Vidhya added the comment:
The PR for the email parser doc update is:
Can someone review it pls.
Python tracker
Change by Vidhya :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29874
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
@hniksic: Thanks for your suggestions. I will look into BytesFeedParser
@david.murray: I can help you for the switch over to the default in the default
policy and update the deprecation as well. It will be good if someone can guide
me on this. Being a
Vidhya added the comment:
Thanks Irit for your help.
On Thu., Mar. 3, 2022, 10:17 a.m. Irit Katriel,
> Irit Katriel added the comment:
> Thank you @vidhya.
> --
> resolution: -> fixed
> stage: patch review -> res
Vidhya added the comment:
Thanks for your comments :). The PR for the same is:
message_count: 21.0 -> 22.0
pull_requests: +29760
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Vidhya added the comment:
@Jelle: Thanks. The PR is submitted at
keywords: +patch
message_count: 9.0 -> 10.0
pull_requests: +29758
Vidhya added the comment:
The latest versions 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are updated in the issue. So I thought
like it still applies.
@irit: Any suggestions on what needs to be done for current revisions?
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance] If this is still open, I can update
the document.
After reading all the above comments, planning to add
"The __enter__ method returns the ExitStack instance, and performs no
additional operations."
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance]
If this is still open, I can work on this.
I plan to add the following in sys.exit() and add a reference to thread.exit()
When called from a thread other than the
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance] If this is still open, I like to
work on this.
Also, planning to add the following(if no PR yet created) at make_header API at :
To get unicode strings use the API as
Vidhya added the comment:
Thanks Alex. I will look into @slateny's patch.
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
If this is still open, I would like to work on this. Please let me know.
nosy: +vidhya
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance]If this is not yet fixed, I can work
on this. Please let me know.
nosy: +vidhya
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance]The rst file is updated in this pull
Unable to update GitHub PR in the issue. Getting the following error "Edit
Error: GitHub PR already added to
Change by Vidhya :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29609
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
[Entry level contributor seeking guidance]The PR on this issue looks closed. I
worked on this and attaching the updated html file.
I will open a pull request if this is not yet resolved.
nosy: +vidhya.friend
Added file:
Change by Vidhya :
pull_requests: +29552
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
A pull request is created at
Python tracker
Vidhya added the comment:
I am newbie to Python developer group and have the document source build and
compiled successfully.
Is this issue updated in the document.
I would like to work on this if this is not closed.
Please let me know.
nosy: +vidhya.friend
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