Thane Brimhall added the comment:
I've signed the agreement. I will do the necessary research to figure out how
to do unit tests and documentation updates.
I should also mention that while maintaining API-compatibility with `profile`
was a stated goal, it turns out that the pure-p
Thane Brimhall added the comment:
So this is my first time contributing to Python, but here's a (trivial) patch
for this issue. Let me know what else is required to make this happen. I
suspect unit tests and documentation updates?
keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.pytho
New submission from Thane Brimhall:
Using the pstats class to print off profiler results is helpful when you want
to filter, order, and limit the number of returned lines. I'd rather see the
most commonly-used subset of pstats functionality included in the profiler's
New submission from Thane Brimhall:
When using the cProfile and pstats modules, I often forget which string keys
are available for sorting. It would be nice to add an enum for these so a user
could have their linter and IDE check that value pre-runtime.
By subclassing both `str` and `Enum
New submission from Thane Brimhall:
The `enable` and `disable` methods on the profilers fit the description of a
context manager very well. The following code:
pr = cProfile.Profile()
# ... do something ...
Would turn into