[issue46908] Debugger jumps to a wrong instruction in for loop

2022-03-03 Thread Francisco Arenas Afán de Rivera
New submission from Francisco Arenas Afán de Rivera : I found that the debugger doesn't follow the normal program order when executing a foor loop with more than 3 instructions inside and one loop. code example: a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 for i in range(1): a += 1 b += 1 # Set breakpoint

[issue46010] Cookie cutter templates to allow variable fields and data transfer proposal before system merge

2021-12-07 Thread Francisco Orozco
New submission from Francisco Orozco : Not featuring templates to allow variable fields and data record creation when converting projects to new platform projects for purpose to confirm, verify record creation, might be helpful, in addition of only viewing/editing project development and

[issue44212] asyncio overrides signal handlers

2021-05-21 Thread Francisco Demartino
Change by Francisco Demartino : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +24904 stage: -> patch review pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26306 ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issu

[issue44212] asyncio overrides signal handlers

2021-05-21 Thread Francisco Demartino
Francisco Demartino added the comment: Looks like Roger Dahl also noted this on https://bugs.python.org/issue39765: > Second, set_signal_handler()[sic] silently and implicitly removes > corresponding handlers set with signal.signal(). [...] I think this should > be documente

[issue44212] asyncio overrides signal handlers

2021-05-21 Thread Francisco Demartino
New submission from Francisco Demartino : Hello, It looks like when asyncio sets up a signal handler, it forgets about the previous one (if any). Here's a patch (was about to create a PR but the default text brought me to bugs.python.org) https://github.com/franciscod/cpython/c

[issue21879] str.format() gives poor diagnostic on placeholder mismatch

2019-04-03 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I just made the pull request, I totally forgot I mentioned I was going to work on this, sorry! -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue21

[issue21879] str.format() gives poor diagnostic on placeholder mismatch

2019-04-03 Thread Francisco Couzo
Change by Francisco Couzo : -- pull_requests: +12602 stage: needs patch -> patch review ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue21879> ___ ___ Python-

[issue21879] str.format() gives poor diagnostic on placeholder mismatch

2019-02-28 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I'm preparing the PR myself -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue21879> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue22102] Zipfile generates Zipfile error in zip with 0 total number of disk in Zip64 end of central directory locator

2018-03-05 Thread Francisco Facioni
Change by Francisco Facioni : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +5752 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue22102> ___ _

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
Francisco Demartino added the comment: Serhiy, Chris, thank you for your additional comments. They surely helped me understand why my solution to this "problem?" isn't that good (also I slept on it a bit and maybe that helped). I still ponder for a way to get autoc

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
Francisco Demartino added the comment: > There is no way to safely inspect any Python object without triggering some > dunder functions like __getattr__, __getattribute__ or __dir__. But somehow inspect.getattr_static can do it? > Your change is not backwards compatible and m

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
Francisco Demartino added the comment: I've updated that branch and made a pull request (https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/248) I think this is a good compromise: inspect.getattr_static can tell if it's a property, and in that case we don't call getattr on it to prevent

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
Changes by Francisco Demartino : -- pull_requests: +213 status: pending -> open ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue29630> ___ ___ Python-bugs-lis

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
Francisco Demartino added the comment: This branch (working on the PR) fixes it: https://github.com/franciscod/cpython/tree/bpo-29630 -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue29

[issue29630] REPL tab-completion triggers code execution

2017-02-23 Thread Francisco Demartino
New submission from Francisco Demartino: On the REPL, when autocompleting with the TAB key, getattr is called, potentially triggering code execution. This took me by surprise. Until you press RETURN, it should be pretty safe to go around autocompleting with certainty that you won't ru

[issue28593] Inconsistent itertools' predicate behaviour

2016-11-04 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I think removing None as a valid predicate to filterfalse would make the API simpler, but I don't know if it's worth the API change, please do close the issue if you think it's not worth it. -- ___

[issue28593] Inconsistent itertools' predicate behaviour

2016-11-02 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: As per Terry's recommendation https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2016-November/146791.html Currently some functions in itertools (dropwhile and takewhile), don't accept None as a predicate, but filterfalse and groupby do. I'd

