[issue39613] IsolatedAsyncioTestCase closes default event loop

2020-02-24 Thread Andrew Svetlov
Andrew Svetlov added the comment: The behavior is intentional and follows asyncio.run() semantics. Moreover, every test should have a separate event loop instance, this is stressed by IsolatedAsyncioTestCase class name -- resolution: -> wont fix stage: -> resolved status: open -> cl

[issue39613] IsolatedAsyncioTestCase closes default event loop

2020-02-12 Thread Zsolt Dollenstein
Change by Zsolt Dollenstein : -- nosy: +zsol ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pyt

[issue39613] IsolatedAsyncioTestCase closes default event loop

2020-02-11 Thread Artur Rodrigues
New submission from Artur Rodrigues : This means that subsequent test cases executed within the same application that don't create the event loop will fail. This seems like a behaviour change that wasn't raised on the original PR. $ cat test.py from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase, Te