[issue3844] Script: find untested C functions

2009-02-10 Thread Daniel Diniz
Daniel Diniz added the comment: Closing: resource available externally ( http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ajaksu/ccoverage/trunk/files ) -- resolution: -> invalid status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker

[issue3844] Script: find untested C functions

2008-09-11 Thread Daniel Diniz
Daniel Diniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Here's example output of a run against 3.0. The number after a function name is its length in lines (as gcov counts them :). False positives include: ./Objects/weakrefobject.c gc_clear ./Modules/readline.c on_completion_display_matches_hook Ad

[issue3844] Script: find untested C functions

2008-09-11 Thread Daniel Diniz
New submission from Daniel Diniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The attached script reports C functions not flexed by unittests. It needs a 'coverage' build and a run of the tests. Coverage data is then passed to gcov and those functions with zero calls written to a text file, grouped by source file. It's