Change by Kevin Locke :
nosy: +kevinoid
nosy_count: 10.0 -> 11.0
pull_requests: +29932
Python tracker
Change by Kevin Locke :
nosy: +kevinoid
nosy_count: 7.0 -> 8.0
pull_requests: +29931
Python tracker
Kevin Hock added the comment:
> Maybe instead a note could be put in the Pathlib doc noting functions that
> accept path arguments might not accept Path objects?
My concern with that is that someone using `pkgutil` wouldn't see it. However,
I can see the argument that fixing the
Kevin Hock added the comment:
At best it is ambiguous, with the class being confused with Str being called
Path. Looking up "AttributeError: 'PosixPath' object has no attribute
'startswith'" gives a lot of results for similar issues, so I think
Change by Kevin Kirsche :
nosy: +kkirsche
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Kevin Kirsche :
When using importlib.metadata.version with tools such as poetry which may
install the current package one or more times, importlib.metadata.version is
not deterministic in returning the latest version of the package, instead
returning the first one located
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
Frankly, it doesn't make sense that isgeneratorfunction or iscoroutinefunction
unwrap partials at all. The original justification for making them do that back
in was invalid - the original argument was
that isfunction un
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
The PR you submitted doesn't work, unfortunately. It essentially reintroduces
issue 45274. If this line:
if locked := lock.acquire(block, timeout):
gets interrupted between the acquire and the assignment, locked is still False.
That's rare, bu
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
Issue 45274 was a subtly different issue. That was a problem that happened if
the thread got interrupted *between* the acquire and the release, causing it to
*not* release the lock and *not* perform end-of-thread cleanup.
The fix for that issue caused this
New submission from Kevin Shweh :
This code in Thread._wait_for_tstate_lock:
if lock.acquire(block, timeout):
if lock.locked():
# bpo-45274: lock.acquire() acquired the lock, but the function
Kevin Raeder added the comment:
Sure! Thanks for paying attention to my suggestion.
On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 10:42 AM mike mcleod wrote:
> mike mcleod added the comment:
> I would like to help with this issue. Is that acceptable?
> --
Kevin added the comment:
Many thanks for notifying me that my issue is fixed in the latest updates. I
will try to test this soon.
Kevin Weidenbaum
> On Jan 3, 2022, at 1:59 AM, Ned Deily wrote:
> Change by Ned Deily :
> --
> Removed message:
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
Almost - C's weird bitwise operator precedence means it has to be parenthesized
if ((kind & _odict_ITER_ITEMS) == _odict_ITER_ITEMS)
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Shweh :
The OrderedDict iterator caches a di_result tuple for use with
iter(od.items()). It's *supposed* to only do that for the items() case, but the
code does
if (kind & (_odict_ITER_KEYS | _odict_ITER_VALUES))
to test for this case. This is the w
New submission from Kevin Hock :
# Issue
If you search for "list of paths" in
A lot of people mistake this as `PosixPath`. You can see an example here: that references
Change by Kevin :
nosy: +Strongbeard
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Kevin :
nosy: +Strongbeard
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Kevin Jamieson :
In Python 3.8 and later creating a mock with a spec specifying an object
containing a property that happens to raise an exception when accessed will
fail, because _mock_add_spec calls getattr() on every attribute of the spec.
This did not happen in Python
New submission from Kevin Jamieson :
This worked in Python 3.6, but in Python 3.7 and later creating a mock with a
spec specifying a subscripted generic class does not mock any of the attributes
of the class, because those attributes are not returned by dir().
For example:
# cat
Kevin added the comment:
With the introduction of PEP 0615 ( —
Support for the IANA Time Zone Database in the Standard Library — should this
be revisited to now leverage ZoneInfo to fully parse these time zone values in
Python 3.9+ (or 3.11 with
Change by Kevin Mills :
nosy: +Zeturic
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Kevin Shweh :
The data model docs for __new__ say "If __new__() is invoked during object
construction and it returns an instance or subclass of cls, then the new
instance’s __init__() method will be invoked..."
"instance or subclass of cls" is inc
Kevin Mills added the comment:
Sorry to the people I'm pinging, but I just noticed the initial dictionary in
my example code is wrong. I figured I should fix it before anybody tested it
and got confused about it not matching up with my description of the results.
