[issue17361] use CC to test compiler flags in setup.py

2013-03-06 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: Thanks for the patch. Should be fixed. -- resolution: -> fixed stage: -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue17361] use CC to test compiler flags in setup.py

2013-03-06 Thread Roundup Robot
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 33208a574875 by Stefan Krah in branch '3.3': Issue #17361: Use cc from sysconfig for testing flags. http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/33208a574875 -- nosy: +python-dev ___ Python tracker

[issue17361] use CC to test compiler flags in setup.py

2013-03-05 Thread Roumen Petrov
New submission from Roumen Petrov: Version of gcc compiler may differ between build and host system. As result could be activated unsupported options and build of _decimal module will fail. -- components: Cross-Build files: 0003-ORIGIN-use-CC-to-test-compiler-flags-in-setup.py.patch key