[issue13586] Replace selected not working/consistent with find

2011-12-16 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: In 3.2 on Win 7, selected text *is* put in the 'find' field of Replace boxes, just as with Find boxes, just as it should be. So there is something specific either to 2.7 (which is unusual, since the code base in mostly the same, but possible) or to your OS. W

[issue13586] Replace selected not working/consistent with find

2011-12-11 Thread Marco Scataglini
New submission from Marco Scataglini : Entering the Replace dialog (by ctrl+h or from Edit/Replace... menu) with a selection does not auto-magically have the selected text in the find field. This is not consistent with the other find functions (ctrl+f: Find...; alt+F3: Find in Files...; ctrl+F