[issue28540] math.degrees(sys.float_info.max) should throw an OverflowError exception

2016-10-26 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Most functions in the math library raise an OverflowError when the arguments are finite but the result is not. >>> math.exp(sys.float_info.max) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in OverflowError: math range erro

[issue28475] Misleading error on random.sample when k < 0

2016-10-19 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45144/random_sample2.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28475> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue28476] Remove redundant definition of factorial on test_random

2016-10-19 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : -- components: Tests files: test_random.patch keywords: patch nosy: franciscouzo priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Remove redundant definition of factorial on test_random Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45142/test_random.patch

[issue28475] Misleading error on random.sample when k < 0

2016-10-19 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Improved a bit the error message when k < 0, and also added a comment about it on the documentation and an additional test case. -- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation, Library (Lib), Tests files: random_sample.patch keywords: pa

[issue28186] Autogenerated tabs / trailing whitespace

2016-09-17 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file44707/autogenerated_whitespace.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28186> ___ ___

[issue28145] Fix whitespace in C source code

2016-09-17 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I'm closing this issue since I've created new issues for each case, please refer to #28184, #28185, and #28186. -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.pytho

[issue28186] Autogenerated tabs / trailing whitespace

2016-09-17 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44709/autogenerated_whitespace2.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28186> ___ ___

[issue28186] Autogenerated tabs / trailing whitespace

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Fix some auto generated whitespace issues (tabs and trailing whitespace) -- files: autogenerated_whitespace.patch keywords: patch messages: 276774 nosy: franciscouzo priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Autogenerated tabs / trailing

[issue28184] Trailing whitespace in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44706/trailing_whitespace2.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28184> ___ ___ Pytho

[issue28185] Tabs in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44704/tabs_h.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28185> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue28185] Tabs in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file44703/tabs_h.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28185> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue28185] Tabs in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : -- versions: +Python 3.7 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44703/tabs_h.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue28

[issue28185] Tabs in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Files I didn't change: Python/dup2.c, Python/strdup.c (Since they are external dependencies) -- files: tabs_c.patch keywords: patch messages: 276762 nosy: franciscouzo, josh.r, mark.dickinson, martin.panter, r.david.murray, terry.reedy pri

[issue28184] Trailing whitespace in C source code

2016-09-16 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: As per Terry's recommendations (#28145), I'm going to open a new issue for each case. -- files: trailing_whitespace.patch keywords: patch messages: 276761 nosy: franciscouzo, josh.r, mark.dickinson, martin.panter, r.david.murray, t

[issue28169] shift exponent overflow

2016-09-15 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Steps to reproduce: make distclean LDFLAGS="-lasan -lubsan" CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined" ./configure ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_leaks=0" make UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS="allocator_may_ret

[issue27482] heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x6250000078ff

2016-09-15 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I can confirm this bug is also present in 3.7 -- nosy: +franciscouzo versions: +Python 3.7 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue27

[issue28145] Fix whitespace in C source code

2016-09-14 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: I changed most of the tabs in the source code to spaces, and removed trailing whitespace. I also made some scripts that generate code use spaces and not generate trailing whitespace. (makesetup and makeunicodedata.py) I fixed a typo in Modules/makesetup

[issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py

2016-09-14 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44652/scripts_google_v4.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue26830> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue28139] Misleading Indentation

2016-09-13 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: Fixed the warnings that appear when compiling 2.7 with -Wmisleading-indentation (Included in -Wall since GCC 6). Kinda related, though I don't think there would be too much interest in fixing it (all the tabs in Python's C source): $ find .

