New submission from ganges master:
I'm not sure if it's a bug or just an inconvenience, but when a string
containing \x00 is passed to int/float/etc, they return a misleading exception:
>>> int("abc")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "&quo
ganges master added the comment:
hmm, it does work when i call flush, but it works perfectly fine without
flushing on python2.x... i guess this has to do with str/bytes again. maybe
this should be documented somewhere? thanks for the tip though
New submission from ganges master :
Attempting to read from stdout of a running process seems broken on Python3.2.
I've been able to reproduce this on Ubuntu 11.4 and Windows 7 (with /bin/sh
installed as part of git for windows)
Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Dec 8 2011, 15:26:51)
[GCC 4.5.
ganges master added the comment:
i believe brett is in charge of this, adding him to the noisy. sorry if it's
not you :)
nosy: +brett.cannon
Python tracker
New submission from ganges master :
the relative-import mechanism is broken... at least on python2.6 but i'd guess
on later versions as well.
consider this package layout:
where is:
# note this is a relative impor
New submission from ganges master :
this is similar to bug #5370, but this for is a different reason. also,
i have seen several sites on google that mention it, so it has happened
to quite a few people.
the bug is that when calling dir() on a object, it looks for __members__
and __methods__
ganges master <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
here's a short example of the bug
>>> class Foo(object):
... def __getattr__(self, name):
... return 42
... @property
... def bacon(self):
... return int.lalala
... @property
... def eggs(self)
New submission from ganges master <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
under python 2.5 (and possibly 2.6 beta), the following code runs
>>> def f(**kwargs):
... print kwargs
>>> f(a=5,b=7,a=8)
{'a': 8, 'b': 7}
while in python 2.4, it fail
New submission from ganges master:
it seems the code of PyObject_GenericGetAttr, which invokes the
descriptor protocol, silences any AttributeErrors raised by the
descriptor, for classes that also define __getattr__. it should
propagate up rather than being silently ignored.
the attached