Change by Ilya Leoshkevich :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29385
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Leoshkevich :
Started with:
commit ea23e7820f02840368569db8082bd0ca4d59b62a
Author: Ruben Vorderman
Date: Thu Sep 2 17:02:59 2021 +0200
bpo-43613: Faster implementation of gzip.compress and gzip.decompress
Co-authored-by: Łukasz Langa
Ilya Grigoriev added the comment:
Thank you very much, Nikita! Your patch would certainly solve my issue.
As is, I checked the code I wrote, and it seems that only a lucky
ordering of if-statements caused it to work on Macs.
On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 5:30 PM Dong-hee Na wrote
New submission from Ilya Gruzinov :
In next lines typo in function `load`:
# BUG: "rb" mode or encoding="utf-8" should be used.
with open("data.json") as f:
data = json.laod(f)
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 389825
Change by Ilya :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23680
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya :
Add HEIF and HEIC format to list of media types. It has IANA registration.
HEIF Github:
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 389012
nosy: martbln
New submission from Ilya Grigoriev :
The object `webbrowser.get()` returns has, and had for a long time, a useful
but undocumented field `name`. I wonder if it would be OK to document it as
something like `a system-dependent name for the browser`. This would go here:
New submission from Ilya Kulakov :
The wrapper created by singledispatchmethod does not (trivially) expose
registry of all known overloads.
Consider the following example:
def on_message(message):
raise NotImplementedError
Ilya Kamenshchikov added the comment:
Changing behavior and it's impact on existing code is, without a doubt, a
big deal here. Maybe it's a reason not to do anything about it.
Just to understand guiding design principle, what is expected from __str__
in more general case? I thought a
Ilya Kamenshchikov added the comment:
That's a solution, except you must know ahead of time this issue exists.
Best Regards,
Ilya Kamen
On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 6:59 PM Rémi Lapeyre wrote:
> Rémi Lapeyre added the comment:
> Hi, can you not use its repr:
New submission from Ilya Kamenshchikov :
I have a high level wrapper where I am catching expection and present it in
(more) user-friendly format with a message.
raise ValueError
except Exception as e:
print(f"Following happened: {e}")
>>> prints "Fo
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> That is not true, is actually encouraged to check for singletons like True,
> False and None.
You're right, just never used it as I never needed an identity check against
True / False
The PR is re-done to use an additional property call_event
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
As far as I understand it introduces 3 methods that may clash. It's unlikely
but (I speculate)
is still more likely than an identity check with called.
That being said, the PR can be redone as a subclass. But that implementation
will not play
as nicely
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> Unfortunately, we take backwards compatibility very seriously in the core
> team and this is a big downside of this proposal.
Current implementation relies on that:
1. called is almost never used in practice (people just use .assert*)
2. The is True /
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Correct, it is not backward compatible in that respect. I did not check
thoroughly, but a quick lookup shown no such use among public repos on GitHub.
I can instead add the called_event property and make the CallEvent “public”.
Best Regards
Ilya Kulakov
Change by Ilya Kulakov :
nosy: +Ilya.Kulakov
nosy_count: 11.0 -> 12.0
pull_requests: +19958
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kamenshchikov :
Most usual usecase for format_spec is to specify it as a constant, that would
be logical to represent as ast.Constant. However, ast.parse wraps value of
ast.FormattedValue.format_spec into a JoinedStr with a single constant value,
as can be seen from
New submission from ilya :
Consider the following code:
import sys
def foo():
def bar():
if input("case: ") == 1:
sys.exitfunc = foo
sys.exitfunc = bar
2to3 -f exitfunc suggests to fix it as follows:
ilya added the comment:
> apply was a builtin in Python 2 and not sure 2to3 can differentiate between
> user defined functions that shadow builtins.
> .
> Removes usage of apply(). For example apply(function, *args,
New submission from ilya :
Consider the following code:
def apply(a, b):
apply(1, 1)
2to3 suggests to fix it as follows:
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
-apply(1, 1)
New submission from Ilya Kamenshchikov :
In a few of my projects I had this (minor) pain of having to remember which
collections of elements are sets and which are [list, tuple]. It causes me to
double check and have random.sample(my_set, 1)[0] in many places.
