harobed added the comment:
👍 Mariatta Wijaya
Sorry for my bad issue.
Python tracker
New submission from harobed :
I see "method=None" parameter in urllib.request.Request constructor
(https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/urllib/request.py#L327) but
I don't see "method" parameter in documentation:
harobed added the comment:
> But if the len information is available, why not return it?
I use HTTPConnection to simulate Apple Finder WebDAV client.
When this WebDAV client do PUT request, it transmit data in chunked encoding
mode and not set Content-Length HTTP field.
Do you understand
harobed added the comment:
> Now I'm confused. Per the HTTP specification, GET requests don't have
a body, so "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" doesn't apply to them.
> Are you sure you don't confuse with the response that the server
sends? In responses, "T
harobed added the comment:
> fileno and stat won't work on a StringIO object. So StringIO would need to
> be special cased to call getvalue.
Yes, but it isn't important in chunk transfer encoding.
Python tracker
harobed added the comment:
Up, I think this patch isn't applied in Python 3.3a0.
Python tracker
New submission from harobed :
in httplib.HTTPConnection._send_request (Python 2.6)
in httplib.HTTPConnection._set_content_length (Python 2.7)
and http.client.HTTPConnection._set_content_length (Python 3.3)
there are something like that :
thelen = str(len(body
harobed added the comment:
I use http.client in WebDAV client.
Mac OS X Finder WebDAV client perform all his request in "chunk" mode : PUT and
Here, I use http.client to simulate Mac OS X Finder WebDAV client.
New submission from harobed :
HTTPConnection.putrequest not support "chunked" Transfer-Encodings to send data.
Exemple, I can't do PUT request with chunk transfert.
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 138203
nosy: harobed
priority: normal
New submission from harobed :
This is a patch to improve http.client.HTTPResponse.read documentation.
What do you think about ?
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: improve_http.client_documentation.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 138129
nosy: docs@python, harobed
harobed added the comment:
Ok, option +SKIP and -SKIP work well, look test.py file
I need maybe improve the documentation with an +SKIP and -SKIP example ?
Documentation section about SKIP option is here :
harobed added the comment:
doctest.SKIP is like #doctest: +DISABLE but he don't have #doctest: +ENABLE
doctest.SKIP disable all the bottom of test, DISABLE/ENABLE can SKIP only one
part of test.
Python tr
New submission from harobed :
in some doctest, I need to stop doctest from a position because the following
test is a draft, not implemented.
I dream something like this :
>>> test_a()
>>> test_b()
#doctest: +DISABLE
>>> test
New submission from harobed :
This is an example, last assert return an error :
f = open('data.txt', 'w')
f.write("""line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
line 5
line 6
line 7
line 8
line 9
line 10
line 11
f = open('data.txt&
New submission from harobed :
This is DocFileSuite function source code
(http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Lib/doctest.py) :
def DocFileSuite(*paths, **kw):
"""A unittest suite for one or more doctest files.
The path to each doctest file is given a
15 matches
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