Wes Turner added the comment:
> * Would this make it easy/faster to also have a DefaultOrderedDict (which
can/could also be accomplished with .get(attr, []) and .setdefault ?
On May 29, 2015 2:39 PM, "Eric Snow" wrote:
> Eric Snow added the comment:
> Planning on
Wes Turner added the comment:
* Macros could be useful.
* Would this make it easy/faster to also have a DefaultOrderedDict (which
can/could also be accomplished with .get(attr, []) and .setdefault(attr, [])?
* There may be some value in looking at
Wes Turner added the comment:
re: Backporting to Python 2.7: maybe something like:
backports.ssl (like backports.ssl_match_hostname)
nosy: +westurner
Wes Turner added the comment:
Added patch to random.shuffle for trunk
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30985/random-shuffle_trunk.patch
Python tracker
Wes Turner added the comment:
Added patch to random.shuffle for v2.7.5
keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30984/random-shuffle_v2.7.5.patch
Python tracker
New submission from Wes Turner:
random.shuffle [1][2] could be faster.
``xrange(10,1,-1)`` is faster than ``reversed(xrange(1,10))``.
[1] http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/v3.3.2/Lib/random.py#l254
[2] http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/v2.7.5/Lib/random.py#l276
components: Library