[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2016-02-23 Thread Martin Panter
Changes by Martin Panter : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2016-02-23 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset c62526580ff0 by Martin Panter in branch '2.7': Issue #22088: Clarify base-64 alphabets and which characters are discarded https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/c62526580ff0 New changeset c8933fbc9171 by Martin Panter in branch '3.5': Issue #22088: Clari

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2016-01-07 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: This new patch applies to Python 3. As well as the above changes, I updated the doc strings based on the changes in 92760d2edc9e (Issue 1753718, Issue 20782), mainly clarifying the data types functions accept and return. Further fixes: * In Python 3, b16decode(

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2015-12-13 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: While porting the Python 3 changes over, I noticed some related problems in the Python 2 and 3 documentation: * Due to the internal alphabet translation, characters that are in the original base-64 alphabet (+ and /) are not discarded, even if an alternative al

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2015-12-13 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 937774aa1853 by Martin Panter in branch '2.7': Issue #22088: Port base64 character ignoring doc and test from 857d9fe60169 https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/937774aa1853 -- nosy: +python-dev ___ Python tr

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2014-08-01 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Update the doc. I believe Davis intentionally only applied the 3.2 patch, treating the change as a bit of an enhancement. Can you propose a new wording? -- components: -Library (Lib) nosy: +terry.reedy ___ Python tr

[issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters

2014-07-26 Thread Julian Berman
New submission from Julian Berman: The base64 module documentation claims that decode methods raise exceptions for non-base64 input, but they do not. There was a patch for Py3 done in issue1466065, but the documentation was not updated for Py2. I have not read that ticket carefully enough to b