[issue21879] str.format() gives poor diagnostic on placeholder mismatch

2016-09-09 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : -- nosy: +franciscouzo ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21879> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue21879] str.format() gives poor diagnostic on placeholder mismatch

2016-09-09 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44490/format.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21

[issue27427] Math tests

2016-06-30 Thread Francisco Couzo
New submission from Francisco Couzo: I added some tests for the math module. -- components: Tests files: test_math.patch keywords: patch messages: 269632 nosy: franciscouzo priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Math tests versions: Python 3.6 Added file: http

[issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py

2016-04-29 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: Here's the patch with the modifications from the review. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42657/scripts_google_v2.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py

2016-04-23 Thread Francisco Couzo
Francisco Couzo added the comment: I was also going to refactor the other demo scripts, but first I wanted to make sure there was at least some kind of interest in it. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue26

[issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py

2016-04-22 Thread Francisco Couzo
Changes by Francisco Couzo : -- files: scripts_google.patch keywords: patch nosy: franciscouzo priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py type: enhancement versions: Python 3.6 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42572/scripts_google.patch

[issue13276] bdist_wininst-created installer does not run the postinstallation script when uninstalling

2016-02-16 Thread francisco
francisco added the comment: I believe that this bug—which I reported in 2011—is not correctly tagged, what may explain why it has not been fixed yet. Despite the fact that the original issue report contains a script to reproduce the bug and that msg148674 contains a patch to fix the issue

[issue19084] No way to use TLS-PSK from python ssl

2015-09-23 Thread Luiz Francisco Artigas de Prá
Changes by Luiz Francisco Artigas de Prá : -- nosy: +Luiz Francisco Artigas de Prá ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue19084> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue22603] Fix a typo in the contextlib docs

2014-10-10 Thread Francisco Fernández Castaño
Francisco Fernández Castaño added the comment: Under Fernández it's ok. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue22603> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue22603] Fix a typo in the contextlib docs

2014-10-10 Thread Francisco Fernández Castaño
New submission from Francisco Fernández Castaño: >From the code example at >https://docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.ContextDecorator "logging.info('Entering: {}'.format(name)) NameError: name 'name' is not defined" nam

[issue1602742] itemconfigure returns incorrect text property of text items

2014-07-06 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Hi, just a question: the status of this issue is pending but it seems to be already resolved/duplicated. Means that this issue can be closed? Thansk in advance! -- nosy: +francismb status: pending -> o

[issue14019] Unify tests for str.format and string.Formatter

2014-05-23 Thread Francisco Freire
Francisco Freire added the comment: Hi, I signed the contributor agreement. Thank you for your review comments. I did these tests about one year ago and right now I don't have much time to look at it again. I hope to do so in the next months. -- status: pending -&

[issue21422] int << 0: return the number unmodified

2014-05-13 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: > > What we want to test is that the return value is of type 'int', which is what > Victor's test checks. > Thank you for the explanations! for 2.7.6 type(2 << 62) is and type(2 << 61) is (I suppose it's

[issue21422] int << 0: return the number unmodified

2014-05-12 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: I Victor you were so fast, I started with one patch also in bool (at least the place was right). The problem is that I was getting some extrage (for me at least). As far I hat: def test_shifted_true(self): with self.assertRaises

[issue21422] int << 0: return the number unmodified

2014-05-12 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Hi, sorry if it's trivial but shouldn't we add a 'shifted_true' test some were to make sure that this behavior change gets noticed next time? def test_shifted_true(self): self.assertEqual(True << 0, 1) sel

[issue13630] IDLE: Find(ed) text is not highlighted while dialog box is open

2014-05-09 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: The neat program *redemo.py* toggles between *Highlight first match* and *Highlight all matches*. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue13

[issue13630] IDLE: Find(ed) text is not highlighted while dialog box is open

2014-05-08 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: I had problems for installing your *SearchBar*, Tal, in Python 33 and 34 until it downed onto me that in its present form it is only Python 2 compliant. This is then its first weakness, that of course can be easily remedied by applying *2to3.py* to it, as I

[issue21450] [Issue 13630] IDLE: Find(ed) text is not highlighted while dialog box is open

2014-05-07 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia: I was delighted with the behaviour of IDLE in version 3.4 until I noticed the problem of the matches with the non highlighted background in the modified (and in this sense improved) iterative text search operations. I was wondering how could this be possible

[issue14019] Unify tests for str.format and string.Formatter

2014-05-02 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: The formatter module was deprecated in Python 3.4 and is scheduled for removal in Python 3.6. See [1] and [2]. --- [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/formatter.html#module-formatter [2] https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.4.html#deprecated

