[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2017-07-14 Thread Andrey Kislyuk
Andrey Kislyuk added the comment: For anyone else looking for a solution to this, I wrote a library: https://github.com/kislyuk/rehash -- nosy: +Andrey.Kislyuk ___ Python tracker __

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2014-07-01 Thread Gregory P. Smith
Gregory P. Smith added the comment: Please be constructive. There is no way to implement generic pickling for hash objects that would work across all implementations. The underlying code implementing each function is free to store its internal state however it wants and does not provide an

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2014-07-01 Thread Klaus Wolf
Klaus Wolf added the comment: You want to say: It doesn't work, but it is somehow intentional because you never used id, correct? -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2014-07-01 Thread Gregory P. Smith
Gregory P. Smith added the comment: Do you honestly have a situation where you need to share a computationally significant amount of hashing state only to want to finish the computation N different times with alternate computationally significant ending data that multiprocessing would actually he

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2014-07-01 Thread Klaus Wolf
Klaus Wolf added the comment: Please reopen this bug. To answer the question: "Why on Earth would you want to serialize a hashlib object?" : multiprocessing.connection.ForkingPickler wants. I.e. if you want to parallelize your hash calculations, this will obstruct your efforts. -- nos

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-07 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- resolution: -> wont fix status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing lis

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: I also recommend closing this one. -- nosy: +rhettinger ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-l

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-06 Thread Gregory P. Smith
Gregory P. Smith added the comment: heh yeah. while all hash functions do have internal state and someone could conceivably want to store such a state (it basically amounts to queued up partial block of input data if any and the current starting IV) there are not consistent APIs to expose that

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-05 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: Why on Earth would you want to serialize a hashlib object? It makes as much sense as serializing, say, a JSONEncoder. -- nosy: +gregory.p.smith, pitrou ___ Python tracker

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-05 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: Oh, I don't know if it is possible to serialize a OpenSSL hash object (EVP_MD_CTX)... -- ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue11771] hashlib object cannot be pickled

2011-04-05 Thread STINNER Victor
New submission from STINNER Victor : $ ./python Python 3.3a0 (default:76ed6a061ebe, Apr 5 2011, 12:25:00) >>> import hashlib, pickle >>> hash=hashlib.new('md5') >>> pickle.dumps(hash) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in _pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute look