Sam Park added the comment:
FWIW I just ran into this today on Ubuntu 18.04 container on GKE
1.21.5-gke.1302 and on a Ubuntu-with-Docker underlying node (if that's
relevant). Applying the monkeypatch solves the issue as well.
nosy: +sam.park
Ben Spiller added the comment:
Looks like on WSL the errno is errno.EACCES rather than EPERM, so we just need
to change the shutil._copyxattr error handler to also cope with that error code:
except OSError as e:
- if e.errno not in (errno.EPERM, errno.ENOTSUP, err
New submission from Peter :
Using shutil.copystat (and therefore also shutil.copytree) in WSL on any
directories from a mounted Windows drive (i.e. /mnt/c/...) raises an
shutil.Error "[Errno 13] Permission denied".
It seems to fail when copying the extended filesystem attribute