[issue6839] zipfile can't extract file

2014-04-30 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: A small question related to: "zipfile_276_filename_mismatch_v3.patch" --- a/zipfile.pyWed Apr 30 11:44:38 2014 +++ b/zipfile.pyWed Apr 30 15:10:38 2014 @@ -970,10 +970,10 @@ if fheader[_FH_EXTRA_FI

[issue19856] shutil.move() can't move a directory in non-empty directory on Windows

2014-02-10 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: And finally the test runs: 1) The original. No new tests, no new patch. == CPython 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] == Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 little-endian == c:\users\brugue\appdata\local\temp\test_python_5444

[issue19856] shutil.move() can't move a directory in non-empty directory on Windows

2014-02-10 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: I've applied the patch manually to 2.7. Then I've done the tests again (notice test_A traceback): test_A: >>> import os, shutil >>> os.makedirs('foo') >>> os.makedirs('bar/foo') >>

[issue19856] shutil.move() can't move a directory in non-empty directory on Windows

2014-02-10 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: First I've reviewed #msg205585 again (no patch applied). Notice that Traceback was not accurate: test_A: >>> os.makedirs('foo') >>> os.makedirs('bar/foo') >>> shutil.move('foo/', &#x

[issue19856] Possible bug in shutil.move() on Windows

2013-12-08 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Just feedback on windows7. I tried the tests inside IDLE and done 'Run Module' (F5) (deleting the directories between tests): test_A: import os, shutil os.makedirs('foo') os.makedirs('bar/boo') shutil.move('foo/&#x

[issue19904] Add 128-bit integer support to struct

2013-12-08 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: > If performance is the reason for the feature: My impression is that > the goal of the struct module is not necessarily top performance. I'm not sure if it applies but on #19905 (message 205345 [1]) is said its a dependency for that iss

[issue19866] tests aifc, sunau and wave failures on a fresh Win64 installation

2013-12-04 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: On 12/03/2013 07:21 PM, Zachary Ware wrote: > > Zachary Ware added the comment: > > Francis, would you like to work on a patch for this? The change should go in > Tools/msi/msi.py, if I

[issue19866] tests aifc, sunau and wave failures on a fresh Win64 installation

2013-12-02 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Changes by Francisco Martín Brugué : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file32943/failed_test_wave.txt ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue19866> ___ ___ Pytho

[issue19866] tests aifc, sunau and wave failures on a fresh Win64 installation

2013-12-02 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Changes by Francisco Martín Brugué : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file32942/failed_test_sunau.txt ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue19866> ___ ___

[issue19866] tests aifc, sunau and wave failures on a fresh Win64 installation

2013-12-02 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
New submission from Francisco Martín Brugué: I've just installed Cpython 2.7.6 32bit on Windows64, run the tests [1] and some of them failed. Some of them seems related to audiodata not beeing installed. .\python.exe Lib\test\regrtest.py -v == CPython 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:

[issue19626] test_email and Lib/email/_policybase.py failures with -OO

2013-11-19 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: small correction: a fresh clone, then: ./configure --with-pydebug make -j4 ./python -OO -m test -v test_email -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue19

[issue19626] test_email and Lib/email/_policybase.py failures with -OO

2013-11-19 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Actual tip: changeset: 87276:2012e85638d9 date: Tue Nov 19 11:43:38 2013 -0800 It's a fresh clone, then: make clean ./configure --with-pydebug make -j4 ./python -OO -m test -v test_email == CPython 3.4.0a4+ (default:2012e85638d9, Nov 19 2013, 22:

[issue14019] Unify tests for str.format and string.Formatter

2013-08-24 Thread Francisco Freire
Francisco Freire added the comment: Thanks for the review. I corrected some issues in my code. Here is the new patch. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31453/mywork2.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14

[issue14019] Unify tests for str.format and string.Formatter

2013-08-08 Thread Francisco Freire
Francisco Freire added the comment: I increased the coverage of formatter module to 40%. I added a new file "test_formatter.py" including some unit tests. -- keywords: +patch nosy: +francisco.freire Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31202/my