To me this is not how I think
New submission from Ilya :
I'm using my own implementation of the memoize by shelve module. In the
attachment, there are 2 simple test cases which pass but the console there are
a lot of messages like that:
Exception ignored in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Minic
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I have submitted an alternative implementation of this feature heavily inspired
by _AwaitEvent I wrote for asynctest [0].
There was recently an interest from the community towards asynctest to the
point that got some of its measures merged into CPython [1
Change by Ilya Kulakov :
pull_requests: +16643
Python tracker
Change by Ilya Kulakov :
pull_requests: +16639
Python tracker
Change by Ilya Kulakov :
pull_requests: +16640
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kamenshchikov :
While trying to construct a valid ast node programmatically, I have tried
import ast
tree = ast.BinOp(left=ast.Num(n=2), right=ast.Num(n=2), op=ast.Add())
expr = ast.Expression(body=[tree])
exe = compile
Ilya Valmianski added the comment:
As a sizing clarification, timed_dfs ~ 150GB, control_features ~30 GB,
notime_dfs ~ 2GB.
Python tracker
Ilya Valmianski added the comment:
Below is the code. It segfaults with either dill or pickle on 3.6 and 3.7.
with open(output_path,'wb') as fout:
'timed_dfs': timed_dfs, #large pandas
dataframe with all b
New submission from Ilya Valmianski :
Tried pickling a dictionary with multiple pandas tables and python primitive
types. Pandas tables are large so full object size is ~200GB but system should
not be OOM (crashed with ~300 GB system memory available). Reproduced on two
machines running RHEL
Ilya Konstantinov added the comment:
>From RFC-1738:
hostname = *[ domainlabel "." ] toplabel
domainlabel= alphadigit | alphadigit *[ alphadigit | "-" ] alphadigit
toplabel = alpha | alpha *[ alphadigit | "-" ] alphadigit
alphadigit = alph
Ilya Kamenshchikov added the comment:
Py3.6+ f-strings support any indexing as they actually evaluate python
>>> a = ['Java', 'Python']
>>> var = f"Hello {a[-1]}"
Hello Python
nosy: +Ilya Kamenshchikov
Ilya Kamenshchikov added the comment:
The wording from Carol Willing makes it read simpler. Also in the next
sentence, 'test-directed development' goes under the name 'test-driven
development' as of 2019 (search in google ->
Change by Ilya Kamenshchikov :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +14525
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Ilya Kamenshchikov added the comment:
Same problem holds for tabs (\\t vs \t).
For \\r vs \r, it is even more fun:
txt1 = '"""\\r"""'
txt2 = '"""\r"""'
>>> b'\r'
>>> b&
New submission from Ilya Kamenshchikov :
parsing two different strings produces identical ast.Str nodes:
import ast
txt1 = '"""\\n"""'
txt2 = '"""\n"""'
tree1 = ast.parse(txt1)
tree2 = ast.parse(txt2)
New submission from Ilya Kazakevich :
No packages could be installed with "-m pip" because of "Access Denied". It
seems that it tries to install package to "site-packages' instead of
"local-packages". However, "pip.exe" works. Does it mean &q
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Perhaps another path is optionally allow hashing of memoryviews (all current
conditions - hashability of the original object) via a parameter? Like
unsafe_hash like in dataclass.
status: pending -> o
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
True, but perhaps it's too strict to require both memoryview and the
represented object to be immutable?
The logic is as follows:
Every object in Python can be seen as a view of some outside data (in memory,
on disk etc.). And while Python's r
New submission from Ilya Kulakov :
Implementation of memoryview's hashing method [1] imposes the following
constraints in order to be hashable (per documentation):
> One-dimensional memoryviews of hashable (read-only) types with formats ‘B’,
> ‘b’ or ‘c’ are also hashable. The hash
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Also hit this issue while trying to run venv on Travis.
Perhaps venv should detect if it's running under virtualenv (e.g. the
VIRTUAL_ENV env is present) and issue a warning?
nosy: +Kentzo
Python tr
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
cancel will work in my case, but it's somewhat limited.
In other hand it's probably a job of a testing library to provide an utility
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Andrew, Yury
I test my lib against dev versions of Python and recently got an error in one
of the tests due to the deprecation.
