Change by mickey695 :
versions: +Python 3.10
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
mickey695 added the comment:
Happy passover Irit(and/or anyone else celebrating)!
While your suggestion is accurate, I can't say whether it's enough or not.
This is up to you and the other python language development forum to decide :)
versions: -P
mickey695 added the comment:
Well, it has been more than the 2 weeks I promised however now I finally have
time to look into this.
I did some fuzzing to build a list quickly and the following ASCII characters
can not be used as part of the argument name:
exclamation mark(!)
mickey695 added the comment:
I think it should be documented properly.
In roughly two weeks I will have some time to look into it.
So I could probably document the current behaviour by the start of
December(unless someone beats me to it
New submission from mickey695 :
PEP 3101 states that format strings may only use the "."(getattr) or the "[]"
(getitem) operators to address either attributes or items of parameters.
Should a programmer attempt to, for example, call a function of a parameter