[issue18288] Idle 2.7: Run Module does not set __file__

2013-06-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: >From Idle editor window (F5): >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ci/Prog/mypy/tem2.py", line 1, in print(__file__) NameError: name '__file__' is not defined >>> -- _

[issue18288] Idle 2.7: Run Module does not set __file__

2013-06-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: On Debian: * Command line 2.7.3 ~/Prog/mypy$ python2.7 tem2.py tem2.py ~/Prog/mypy$ python2.7 -m tem2 /home/ci/Prog/mypy/tem2.py * IDLE 2.7.3 >>> print(__file__) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in

[issue14264] Comparison bug in distutils2.version

2013-06-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: What the status of this issue?: the changeset http://hg.python.org/distutils2/rev/1e0ca4594a2a mentioned in msg155480 seems to add tests (but it hasn't been add to the issue explicitly). Can the issue be closed? -- nosy: +fran

[issue7267] format method: c presentation type broken

2013-03-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Adding a test that triggers the issue, let me know if is enough. -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29554/issue7267.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7267] format method: c presentation type broken

2013-03-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: In 2.7.3 >>> >>> u'{0:c}'.format(127) u'\x7f' >>> u'{0:c}'.format(128) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in u'{0:c}'.format(128) UnicodeDecodeErr

[issue13802] IDLE Prefernces/Fonts: use multiple alphabets in examples

2013-03-23 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Hi Terry, just take/put away some ... (they're not in a special order nor preference, just some that could 'see' in the browser). -- keywords: +patch nosy: +francismb Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29553/i

[issue15392] Create a unittest framework for IDLE

2013-03-22 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Changes by Francisco Martín Brugué : -- nosy: +francismb ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue15392> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue17267] datetime.time support for '+' and 'now'

2013-03-02 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Hi Joar, just a detail: is there a reason for the asymmetric check for timedelta isinstance (and raising NotImplemented)? And BTW. isn't a double check for the __sub__ case (or have I missed something)? +def __add__(self, other): +&

[issue16229] Module *redemo.py* lacking in recent Python distributions

2012-10-15 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: You are right. I am referring to the Windows installer. I forgot to mention that I am using Windows XP. Thank you. 2012/10/14 Ned Deily > > Ned Deily added the comment: > > The demo scripts in the Tools directory were cleaned up earlier in Py

[issue16233] IDLE: conceptual problems with *Class browser*

2012-10-14 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia: The *File* option in the menu bar of both the Python shell and the program editor have an entry called *Class Browser*. If one selects it from the shell window, one gets always an error message with the title: "No filename" which says: "Thi

[issue16229] Module *redemo.py* lacking in recent Python distributions

2012-10-14 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia: Since Python 3.2 the module *redemo.py* is lacking in the official Python distributions. The excellent and extremely useful *Regular expressions HOWTO* of 3.2.x and 3.3 keep however referring to it (although referring to the wrong path *Tools/demo

[issue16226] IDLE crashes on *File / Path browser*

2012-10-14 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia: The menu option *File / Path browser* (as well in the *Shell* window as in the *Editor* one) shows a new window with a tree structure rooted at *sys.path*. The available leaf nodes show the *plus* sign that usually implies that they can be expanded by

[issue14937] IDLE's deficiency in the completion of file names (Python 32, Windows XP)

2012-10-12 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: In my machine with Windows XP and Python 3.3.0 both variants work, the only difference being that 'c:/ brings up the selection box authomatically and 'c:\ requieres that it be summoned with the tab key, as indicated. 2012/10/12 Terry J. Reedy &

[issue16098] Bisect optimization in heapq.nsmallest is never used

2012-10-05 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: I've to say that I also ran into that by following coverage numbers and as a newbie is not so easy to see what Raymond told. IMHO that information could be put as a comment. Regards francis -- nosy: +fran

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-13 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: > So the tests failed but the benchmarks finished without issue? Yes. But the apparent diff is that I've used 2.6.8 If the benchmarks run without errors then I'm satisfied, else we figure out what this fails ever or we have a already tr

