New submission from Pierre Bourdon :
In part 3.1.1 of the Python 3.1 tutorial, the following code sample is
obsolete :
>>> 8/5 # Fractions aren't lost when dividing integers
In a fresh Python 3.1, 8/5 is now displayed as 1.6. The note below the
code sample sho
New submission from Pierre Bourdon :
Chapter 14 (Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations) of the
Python 3.x tutorial contains integers with long suffix (424242L) when
talking about as_integer_ratio.
Patch is attached.
assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
Pierre Bourdon added the comment:
I don't think this is a valid issue : real and imag are just properties
of complex objects, not methods !
nosy: +delroth
Python tracker
New submission from Pierre Bourdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
When using the speed() function of the turtle module under Mac OS X,
it has no effect : the turtle always draws lines with the same speed.
An easy fix is to replace line 553 of the file
by "sleep(self._delay / 1000.0