Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:
This is a Tk issue. Tkinter returns the same result as a plain Tk
$ rlwrap wish
% winfo screenmmwidth .
% winfo screenwidth .
% puts [expr "25.4*[winfo screenwidth .]/[winfo screenmmwidth .]"]
resolution: -> thi
Terry J. Reedy added the comment:
I cannot reproduce 'too large'. My screen in 340 mm high. It is reported as
305 in console Python 3.7.1rc1 and in IDLE run normally and with -n (no
subprocess) and in console Python 3.6.7. The point of trying '-n' is to run
the test code in the IDLE proce
New submission from Adrian Keister :
tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenmmwidth() and tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenmmheight() give
manifestly incorrect values in Windows. This does not appear to be an issue in
Linux. I have not tested a Mac. The values reported in Windows are too large by
as much as 58%. S