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-13 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: The box is a debian (wheezy): ci@random:~/Prog/cpython/benchmarks/py2$ uname -a Linux random 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 02:45:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux The source repository dir: ci@random:~/Prog/cpython/benchmarks/py2$ dir lib LICENSE.txt

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-13 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: The actual tip for me is: ci@random:~/Prog/cpython/benchmarks/py2$ hg tip changeset: 164:61768f86170c tag: tip user:Brett Cannon date:Fri Aug 31 18:58:24 2012 -0400 summary: Allow for the specification of a base directory

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-13 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Just info: I still can reproduce that. (It's maybe just something wrong with my setup?) -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27183/testsResult.txt ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue5765] stack overflow evaluating eval("()" * 30000)

2012-08-19 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Just curiosity: how relate the magic numbers 10 and 2000 in test_compiler_recursion_limit to recursion_depth and recursion_limit Thanks! -- nosy: +francismb ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.

[issue14929] IDLE crashes on *Edit / Find in files ...* command

2012-06-03 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: While your are at it, here is another suggestion: what the *Find in files ...* dialog needs most urgently in my opinion is a field for specifying clearly the directory from which the user wants to launch the search. Also in my modest opinion, having an

[issue14937] IDLE's deficiency in the completion of file names (Python 32, Windows XP)

2012-06-02 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: Is there any necessity at all for the IDLE to test the validity of the filenames? I mean: the file specification is provided by the underlying operating system, so by definition it has to be taken as valid. Testing for its validity is superfluous and, in

[issue14937] IDLE's deficiency in the completion of file names (Python 32, Windows XP)

2012-05-28 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: I would be delighted, but unfortunately I am a very poor programmer and do not have the slightest idea of how all this works. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14

[issue14937] IDLE's deficiency in the completion of file names (Python 32, Windows XP)

2012-05-28 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia : I find specially nice the completion feature for filenames of IDLE when they include long paths, something that is more mand more frequent with big disks and infinite amounts of files. But there is a small problem with it. If the name of any of the

[issue14929] IDLE crashes on *Edit / Find in files ...* command (Python 3.2, Windows XP)

2012-05-27 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia : There is little more that I can add to the title statement. 1. Start IDLE 2. Go to *Edit* menu option 3. Select *Find in files...* option 4. Put some word in the *Find* input box 5. Press *Search files* button When the command is issued the

[issue14924] re.finditer() oddity

2012-05-27 Thread Francisco Gracia
Francisco Gracia added the comment: Thank you both for your quick and clear explanations. However I regret that I keep considering the situation rather unsatisfactory. I can well understand that all objects are true and even that the convention that applies to some of them, like containers

[issue14924] re.finditer() oddity

2012-05-27 Thread Francisco Gracia
New submission from Francisco Gracia : I find baffling the following behaviour of *re.finditer()*: Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:29:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more informatio

[issue14466] Rip out mq instructions

2012-04-30 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Just for the record: Thanks to the old mq workflow in the devguide I've learned about them and I'm now using it all the time to send and manage the patches. The only thing is that one should first use the “qqueue” functionality (see “hg h

[issue13579] string.Formatter doesn't understand the a conversion specifier

2012-04-30 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: The patch is updated. Please let me know. And as Éric noticed the NEWS entry could be: Issue #13579: string.Formatter now understands the "a" conversion specifier. Thanks! -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org

[issue13579] string.Formatter doesn't understand the !a conversion specifier

2012-03-17 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: Ok, I've updated the patch. The NEWS entry could be: Issue #13579: string.Formatter now understands the !a conversion specifier. (not in the patch because AFAIN it makes the merge easier) Let me know if that's in the line you want.

[issue13579] string.Formatter doesn't understand the !a conversion specifier

2012-03-17 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: > However, I have not actually applied and run test_string.py. I've applied the issue13579_4720cc9e.patch to the changeset 0554183066b5 and applies without errors for me. -- ___ Python tracke

[issue14183] Test coverage for packaging.install and packaging.pypi.wrapper

2012-03-04 Thread Francisco Martín Brugué
Francisco Martín Brugué added the comment: I've updated the patch. Let me know if something has to be changed. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file24727/issue14183_fbb9847b8f43.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

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