It should've bee
New submission from Kevin Mills :
The json module will allow the following without complaint:
import json
d1 = {1: "fromstring", "1": "fromnumber"}
string = json.dumps(d1)
d2 = json.loads(string)
And it prints:
{"1": "from
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
Of course it's reasonable to support dict subclasses. We already have a bunch
of dict subclasses in the standard library, like collections.defaultdict and
collections.Counter, and collections.Counter is significantly slower than it
could be because of
Kevin Mehall added the comment:
I think I found the root cause of this problem and proposed a fix in
To monkey-patch this fix on existing versions of Python, I'm using:
class PatchedSharedFile(zipfile._SharedFile):
def __init__(self,
Change by Kevin Mehall :
keywords: +patch
nosy: +kevinmehall
nosy_count: 5.0 -> 6.0
pull_requests: +25538
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Kevin Follstad :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +25485
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Follstad :
Both Docs/library/configparser.rst and Docs/library/bz2.rst create untracked
temp files on the filesystem when 'make doctest' is run because testcleanup
directives are absent in these files.
assignee: docs@python
components: Doc
Change by Kevin Follstad :
pull_requests: +25482
Python tracker
Change by Kevin Follstad :
nosy: +kfollstad
nosy_count: 11.0 -> 12.0
pull_requests: +25030
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
FYI, the problem here is that AIX fcntl returns EACCES in the case that the
lock is held and non-blocking behavior was requested:
> The lockfx and lockf subroutines fail if one of the following is true:
> EACCESThe Command parameter is F_S
Change by Kevin Follstad :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24573
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Follstad :
Update broken link (repeated in several places) in pathlib sources.
- # (see
+ # (see
assignee: docs
Change by Kevin Follstad :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24388
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Follstad :
python3.10 -m timeit -r 5 -n 10 -s 'from pathlib import Path' 'Path.cwd()'
10 loops, best of 5: 206 usec per loop
python3.10-mypatch -m timeit -r 5 -n 10 -s 'from pathlib import Path'
Kevin Shweh added the comment:
It seems like the straightforward, minimal fix would be to just add
if (getattr(cls, '_is_protocol', False) and
not getattr(cls, '_is_runtime_protocol', False) and
not _allow_reckless_class_cheks()):
raise TypeError(..
Kevin M added the comment:
eryksun, wow, that's speedy analysis, but there might be more to it. I went
and tested a bunch of test cases. my subrocess code doesn't seem to hang on
Linux where the thread example code does?
Linux - Python 3.6.8 - your threading example DOESN
New submission from Kevin M :
I've noticed an issue (or user error) in which Python a call that otherwise
usually works in the __del__ step of a class will freeze when the Python
interpreter is exiting.
I've attached sample code that I've ran against Python 3.9.1 on Window
Kevin Geller added the comment:
I was also facing the similar issue. But I got it fixed by following the steps
provided on
nosy: +kevingeller
Python tracker
Kevin Hollingshead added the comment:
Thanks Vinay, I was able to do this with:
def namer(name):
return name.replace(".log", "") + ".log"
Then when initializing the logger:
handler.namer = namer
My full initializer script:
import os
import loggin
Kevin Hollingshead added the comment:
Sure. Thanks for your help.
On Tue, Mar 2, 2021, 1:08 PM Vinay Sajip wrote:
> Vinay Sajip added the comment:
> I'll add to the cookbook recipe with this real-world example, when
New submission from Kevin Hollingshead :
The filenames generated by logging.RotatingFileHandler breaks the ability to
associate a program (e.g. notepad++, sublime text, etc.) with the log files
using Windows or OSX file associations because the extension is overridden by
the added suffix
Kevin Thomas added the comment:
Hi Steve actually there was none installed which was strange as I had Visual
Studio installed but it was not checked by default. After selecting it and
installing it, everything works as expected. Updating the error message in
some way might be helpful
Kevin Thomas added the comment:
Thank you Steve. I did not have the latest installed which is
Win10SDK_10.0.18362, therefore it did trigger that original error in msg387518.
After installing, Win10SDK_10.0.18362, it did in-fact allow a successful
Updating that error code
New submission from Kevin Thomas :
When compiling for Windows it does not properly handle the version string
Using py -3.7 (found 3.7 with py.exe)
Fetching external libraries...
bzip2-1.0.6 already exists, skipping.
sqlite- alre
Kevin Purrone added the comment:
Sorry, I meant to say the title of the PROGRAM in the menu items is now Python.
