Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
I have reproduced on python3.10 and validated this is also happening for other
python versions:
# PYTHON 3.9
$ mkdir /tmp/bar
$ cd /tmp/bar
$ rmdir /tmp/bar
$ python3.9
Python 3.9.5 (default, May 19 2021, 11:32:47)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help",
Change by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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New submission from Raúl Cumplido :
We are going to start the python 3.10 work on the python-docs-es and we have
realised that when accessing: https://docs.python.org/3/
It is still redirecting to Python 3.9.7 documentation
As Python 3.10 was released yesterday shouldn't the default docs
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
This has been merged on the peps repo and can be closed.
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Thanks! I have created a PR for it on the peps repo.
I can't seem to be able to link the Github PR correctly. Probably because it's
not on the cpython repo.
Change by Raúl Cumplido :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21575
stage: -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22580
Python tracker
New submission from Raúl Cumplido :
The Doc/library/asyncio-policy.rst file contains the following:
This implementation registers a :py:data:`SIGCHLD` signal handler on
instantiation. That can break third-party code that installs a custom handler
for `SIGCHLD`. signal).
The latest
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
ping, any comment on the patch that was provided during the PyCon 2015 sprints?
Python tracker
Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Added new patch as per review comments.
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39069/21327.2.patch
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
I am not sure what the expected behavior is. Based on the code on pydoc.py we
can find:
def getdoc(object):
"""Get the doc string or comments for an object."""
result = inspect.getdoc(object) or inspect.getcomments(object
Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Added changes on both places where there was still references to find_module
without specifying that has been deprecated.
keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39021/issue23936.patch
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Added docs and test in the patch.
keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39009/issue21327.patch
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Added patch that solves issue, but I am not sure this is what you expect. If
you think this is the expected behavior I will add docs and tests:
>>> sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_STREAM | socket.SOCK_NONBLOCK)
>>> sock.type
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Forget my previous comment. Done with Linux and had the initial behavior again:
>>> s = socket.socket()
>>> s.type
>>> s.settimeout(2)
>>> s.type
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
While reproducing it I've seen that this has been already solved:
>>> sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> sock.type
>>> sock.settimeout(2)
>>> sock.type
But the next is still not correct:
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
after conversation with @r.david.murray I understand that we only want to
return the type, not all the flags, so the function will return just the
socket.SOCK_STREAM or socket.SOCK_DGRAM ...
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
@haypo Would you expect the new function to return a tuple?
>>> socket.get_socket_type(sock)
>>> socket.get_socket_type(sock2)
Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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New submission from Raúl Cumplido:
While taking a look on the import mechanisms I've seen in the documentation
that find_module has been deprecated for find_spec, but on different parts of
the documentation there are still references to find_module, as in the
definition of sys.meta
Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
>From your question, yes I have completed the form.
I've added a new patch just with the documentation change and changing the
output from the help command as it was wrong. If it doesn't make sense do let
me know. I've done it from 3.4
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
thanks for the comments.
@haypo I'll add a new one for the pep8 fixes, sorry.
@vinay.sajip I would like to help and try to do the change myself, if this is
ok with you
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
So, do you think that maybe adding something to the documentation. Or we just
leave it as it is?
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Added tests (hope is what you expect) and changed some bits on the test file to
be pep8 comliant.
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37944/23357.2.patch
Python tracker
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
Patch that solves the issue.
I am on Misc/ACKS on branch 3.4 but not on default branch. I would appreciate
if that gets merged to be added :)
keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37936/23357.patch
New submission from Raúl Cumplido:
Currently when you execute pyvenv the help message is wrong:
host@~ $ pyvenv
usage: venv [-h] [--system-site-packages] [--symlinks | --copies] [--clear]
[--upgrade] [--without-pip]
venv: error: the following
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Changes by Raúl Cumplido :
nosy: +raulcd
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Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
It was also incorrect on the example for bytes split:
>>> b'1,2,3'.split(b',', maxsplit=1)
[b'1', b'2 3']
Patch submitted.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Raúl Cumplido added the comment:
As it is a simple one I will try to submit a patch today or tomorrow. This will
be my first contribution to Python.
nosy: +raulcd
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