[issue2245] aifc cannot handle unrecognised chunk type "CHAN"

2009-04-28 Thread Santiago Peresón
Santiago Peresón added the comment: the attached file triggers the bug. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13803/Sine-1000Hz-300ms.aif.zip ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue2

[issue2245] aifc cannot handle unrecognised chunk type "CHAN"

2009-04-25 Thread Santiago Peresón
Santiago Peresón added the comment: [1] couldn't find the spec at developer.apple.com, but the linked one seems to be a copy of the original 1991 spec. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/i

[issue2245] aifc cannot handle unrecognised chunk type "CHAN"

2009-04-25 Thread Santiago Peresón
Santiago Peresón added the comment: according to the spec at http://www.cnpbagwell.com/aiff-c.txt [1]: "Dealing with Unrecognized Local Chunks When reading an IFF file, your program may encounter local chunk types that it doesn't recognize, perhaps extensions defined after your p