Roumen Petrov added the comment:
STINNER Victor wrote:
> [SNIP]I attach which doesn't force the Python implementation
> of RLock.[SNIP]
Ok. Fine with me.
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
STINNER Victor wrote:
> For the third time, only the Python implementation has the bug, and
> it's not used by default. So the bug was fixed in Python 3 since 3.2.
> It's time to upgrade guys ;-)
Did you mean to downgrade? Tested with Pytho
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
hmm issue still exist in master branch.
Lets wait python 4 for sane behaviour.
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
more simple correction is attached to issue17219
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
PATH_MAX in duplicate with issue8548
Instead to modify BASECFLAGS user could configure with CPPFLAGS set if symbolic
links are missing .
In addition 5.9 package creates links so work around is not required .
Please close as invalid
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Hi Mark,
#else before is not solution. See unified diff below as post by Scott Rostrup
lack definition
Some additional information:
a) move outside #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H : definition PATH_MAX is not related to
control functions on open files (fcntl.h)
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
dellair jie wrote:
> dellair jie added the comment:
> Applied the patch 0001-CYGWIN-issue13756-Python-make-fail-on-cygwin.patch in
> case:
> The build failed with parser module:
> building
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
STINNER Victor wrote:
> STINNER Victor added the comment:
> I found this patch:
Sure. It seems to me it is extracted from issue3871 .
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
P.S. two patches posted to Issue17219 are for master branch as second one
should apply cleanly to current.
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
actually proposed fix is my patch from 17219 with long history before.
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
For protocol - as requested patches attached to this issue are split ans posted
as separate issues.
Please follow those listed below:
issue18654 - modernize mingw&cygwin compiler classes (new)
issue17605 - mingw-meta: build interpreter core
issue18653 - m
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
this is meta issue for enhancement of issue3871 - part related to
installation. Remark: build of core modules is in issue18653 .
01 : issue19241 : install import library
02 : issue19242 : generalization of posix installation in distutils
03 : issue19243
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Enhancement of issue3871 - installation
components: Installation
files: 0004-use-replace-instead-rename-to-avoid-failure-on-windo.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 199693
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: MINGW: use
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
type: -> enhancement
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871
components: Extension Modules, Installation
files: 0003-MINGW-support-stdcall-without-underscore.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 199692
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: MINGW: support stdcall
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
type: -> enhancement
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
components: +Installation
versions: +Python 3.4
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Enhancement of issue3871 - installation
files: 0002-MINGW-generalization-of-posix-installation-in-distut.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 199690
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: MINGW: generalization of posix
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Enhancement of issue3871 - installation
components: Installation
files: 0001-MINGW-install-import-library.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 199689
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: MINGW: install import library
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Added file:
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Now issue18654 "modernize mingw&cygwin compiler classes" contain enhancement
that could be reused by this issue: patch
" from archive , i.e. lets avoid change in get_msvcr
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
I would like to config that path to this issue is one of those for issue3871 -
my patch for 2.6/2.7 enhanced by "?? (sorry I forgot user :( ) " for 3.0 .
Now as requested "all in one patch" is split and first set is listed in
issue17605 &q
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
please follow build of core modules - issue18653 .
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
This patch require "modernize mingw&cygwin compiler classes" now opened as
separate issue18654 .
Python tracker
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Proposed customization allow users to build extension module for windows with
GNU compiler in all environments:
- native with installed official build of python for windows
- native either MSYS or CYGWIN enviroment and python build with GCC
- cross-build in
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Python mingw and cygwin compiler classes tests for outdated features. Also
python code set some flags like zero optimization level and etc. that prevent
users to build optimized python or even worse build to fail.
This issue is part of split of issue3871
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871 - this is meta issue only for part related to build core.
Remark: build of interpreter core is in issue17605 .
Now split is:
- 01 issue13756 : Python make fail on cygwin
- 02 issue17219 : add current dir in library path if building python
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: improved patch
components: Build, Cross-Build, Extension Modules
files: 0023-MINGW-customize-site.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194205
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: improved patch
assignee: eric.araujo
components: Build, Cross-Build, Distutils, Extension Modules
files: 0022-MINGW-generalization-of-posix-build-in-distutils-sys.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194204
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: patch is not required in cross-build
assignee: eric.araujo
components: Build, Distutils, Extension Modules
files: 0021-MINGW-avoid-circular-dependency-from-time-module-dur.patch
keywords: patch
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: improved patch
components: Build, Cross-Build
keywords: patch
messages: 194202
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Extension Modules, Interpreter Core
files: 0019-MINGW-export-_PyNode_SizeOf-as-PyAPI-for-parser-modu.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194201
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Build, Cross-Build, Extension Modules
files: 0018-MINGW-setup-_ssl-module.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194200
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: setup
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: required by on hosts with
installed only shared (DLL) packages.
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0017-MINGW-find-import-library.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194198
nosy: rpetrov
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules: improved version based on
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0016-MINGW-use-Mingw32CCompiler-as-default-compiler-for-m.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194197
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Attached up to date version of patch.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
Removed file:
Python tracker
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
Now more simple version of previous patch.
components: Build
files: 0015-MINGW-build-extensions-with-GCC.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194193
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Build
files: 0014-MINGW-setup-msvcrt-and-_winapi-modules.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194192
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: setup msvcrt and _winapi
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Build
files: 0013-MINGW-exclude-unix-only-modules.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194191
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: exclude unix only modules
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 (build core modules) - improved winsock detection. Requires
NT 5.1+ (wxp).
Note if you like python winsock for w2k then please extract from old 'all in
one' patch.
components: Build
files: 0012-MINGW-defect-winsock2
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
enhancement of issue3871 ( build core modules ).