I do not argue the reason behind removing this methods, but Task.set_exception
was working for me in tests:
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Is there anything to be done for this patch to get merged?
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Do you need any help with the change?
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Can you suggest an alternative to ProcessPoolExecutor for 3.6?
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Charyl, I made the PR.
Where is the AbstractAsyncContextManager? I see that references it,
but there is no actual implementation.
Python tracker
Change by Ilya Kulakov :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +4690
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
That's a better workaround:
class X(typing.Generic[T]):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
super(typing.GenericMeta, cls).__setattr__('_gorg', cls)
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Nah, that's a bad one: you cannot use Generic classes as intended by specifying
It looks like it happens because cls._grog is not yet set properly by the time
__init_subclass__ is called.
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Current workaround is
class X(typing.Generic[T] if typing.TYPE_CHECKING else object):
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
This issue is more server that I expected: it doesn't just propagate value to
superclasses, but overrides them. The last subclass created by Python runtime
will overwrite value for the whole chain.
New submission from Ilya Kulakov :
When superclass inherits from Generic, attributes set for a subclass are
incorrectly propagated to its superclass.
Without Generic attribute access raises an exception:
class X:
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Victor, it's very helpful to analyze which Python stack caused exceptions in
native code on user's machines.
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Please ignore everything I said about AddVectoredContinueHandler. I finally got
a chance to test the code on Windows and the way it's called is not suitable
for faulthandler.
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Steve, the difficulty with SetUnhandledExceptionFilter is that it can replace
filter installed by the user (e.g. one of loaded libraries).
The information about AddVectoredContinueHandler is scarce, but according to
what I found at [1]:
If the exception is
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Another option is to use AddVectoredContinueHandler [1]. It seems to be called
if both VEH and SEH failed to handle the error.
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I think faulthandler should use both. E.g. in [1] you can read about an
exception that can be handled by AddVectoredExceptionHandler but not
Perhaps implementation should use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter for everything
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
May I ask why AddVectoredExceptionHandler is used instead of
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I have fixed that problem by ensuring that ctypes-facing code passes bytes, not
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
That's the change that introduced the bug:
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Does this change imply that no python-traceback-for-every-thread will be
printed upon both handled and unhandled C++ exception?
nosy: +Ilya.Kulakov
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kulakov :
Happens on 3.6.3 only:
>>> import ctypes
>>> ctypes.cast('\0', ctypes.c_void_p)
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: : embedded null character
components: ctypes
messages: 306307
nosy: Ilya.Kulakov
priority: normal
Change by Ilya Polyakovskiy :
pull_requests: +4274
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Ilya Polyakovskiy :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +4272
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Ilya Polyakovskiy :
type: -> behavior
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Ilya Polyakovskiy :
I'm using exec() to run code with globals object inherited from dict. The
problem is overloaded __getitem__ doesn't called to load default argument for
class methods.
Here the example. Let's assume we create some variable storage for
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Not a bug in Python.
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
nvm my last question.
My process is as per README: ./configure && make
I'll take a further look at what's wrong.
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Just compiling Python 3.6.3 from sources on Ubuntu 16.04
Is there any reason to fall back to XML_POOR_ENTROTPY when proper source is
actually available?
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kulakov :
Python 3.5 and 3.6 in their corresponding try to detect presence
of sys_getrandom. The result is written into the `HAVE_GETRANDOM_SYSCALL`
libexpact checks for `HAVE_SYSCALL_GETRANDOM` and since it's not defined, does
not u
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Can this be included into the next bugfix release?
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I think either loop's signal handler should not be called from a subprocess or
at the very least, os.getpid / os.getpgrp should report correctly.
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
It looks like a signal delivered to multiprocessing's process implicitly
created by ProcessPoolExecutor triggers signal handler in the parent:
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import asyncio
import os
import signal
import sys
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> On Python 3.5, PyUnicode_FSConverter() uses MBCS, which is CP-1552 on your
> system.
Will the behavior of Python 3.6 be different? Could you point me to relevant
notes or code?
> If I understood correctly, it's possible to work around the iss
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
If you have windows under your hand and can try an alike path, you should see
the problem right away if it's still there.