Python tracker
Kevin Purrone added the comment:
I have little experience posting in forums, so if this post is in the wrong
place, please let me know.
I am running Python3.9, with Apple OS 10.15.7
I was using IDLE successfully for a class in Python for the past three weeks,
although I was rarely able to
Kevin added the comment:
Thanks for your comment. I assumed the same thing, but it goes by so fast I am
never sure..
> On Feb 3, 2021, at 10:27 PM, William Pickard wrote:
> William Pickard added the comment:
> That quick flash would be your terminal w
New submission from Kevin :
Machine: new MacBook Air with M1 chip, running Big Sur
Downloaded: Python versions 2.7, 3.8, and 3.9
Situation: Programs run just fine IF I run them out of a terminal window
(/usr/local/bin/python name-of-python-program). Also programs that use Tkinter
windows and
Kevin Chen added the comment:
Awesome thanks! Does the rewrite fix the issue with creating negated flags as
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Chen :
Here's a code sample:
import time
from enum import Flag, auto
class MyFlag(Flag):
NONE = 0
FLAG_1 = auto()
FLAG_2 = auto()
FLAG_3 = auto()
FLAG_4 = auto()
FLAG_5 = auto()
FLAG_6 = auto()
# NOT_FLAG_1_OR_2 = ~F
New submission from Kevin Chen :
Ignore this, opened issue by accident
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Change by Kevin Chen :
nosy: aspin2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: enum.Flag ~ bitwise negation is very slow
versions: Python 3.8
Python tracker
Kevin Rasmussen added the comment:
Eric makes a pretty good point about how that ends up looking with days
included and backward compatibility.
Thanks everyone for humouring me and talking me through this one I'm going to
close the issue as "not a bug".
Kevin Rasmussen added the comment:
Why should it be zeropadded to 2?
Why wouldn't it be zeropadded to match the rest of the library?
Honestly it just seemed like an inconsistency with the rest of the datetime
It caught me off guard when I went I tried to
Kevin Rasmussen added the comment:
Current behaviour:
# python
Python 3.9.1 (default, Dec 18 2020, 05:16:04)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datetime
>>> td
Change by Kevin Rasmussen :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22908
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Rasmussen :
It looks like hh should be zeropadded to 2 and isn't for timedelta.
messages: 384273
nosy: krasmussen
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: timedelta zeropadding hh
type: behavior
versions: Python
Kevin Walzer added the comment:
Ned, I wish I knew. Marc and I are both now members of the TCT, and have had a
few conversations around the release schedule, but the release schedule is more
or less determined when one or two senior members of the TCT decide things are
ready. We had some
Kevin Walzer added the comment:
This bug is not present in IDLE 3.9.0 when built against the tip of Tk
core-8-6-branch. Marc Culler has done some work to fix the visual artifacts,
and the work continues. The problem here is that Apple's API churn continually
breaks parts of Tk with eac
Kevin added the comment:
Both 3.6 and 3.7 are in security only mode so at this point, so if the issue is
fixed in newer versions I think this issue could be closed.
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Change by Kevin :
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Kevin :
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Kevin added the comment:
Is this issue still relevant? I can't find any current buildbot errors on AIX
for this test.
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
I have not encountered this problem when building Python 3.10 on AIX and PASE
with GCC 6.3.
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
Given that the AIX bug has long been fixed and Python 2.7 is EOL we can
probably close this bug.
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
Looks like RAND_egd was made optional in
Can this issue be closed?
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
There error indicates it can't find ncurses.h
configure:14223: xlc_r -c -qmaxmem=-1 -DSYSV -D_AIX -D_AIX71 -D_ALL_SOURCE
-DFUNCPROTO=15 -O -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/ncursesw conftest.c >&5
"conftest.c", line 311.10: 1506-296 (S) #i
Kevin added the comment:
This was fixed by
nosy: +kadler
Python tracker
Kevin Keating added the comment:
One possible solution here would be to update the documentation at
to either note the limitation or to modify the lazy_import function so that it
adds the
Kevin Keating added the comment:
Brett, what do you mean by "the way import works"? Is the difference between
using LazyLoader and using a normal import intentional?
status: -> open
Python tracker
Kevin Keating added the comment:
My colleague just tested this on Mac and confirms that the bug also occurs
there using Python 3.8.3.
