Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
I think this pep is related to the issue and could be a solution:
nosy: +tds333
Python tracker
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Thanks for fixing this so fast. Good work.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
New submission from Wolfgang Langner:
The output for "python --help" for the option -B is wrong.
It contains also the old pyo files. But they were removed.
Output is:
-B : don't write .py[co] files on import; also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=x
should be:
-B : don't
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Also verified on CentOS 6.8 with devtoolset2 installed, gcc 4.8.2
Python 3.6b2 builds fine, all unittest ok.
This is the same devtoolset as used on CentOS 5 manylinux1.
Have no CentOS 5 VM available to do more tests. But gcc 4.8 is able to build
Python 3.6
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Please check if you have enabled the compiler as default by enabling the
devtoolset on CentOS 5.
I have compiled Python 3.6b2 on Ubuntu 14.04 with gcc 4.8.4 without any
Therefore gcc 4.8.2 should not be that different.
Also keep in mind the
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
But this is nearly the same as a *.pth file.
Using the same logic and extension then does not confuse more users.
Why not doing the same as with a .pth file?
Using something like a _sys.pth file if it is there it will be used for path
handling. In all cases
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
If this is only for the use case of embedded distribution we are now only to
steps away to provide a easy custom shipping of applications for Windows.
1. Take the file name of the executable to load a custom EXECUTABLENAME.path
2. Allow to specify a
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
This can be related to building manylinux1 binaries where the Centos 5.11 is
There can be a possibility to break manaylinux1 builds for Python 3.6, they are
used to distribute packages for every Linux distribution.
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Yes this is the cause. If it is renamed to python36.zip everything works fine.
For the test I have only extracted the distributed zip and executed python.exe.
Had not looked further into the issue. So only the simple report something did
not work.
New submission from Wolfgang Langner:
Tried to extract Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file and execute it.
But following error happened (3.6.0a1):
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec
ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
Current thread 0x
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Ok, I implemented point 3.
Check if it is a dir or file and makepath only in this case.
All other entries are added unmodified to the set.
Added a test case also for an URL path.
I think duplicate detection is now improved and it should break nothing
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
I think a fix for 3.6 only is ok, because it changes behaviour.
But this is only an internal function with a "_".
Should I add a test with a temporary created pth file?
Python trac
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Extended unit test for the issue and patch for site.py.
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42225/site.patch
Python tracker
New submission from Wolfgang Langner:
In site.py there is the internal function _init_pathinfo() This function builds
a set of path entries from sys.path. This is used to avoid duplicate entries in
But this function has a check if it is a directory with os.path.isdir(...). All
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
As a note, I had problems installing Python 3.5 on a computer at work.
The redist package could not install with access denied error.
But the workaround installing the Universal CRT update helped.
After this I was able to install Python 3.5 without problems
New submission from Wolfgang Langner:
In the Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file in
are a lot of big EXE files. Possible during build for different
VC compilers.
I don't know the exact structure but thing there should only be EXE's
for the actual used c
New submission from Wolfgang Langner:
The Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file (and possible the one for 32bit)
includes some unnecessary test folders in python35.zip with test scripts.
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
Why not implement this pattern with
def dirs(pattern)
def files(pattern)
where both are a simple shortcut for
(p for p in mypath.glob(pattern) if p is_file())
or is_dir()
nosy: +tds333
Wolfgang Langner added the comment:
expandvars(), and expanduser() is part of os.path.
Boot functions are needed for path objects and very useful.
And yes it is a simple string substitution but very common.
nosy: +tds333
Python tracker
New submission from Wolfgang Langner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Some links still point to the sourceforge bug tracker.
(one from http://pypi.python.org/pypi bug reports).
Check if there are others and let them point to the new bug tracker.
components: None
messages: 69680
New submission from Wolfgang Langner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
References can be added case sensitive as .. _myRef:
but only used case insensitive with :ref:`myref`
usage of :ref:`myRef` doesn't generate a working reference.
Make this behavior consistent please, always case insensitiv
Wolfgang Langner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
In this cases it is not really possible to sniff the right delimiter.
To not allow digits or letters is not a good solution.
I think the behavior as now is ok, and at this time I see now way to
Wolfgang Langner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The sniffer returns an dialect that is not really correct. Because the
delimiter is set to value and in this case there is no delimiter.
See it as, it returns a random delimiter if there is not really one.
But your usage of the Dict
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