[issue26065] python embedded 3.5 amd64 crash when using venv

2016-01-16 Thread Steve Dower
Steve Dower added the comment: I'm declaring using venv from the embeddable distro as unsupported, and it will be removed completely from the next release. To create virtual environments, use a regular install of Python. -- assignee: -> steve.dower resolution: -> fixed stage: -> res

[issue26065] python embedded 3.5 amd64 crash when using venv

2016-01-16 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 84101e587f47 by Steve Dower in branch '3.5': Issue #26065: Excludes venv from library when generating embeddable distro. https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/84101e587f47 New changeset d3422b0e0cee by Steve Dower in branch 'default': Issue #26065: Excl

[issue26065] python embedded 3.5 amd64 crash when using venv

2016-01-09 Thread Eryk Sun
Eryk Sun added the comment: 0xC409 (3221226505) is STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN due to the CRT calling __fastfail(FAST_FAIL_FATAL_APP_EXIT) in abort(). This is expected behavior in Windows 8+ [1]. Initially I couldn't reproduce this error because Python found the standard library from the

[issue26065] python embedded 3.5 amd64 crash when using venv

2016-01-09 Thread Steve Dower
Steve Dower added the comment: I can't read those error messages, but I suspect this is because some of the bundled files are omitted from the embeddable package. Using it to run venv isn't really part of the intended use cases - it's expected you'll manually install packages alongside it with

[issue26065] python embedded 3.5 amd64 crash when using venv

2016-01-09 Thread Laurent Dufrechou
New submission from Laurent Dufrechou: Install python-3.5.1-embed-amd64 to c:\dev\python-3.5.1-embed-amd64 Open terminal window: cd c:\dev\python-3.5.1-embed-amd64 python -m venv c:\dev\myenv -> crash Error: Command '['C:\\dev\\myenv\\Scripts\\python.exe', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--de