Python tracker
Kevin Keating added the comment:
An shouldn't be necessary. If I comment out the 'b =
lazy_import("foo.b")' line in (i.e. disable the lazy import), then the
print statement works correctly as written without any other changes.
Also, I double check
New submission from Kevin Keating :
Steps to reproduce:
Create the following three files (or download the attached zip file, which
contains these files):
import foo
from foo import a
from foo import b
import importlib.util
Change by Kevin Locke :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22084
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Locke :
"The Warnings Filter" section of the documentation for the warnings module
describes the message and module filters as "a string containing a regular
expression". While that is true when they are arguments to the filterwarnings
New submission from Kevin Modzelewski :
The problem is that the descriptor-ness of a type-level attribute is only
checked at opcache-set time, not at opcache-hit time.
$ python3.8
$ ./python --version
Python 3.10.0a2+
$ git rev-parse --short HEAD
$ ./python
Kevin Walzer added the comment:
Some work has been done this year on expanding support for these types of
glyphs in Tk, but I'm not sure of its current state--it's not my area of
expertise. Can you open a ticket at so one of the
folks working on this
New submission from Kevin Shweh :
A global declaration inside a function is only supposed to affect assignments
inside that function, but in code executed with exec, a global declaration
affects assignments outside the function:
>>> gdict = {}
>>> ldict = {}
Change by Kevin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21785
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
Ok, I've opened
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin :
Follow on to In there, it was decided that
since AIX 5 and below doesn't support thread_cputime, support for it would be
dropped and the issue was closed without removing any of the dead code paths
and refer
Kevin added the comment:
Does this need an update to PEP 11 documenting the drop of support?
Also, I can submit changes to remove pre-AIX 6 dead code paths. Should I open a
separate issue for that or reference this one?
nosy: +kadler
Kevin added the comment:
Ok, I have updated the PR to remove it completely.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Kevin added the comment:
I've opened a PR to disable support in 3.10 with removal in 3.11 according to
the guidelines outline in PEP 11. Given the unlikeliness that anyone is
actually still using this feature (and are possibly already broken by a bunch
of other things), would it make
Change by Kevin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21685
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Kevin Kuan added the comment:
After further investigation. It seems that explorer.exe will use lots of memory
when folders are rapidly created. The code change simply slows down folder
creation. Since it is unrelated to python. I am closing this case.
resolution: -> not a
New submission from Kevin Kuan :
I would like to report bug for os.makedirs().
I am running this script on Windows 10 1909 (most win10 work), python 3.8.1.
os.makedirs() is making explorer.exe huge amount of memory and crashing the
system after only 3 hours.
After changing that line to
New submission from Kevin :
Python has supported using dynload_shlib (using dlopen) on AIX since
in 2003. While I have not found a definitive timeline of when AIX gained
support for dlopen, I have found
Change by Kevin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21657
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Kevin added the comment:
Sorry, the correct link is
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin :
dynload_dl.c is no longer referenced anywhere in the code. It was used to
support dynamic loading on IRIX 4 and DYNIX, but those platforms were dropped
Considering that commit
New submission from Kevin Wojniak :
For SetValue and SetValueEx is says:
> value is a string that specifies the new value.
but value can also be an integer if the type is DWORD. Here's a test that shows
Kevin added the comment:
Ok, so should I switch the PR back from PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault?
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin Mills :
Sorry for the vague title. I'm not sure how to succinctly describe this issue.
The following code:
with open("data.bin", "rb") as f:
data =
base = 15403807 * b'\xff'
longer = base + b'\xff'
Kevin added the comment:
Glad you were able to reproduce on Linux.
I have since changed the PR to use PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault based on review
feedback. I was going to say that you will have to fight it out with @methane
on GH, but I see that that's you. :D Would have been nice if you
Change by Kevin :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21490
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Kevin :
If a native module fails to load, the dynload code will call
PyUnicode_FromString on the error message to give back to the user. This can
cause a UnicodeDecodeError if the locale is not a UTF-8 locale and the error
message contains non-ASCII code points.
Change by Kevin Ardath :
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
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