: +steven.daprano
New submission from Ketan Bhatt :
The below statement is not clearing the text, although there are three
The output from the Jupiter note book is 12!!!
files: bug.ipynb
messages: 375469
nosy: ketanbhatt18
priority: normal
severity: normal