Po-Hsu Lin added the comment:
Yes I think you are right,
return None sounds like a good approach to me as we might have zh_TW translated
but not lzh_TW.
Python tracker
Po-Hsu Lin added the comment:
Yes, this is related to the language setting in Ubuntu, as the locale should be
set to zh_TW instead of lzh_TW when the Timezone was set to Taipei.
But even so, I think this bug is still valid, as the lzh_TW does not exist in
the lib at all
New submission from Po-Hsu Lin :
The lzh_tw locale (Literary Chinese) is not available in Lib/locale.py
This issue will cause error like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk", line 598, in
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-