yoch added the comment:
Same issue here (python 3.6). This is very annoying, especially in case of
large entries in FieldStorage, because the whole data is written to the log.
FieldStorage('image', 'upload.jpg', b'...can be very long...')
New submission from yoch:
collections.abc.Iterable don't implement the __bool__ method. This may
seriously degrade performance in case __len__ is not efficient.
I suggest to implement it as :
class Iterable:
def __bool__(self):
New submission from yoch:
If some class objects have extra arguments in the __new__ constructor , pickle
fail to serialize it.
Here the output of provided test-case :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/yoch/bug.py", line 19, in
y = pickle.load(fp)
yoch added the comment:
Okay, thanks ;)
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from yoch :
I would like to use backreferences in list comprehensions (or other
comprehensions), such as :
[[elt for elt in lst if elt] for lst in matrix if \{1}]
# \{1} is back reference to [elt for elt in lst if elt]
# to filter the result of the first comprehension
yoch added the comment:
Okay. Thanks :)
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
yoch added the comment:
With cmd and program compiled with setargv.obj, 'command *' is expanded, but
not 'command "*"'. So, it's possible to escape them normally.
While it might be a separate .obj file, I believe it's still part of the
logical C r
yoch added the comment:
'setargv.obj' not C runtime, it's only static library to allow expanding
wildcards arguments received by the program. (MinGW uses approximately the same
principle for executables compilation)
And, it's not appropriate to tell people who need thi
yoch added the comment:
Escape the wildcard like '*' will work (like on Linux).
I think \* will not work...
Python tracker
New submission from yoch :
I'm using sys.argv to retrieve files and process them on the command line.
Wildcards arguments (like : test.py *.txt) works fine under Linux (expanded),
but not on Windows.
It also affects the fileinput functions.
The solution is to change the compilation op
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