Part of issue 3871 is python libffi source for gnu assembler on 32 windows
platform. The functionality is same as inlined assembled for MSC. Note python
specific libffi customization is not in mainstream libffi
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - part for build of core modules.
components: Build
files: 0007-MINGW-ignore-main-program-for-frozen-scripts.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193318
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: ignore
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Build
files: 0010-MINGW-setup-select-module.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193321
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: setup select module
type: enhancement
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - build core modules.
components: Build
files: 0009-MINGW-setup-_multiprocessing-module.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193320
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: setup _multiprocessing
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - part for build of core modules.
components: Build
files: 0008-MINGW-setup-exclude-termios-module.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193319
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: setup exclude
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
This patch cannot be closed as contain some fixes not reported/proposed yet .
For instance I'm not aware of name clash in Modules/_pickle.c .
I think that other are in scope of issue3871 or earlier .
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Enhancement of issue3871 - part for build of core modules.
Patch in scope of 3871 is designed for compatibility with specific for MSC
build installation
scheme. Users don't like this.
Updated patch is part of support 'posix' build and inst
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - part for build of core modules.
components: Build
files: 0005-MINGW-dynamic-loading-support.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193249
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: dynamic loading
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
new patch - improved version with support for build of core modules
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Split of issue3871 - part for build of core modules.
components: Build
files: 0004-MINGW-configure-for-shared-build.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 193246
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: configure for
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
nosy: +rpetrov
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Oscar, 10x for info
I know how to find information for this particular case .
So you last post just confrim what I wrote before two years (
2011-08-03 )
Go ahead and just remove flag.
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> [SNIP]The option was only ever meaningful in cygwin's gcc 3.x and was
> always an error in 4.x.
May be . It seems to me flag was removed in GCC 4.5 .
Python tra
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> Oscar Benjamin added the comment:
> I have written a function that can be used to determine if the gcc
> that distutils will use is from Cygwin or MinGW:
> def is_cygwingcc():
> '''Try to determ
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871 - this is meta issue only for part related to build
interpreter core.
Goal is statically linked python executable (python.exe).
Patch set consist of :
- 01 Issue17148 : nt thread model detection
- 02 issue17590 : translate gcc internal
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Interpreter Core
files: 0015-MINGW-use-main-to-start-execution.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185666
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: use main() to start execution
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871 - actually this is not mingw* specific - it is for all
platforms without fileblocks
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0014-MINGW-AC_LIBOBJ-replacement-of-fileblocks.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185665
nosy: rpetrov
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Part is split of issue3871.
Based of feedback to issue3871 users prefer to use posix installation scheme
and this is implementation of 'relative' posix prefix.
components: Interpreter Core
files: 0013-MINGW-default-sys.path-calculations-f
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871.
(now without to impact other platforms - it will remain build-in module)
components: Interpreter Core
files: 0012-MINGW-determine-if-pwdmodule-should-be-used.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185663
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871.
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0011-MINGW-build-in-windows-modules-winreg.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185661
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: build-in windows modules (winreg
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871.
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0010-MINGW-detect-REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185660
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: detect REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871.
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0009-MINGW-init-system-calls.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185659
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: init system calls
type: enhancement
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871.
May be best solution is to move "errmap.h" from PC/ to Objects/ and to use
platform specific filename.
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0008-MINGW-add-srcdir-PC-to-CPPFLAGS.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 1
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0007-MINGW-add-wincrypt.h-in-Python-random.c.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185656
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: add wincrypt.h in Python/random.c
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0006-MINGW-configure-largefile-support-for-windows-builds.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185655
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: configure largefile
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871, but implement ed differently - externalize some configure
defaults instead to update configure script for each check
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0005-MINGW-preset-configure-defaults.patch
keywords: patch
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0004-MINGW-configure-MACHDEP-and-platform-for-build.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185650
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: configure MACHDEP and
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Cross-Build
files: 0003-MINGW-use-header-in-lowercase.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185648
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: use header in lowercase
versions: Python 3.4
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
split of issue3871
components: Build, Cross-Build
files: 0002-MINGW-translate-gcc-internal-defines-to-python-platf.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 185647
nosy: rpetrov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mingw: translate gcc
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
Hi Ned,
> Ned Jackson Lovely added the comment:
> In both cases, the currently running python executable, fetched via
> sys.executable and run using os.popen, is used to print the value, instead of
> the shell's echo. This moves thin
Hi Ned,
Ned Jackson Lovely added the comment:
In both cases, the currently running python executable, fetched via
sys.executable and run using os.popen, is used to print the value, instead of
the shell's echo. This moves things closer towards cross-platform niceness, and
removes the
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
This is issue introduced with implementation of SOABI. Build of standard
extensions is protected by following code:
class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
def __init__(self, dist):
build_ext.__init__(self, dist)
self.failed = []
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
GNU binutils properly document that flag --enable-new-dtags is only available
on ELF systems.
I would like to propose a simple hack to avoid activation if ELF is not listed
in supported emulations.
Comments in are not precise : "# G
New submission from Roumen Petrov:
Version of gcc compiler may differ between build and host system. As result
could be activated unsupported options and build of _decimal module will fail.
components: Cross-Build
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
How to reproduce issue with normal in source tree build ?
I'm asking because to avoid issue, on read only file system , I use patch
posted in scope of issue3754 and issue15833
(0016-CROSS-reload-may-fail-with-operation-on-closed-file-.patch) .
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
> Dan added the comment:
> Guys, this looks really bad and inconveniences a lot of users. You install
> the latest MinGW and Distutils from their default location, try using them on
> **anything that requires compilation**, and get the cryptic
Roumen Petrov added the comment:
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Roumen Petrov :
components: +Cross-Build -Build
type: -> compile error
Python tracker
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