Pierrick Koch added the comment:
Fix patch from Xavier's comment, sorry for the delay.
Lib/test/test_asynchat.py passes (Ran 27 tests in 1.431s)
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33898/cpython.asyncore_4.patch
Python tracker
Pierrick Koch added the comment:
last patch, replaced:
self.producer_fifo.appendleft([data, first])
self.producer_fifo.extendleft([data, first])
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30612/cpython.asyncore_3.patch
Python tracker
Pierrick Koch added the comment:
sorry for the delay, here is the updated patch,
shall I add a new class in Lib/test/test_asynchat.py ?
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30545/cpython.asyncore.patch
Python tracker
New submission from Pierrick Koch:
del deque[0] is not safe, see the attached patch for the
asynchat.async_chat.initiate_send method.
fix the "IndexError: deque index out of range" of "del self.producer_fifo[0]"
Pierrick Koch