I think the original problem was unnecessary PyUnicode_FSConverter: it failed
to encode string into mbcs, while OpenSSL di
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
There are 2 venvs. One has the pkg_resources (pkgr_venv) package installed,
another (venv) doesn't.
Venv without pkg_resources is currently active.
Works: $ /python -c "import pkg_resources"
Doesn't work: $ python -
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> but at the same time rejected by the 'async with' statement.
Perhaps unittest.mock (or type) needs to be adjusted to allow mocking via spec=
without subclassing?
> By all means you can submit a PR!
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I'm not sure about type() to get a class object and calling __aenter__,
__aexit__ through it: that makes it hard to mock these classes as Mock's spec=
relies on __class__ and type() seem to ignore it (learned it a hard way.
Yury, I could take a secon
New submission from Ilya Kazakevich:
In Py3 it is possible to run test filelike
"python -m unittest tests/" (it is *not* possible in Py2!)
Here is doc:
But "--help" seems to be simply copied from Py2 beca
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
As per documentation, it should understand the same arguments as IPv*Network.
Unfortunately it does not recognize netmask in string form. Hence the following
code will fail:
ipaddress.ip_interface(('', ''))
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
You can initialize ip_interface via a tuple of 2 elements: IP address and a
prefix (prefixlen or string representation of a netmask).
I believe the issue can be closed now.
nosy: +Ilya.Kulakov
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
See this post:
The current workaround for requests is to have a no-op import somewhere in the
However, that doesn't really work for us: our python and stdlib are bundled by
pyqtdeploy as
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I was not able to reproduce it.
The origin "unhandeled" exception happens after ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary fails
to load a library:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...", line 852, in ...
File ":/ctypes/", l
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
I'm using Python 3.5.2 to be precise. I have code that is roughly equivalent to:
import sys
import traceback
def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
traceback.TracebackException(exc_type, exc_value, exc_trac
Changes by Ilya Kulakov :
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
When SSLContext cannot be created, python raises an SSLError exception with
"failed to allocate SSL context".
This is completely useless to debug the error. In fact many errors r
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I'm very happy that the issue is finally resolved.
But a bit offended that it took Andrew only 4 days to push it :)
> On 07 Nov 2016, at 17:04, Yury Selivanov wrote:
> Yury Selivanov added the comment:
> See
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I checked the source code of OpenSSL, specifically the `bss_file.c:file_fopen`
As you can see it support UTF-8 encoded strings under Windows. Python must
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Viktor, I also came across this thread but it is rather old (we're using
OpenSSL 1.0.2h). And it would only explain if _neither_ of my methods had
But as you can see, the last one (passing UTF-8 encoded bytes)
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
I believe this is a bug, because path suitable for os.path (or pathlib), should
be equally suitable for load_verify_locations.
Python tracker
New submission from Ilya Kulakov:
On Windows 8.1 x64 with Python 3.5.1 I was able to reproduce the issue by
attempting to load a file at
> ('en_US', 'cp1252')
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Could someone provide a patch for Python 3.5?
nosy: +Ilya.Kulakov
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Yury, as you suggested posted to python-ideas
Python tracker
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> `get_event_loop()` will then try to use the `running_loop` object first, and
> if nothing is there, fall back to its current implementation.
Do you think hiding "default" event loop completly from a currently executing
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> Not sure I understand the question.
If I understood it correctly, get_event_loop() would never return "default"
event loop (in terms of current implementation) for a running task, because it
always be overridden with "running"
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> I now think that we don't need a new function for getting the currently
> running event loop.
May I ask you to elaborate on this? Asynchronous API I'm aware of (including
other languages) typically allows to get "main" (
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
> TBH, I don't fully understand Ilya's case with threads, synchronous
> coroutines, possible deadlocks etc.
I feel sorry for sharing that example. It didn't help and made my points
regarding original issue unclear, hidden behind
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Yury, we're building our own CPython anyway (and we just updated to 3.5.1). I'd
be glad to test the patch during the next iteration.
Guido, I think my use case mixes up other things I find confusing about
asyncio: e.g. inablitity to synchronously pe
Ilya Kulakov added the comment:
Yury, could you submit a patch implements this feature?
Python tracker
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